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how to read a paper

放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2006-04-11 浏览次数: 413




      1. did you miss a critical point, or (this happens) did they?

      2. Did they mislead you with their title?

      记住:having a list that varies from the list of actual experiments done by the authors is perfectly OK.


      Skip/ignore anything that doesn’t answer your questions. Then, generate your list of experiments.



      ahow and why the experiments were performed. You can then tell how close your list is to theirs.

      bget a sense for the order in which experiments are going to be presented. Ignore everything else.


      aLet them tell you why they did the experiments, and what they think happened as a result. Assume everything they tell you is the absolute truth

      bcompare your list with theirs

      Write down what differences there are, and note why you think the lists are different: are the authors leaving things out you’d like to see, or are they on a different track than you?

      The key here is to fully understand their train of thought. If you can’t figure it out, write that down, too, specifying exactly where you fell off

      the train. Then move on. From here on, focus on the material you understand from the Results, and ignore what you don’t understand.


      BE CRITICAL: Assume they are trying to pull a fast one on you.

      Make sure that when they say something, the data actually show it.


      1. what are the controls for that experiment?

      2. How do you know that this result isn’t due to something else?


      Challenge yourself to find alternate explanations for the results:

      1. what do you think they chose to omit?

      2. Why did they omit it?


      4looking for a clear justification for why the authors chose to do their experiments.

      What is the main question that they claim to be answering?

      5Compare the authorsmain question, their data, and their conclusions.

      1. did they answer their question?

      2. Did they do the right experiments to address their question?

      3. If your list of experiments differs from theirs, is their line of experimentation better?

      4. If you had to answer this research question, knowing all that you know now, how would you do it? Maybe borrow some of their experiments? Or do exactly what they did?

      6Read the discussion

      The discussion should tell you why their work is important, and how it advances the field.


      7Project into the future.



      1. What phrases do they use to introduce their ideas?

      2. How are the figures labeled?

      3. Is this a well-constructed paper?

      4. Is there anything in the paper you'd like to emulate?

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