Yves REY
Chairman, Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI); Corporate Quality General Manager, Danone Group France
Yves Rey is a French citizen and a graduate of ENSAIA in Nancy, France. He started his career in 1975 with Heineken in production and then joined Schweppes in 1982, first as Plant Manager and then as Operations Director.
In 1991, he was appointed Technical Director of Coca-Cola. In 1994, he was appointed General Manager for Europe of McCain Sunnyland, before moving on in 1999 to become General Manager South Europe of Wipak Flexible Packaging. Yves joined Groupe Danone in 2003. He currently holds the position of Corporate Quality General Manager.
Danone is an international company present on all 5 continents. The group holds top positions in healthy food through four businesses: Fresh Dairy Products, Baby Nutrition, Bottled Water, and Medical Nutrition. Its mission is to bring health through food to as many people as possible.
Danone counts over 190 production plants and around 102,000 employees. In 2012, the company generated sales of over €20 billion, of which more than 50% were in emerging countries.
Listed on Euronext Paris, Danone is a component stock of leading social responsibility indexes including the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, ASPI Eurozone and the Ethibel Sustainability Index.
达能是财富500强企业,也是全球最成功的健康食品公司之一。达能将“通过食品,为尽可能多的人带来健康”作为企业使命,履行这一使命为达能实现持续强劲 增长做出了重大贡献。达能的业务遍及全球五大洲120多个国家和地区,拥有190家工厂和超过10万名员工。2012年,达能实现的销售额超过200亿欧 元,其中一半来自新兴市场。
达能在巴黎的欧洲交易所(Euronext)上市,同时公司也被纳入反映社会责任的主要指数,例如:道琼斯可持续发展全球指数(STOXX and World指数),ASPI Eurozone 指数,Ethibel可持续发展指数等。这体现了达能的商业模式:不仅为股东创造价值,还考虑到员工、商业伙伴、公共当局和当地社区在内的所有相关利 益。