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        一般来说,一篇完整规范的学术论文由以下各部分构成: Title (标题)

      Abstract (摘要)

      Keywords (关键词)

      Table of contents (目录)

      Nomenclature (术语表)

      Introduction (引言)

      Method (方法)

      Results (结果)

      Discussion (讨论)

      Conclusion (结论)

      Acknowledgement (致谢)

      Reference (参考文献)

      Appendix (附录)

        其中 Title Abstract Introduction Method Result Discussion Conclusion Reference 等八项内容是必不可少的(其他内容根据具体需要而定)。在这八项内容中,读者最多的是 Title Abstract Introduction 部分,读者会根据这些内容来决定是否阅读全文。也就是说,一篇研究论文赢得读者的多少,在很大程度上取决于 Title Abstract Introduction 写得好坏。因此这三项内容将各分章详细加以讲述。

        学术论文的正文一般包括 Method Result Discussion 三个部分。这三部分主要描述研究课题的具体内容、方法,研究过程中所使用的设备、仪器、条件,并如实公布有关数据和研究结果等。 Conclusion 是对全文内容或有关研究课题进行的总体性讨论。它具有严密的科学性和客观性,反映一个研究课题的价值,同时提出以后的研究方向。


      6.1 标题的长度标题单词总数名词数介词数形容词等 1 Fire Resistant Steels for Construction Design Properties and Microchemistry 9 6 1 2 2 Damping Capacity of Shape Memory Alloy 6 5 1 0 3 Microelectronic Assembly and Packaging Technology Barriers and Needs 8 5 0 3 14 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell A Survey 6 4 0 2 5 Progress on Fuel Cell and Its Materials 7 4 1 2 6 Computer Simulation and Experimental Study on Cold Shut During Mold Filling 11 5 2 4 英语科技论文中,标题不宜过长,大多为 8—12 个单词左右。表 6.1 和表 6.2 列出了一些学术论文的标题的字数及词性统计资料。

        表 6.1 学术论文标题中字数及词性统计(一)

        标题单词总数名词数介词数形容词等 7 On the Fatigue Life Prediction of Spot Welded Components 9 5 2 2 8 Absorbable Implants in Finger Fractures A Biomechanical and Comparative Study 10 4 1 4 9 Acoustics of Long Spaces Theory and Application 7 4 l 2 10 Investigation of Air Bags Deployment Forces on Out-of-Position Occupant 7 2 0 11 Semi-Integral Abutments in Bridge Seismic Design 6 3 l 2 12 High Speed Flow Sensor and Fluid Power Systems Modelling 9 7 0 2 13 Surface Engineering of Polymers for Biomedical Application 7 4 2 l 14 The Design of User-Oriented Database of Material Performance Based on Client/Server Model 13 7 3 3. 15 Impingement Heat Transfer of Diesel Flames in a Rapid Compression and Expansion Machine 13 8 2 3 平均(约) 9 5.5 1.5 2 来源:中国第三届青年学术会议论文集,材料科学与工程技术。北京:中国科学技术出版社, 1998. 标题单词总数名词数介词数形容词等 1 Use of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements by the Elderly 9 5 2 2 2 Dietary Supplement and Body Image in Female College Students 9 6 l 2 3 Knowledge of Cardiovascular Disease in University Students 7 4 2 l 4 Severe Weather and the Automobile 5 2 0 3 5 Heavy Weight Contenders a Look at Fat 7 4 1 2 6 A1uminutn Is It Hazardous to YourHealth 7 3 1 3 7 The Use of Technology in Higher Education Programs a National Survey 11 5 2 4 8 Sustaining the Discussion Ecology in the Humanities Classroom 8 4 l 3 9 Diversity in the Future WorkForce 6 4 1 l 10 Models of Sustaining Human and Natural Development in an Urban Environment 11 3 2 6 11 Variation in Acorn Production and Chemistry of Two Oak Oak Species with respect to Topography 14 8 5 1 12 Traditional Versus Adult StudiesStudents the College Experience 8 5 0 3 13 Solving the Food Shortage Problem in Northeast and Northwest Africa Using Hydroponically Grown Peanuts & Solarly Distilled Water 18 10 1 7 14 Impact of Cancer Coping Process and Quality of Life 9 5 2 2 标题单词总数名词数介词数形容词等 15 Application of Digital Image Analysis for Helping to Define the Prognosis Of Selected Malignancies 14 6 3 5 平均(约) 9.5 5 1.5 3 来源: The Ohio Journal of Science Vol. 96 2

        表 6.1 中列出的是中国科协第三届青年学术年会论文集中 15 篇英文论文的标题,平均 9 个单词。表 6.2 列出的是从 The Ohio Journal of Science 中随机挑出的 15 篇论文的标题,平均 9.5 个单词。要想用有限的字数概括全文的主旨,用词必须仔细斟酌和推敲,选择最简练、最准确、最贴切的词来表达全文的主要内容。

      6.2 标题的用词从表 6.1 和表 6.2 可以看出,标题中用得最多的是名词(包括动名词),平均占总单词数的 50 %~ 60 %之高。其中有的标题中 80 %以上的词为名词。除名词外,用得较多的是介词,有时使用形容词、冠词、连词、副词。

        标题是对全文重要内容的高度概括,因此用词要贴切、中肯,不能有任何随意性。为了便于检索,标题中所用的词尽量使用表达全文内容的关键词,下面举例说明标题中关键词的出现率。例 1 a. 标题: On the Fatigue Life Prediction of Spot Welded Components b. 关键词: fatigue spotweld automobile life prediction . 疲劳点焊汽车寿命预测 b. 标题: Computer Simulation and Experimental Study On Cold Shut During Mold Filling 关键词: mold filling computer simulation cold shut casting 铸件充型计算机模拟冷隔铸造 c. 标题: Investigation of Air Bags Deployment Forces on Out-of Position Occupant 关键词: air bag out-of-position occupant 安全气囊离位乘员 c. 标题: New Fatigue Test and Statistical Method for Metallic Materials Used in Vehicle Transmissions 关键词: fatigue test statistical method test specimens 疲劳实验统计方法试样分析:例 1a 中,有 4 个关键词,在标题里出现了 3 个,而标题中出现的两个名词词组 fatigue life prediction spot welded components 都是文章的关键词。

        在例 1b 中,有 4 个关键词,其中 3 个出现在标题里。标题中用了 4 个名词词组: computer simulation experimental study cold shut mold filling ,其中 3 个是关键词。

        例 1c 中有 2 个关键词,在标题里都出现。标题中用了 3 个名词或名词词组: investigation air bags deployment forces out-of-position occupant ,其中两个是关键词。

        例 1d 中有 3 个关键词,其中 2 个出现在标题里。



        从表 6.1 和表 6.2 可以看出,在标题平均 9 个单词中,有 5.5 个是名词,占一半以上。除名词外,用得较多的是介词 of in on 等,再其次是连词 and 和形容词。偶尔也需要用一些其他词性的词,如副词、冠词等。

      6.3 标题的结构学术文章的标题主要有三种结构:名词性词组(包括动名词),介词词组,名词词组 + 介词词组。间或也用一个疑问句作标题(多用在人文社会科学领域),但一般不用陈述句或动词词组作标题。

        ( 1 )名词性词组名词性词组由名词及其修饰语构成。名词的修饰语可以是形容词、介词短语,有时也可以是另一个名词。名词修饰名词时,往往可以缩短标题的长度。以下各标题分别由两个名词词组构成。

        例 2 a.Severe Weather and the Automobile (名词词组) (名词词组)

      b.Soil Behavior and Critical Soil Mechanics (名词词组) (名词词组)

      c.High Speed Flow Sensor and Fluid Power Systems Modelling (名词词组) (名词词组)

      d.Traditional Versus Adult Studies Students the College (名词词组) (名词词组)

      Experience 2 )介词词组介词词组由介词十名词或名词词组构成。如果整个标题就是一个介词词组的话,一般这个介词是 “on” ,意思是 …… 的研究

        例 3 a.On the Distribution of Sound in a Corridor b.On the Crushing Mechanism of Thin Walled Structures 3 )名词/名词词组 + 介词词组这是标题中用得最多的结构。

        例 4 a.Fundamentals of Flow Measurement . (名词) (介词词组)

      b.Scattered Sound and Reverberation on Gity Streets and in Tunnels (名词词组) (介词词组)

      c.Dietary Supplement and Body Image in Female College Students (名词词组) (名词词组) (介词词组)

      d.Knowledge of Cardiovascular Disease in University Students (名词) (介词词组) (介词词组)

      e.Diversity in the Future Work Force (名词) (介词词组)

      f.Progress on Fuel Cell and Its Materials (名词) (介词词组)

      g.Damping Capacity of Shape Memory Alloy (名词词组) (介词词组)

      h.Acoustics of Long Spaces Theory and Application (名词) (介词词组) (名词词组)

      i. Investigation of Air Bags Deployment Forces (名词) (介词词组)

      on Out-of-Position Occupant (介词词组)

      j. Models of sustaining Human and Natural Development (名词) (介词词组) in an Urban Environment (介词词组)

        标题中的介词词组一般用来修饰名词或名词词组,从而限定某研究课题的范围。这种结构与中文的 字结构相似,区别是中文标题中修饰语在前,中心词在后。英文正好相反,名词在前,而作为修饰语的介词短语在后。

        例 5 a.Progress on Fuel Cell and lts Materials 燃料电池及其材料进展 b.Computer Simulation and Experimental Study On Co1d Shut During Mold Filling 铸件充型中冷隔过程计算机模拟及其实验研究 c. On the Fatigue Life Prediction of Spot Welded Components 点焊汽车构件疲劳寿命预测 c.Investigation of Air Bags Deployment Forces on Out-Of-Position Occupant 安全气囊对离位乘员作用力的分析与研究( 4 )其他形式对于值得争议的问题,偶尔可用疑问句作为论文的标题,以点明整个论文讨论的焦点。

        例 6 a.Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect the Way Plants Grow

      b.Do Specific Ambient Odors Enhance Short Term Memory Function

      c.130 Heterotrophic Protozoa Release Major Quantities Of Dissolved Organic Phosphorous in Lake Water


        模式 1 研究课题:具体内容例 7 a.Microelectronic Assembly and Packaging Technology Barriers and Needs b.Fire Resistant Steels for Construction Design Properties and Microchemistry c.Acoustics of Long Spaces Theory and Application d.Impact of Cancer Coping Process and Quality of Life 模式 2 研究课题:方法/性质例 8 a.Solid Oxide Fuel Cell A Survey b. Absorbable Implants in Finger Fractures. A Biomechanical and Comparative Study c. The Use of Technology in Higher Education Programs a National Survey d. Development of New Public Water Supply Well-fields Using Electromagnetic Conductance Two Case Studies 模式 3 研究课题:问题焦点 a. Aluminum Is It Hazardous to Your Health

      b. Noise Good Bad Maybe Both

      c. Manure Friend or Foe


      1. Auditory Perspectives of Different Types of Music 2. Electromagnetic Fields Have Harmful Effects on Humans 3. How to Use Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid Land 4. Water Quality Can Be Protected Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education 5. The Single Community Concept A Model for Adult Environmental Education 6. Physics and Art Conceptual Linkages Can Be Uncovered 7. Diamond Is Used for Electronic Devices 8. Yellow Fever's Effect on Transportation and Commerce 9. The Nature of Student Science Project Is Compared with Educational Goals for Science 10. A Qualitative / Quantitative Analysis of the Administrative Management Institute at Cornell University 11. The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill Human Immune-Deficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Populations A Statistical Analysis 参考答案下面这写论文标题是否合适?如果不合适,请修改。

      1. Auditory Perspectives of Different Types of Music (合适)

      2. Electromagnetic Fields Have Harmful Effects on Humans (不合适)

        改为: Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Humans 3. How to Use Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid Land (不合适)

        该为: Using Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid Land 4. Water Quality Can Be Protected Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education 不合适)

        该为: Protecting Water Quality Through the Successful Integration of Research and Education 5. The Single Community Concept A Model for Adult Environmental Education (合适)

      6. Physics and Art Conceptual Linkages Can Be Uncovered (不合适)

        改为: Physics and Art Uncovering Conceptual Linkages 7. Diamond Is Used for Electronic Devices (不合适)

        该为: Use of Diamond for Electric Devices 8. Yellow Fever's Effect on Transportation and Commerce (合适)

      9. The Nature of Student Science Project Is Compared with Educational Goals for Science (不合适)

        改为: The Nature of Student Science Projects in Comparison to Educational Goals for Science 10. A Qualitative / Quantitative analysis of the Administrative Management Institute at Comell University (合适)

      11. The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill Human Immune-Deficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Populations A Statistical Analysis 不合适)

        该为: The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill Human Immune-Deficiency Virus and AIDS Populations A Statistical Analysis

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