
K2 Cory Bryant 美国食品安全现代化法案

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Cory Michael Bryant, Ph.D.
Assistant Country Director – Foods, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of International Programs, China Office
FDA HQ - Silver Spring, MD
Cory Bryant joined FDA in 2008 as a General Health Scientist with CFSAN’s Food Defense Oversight Team (FDOT).  Cory’s time at CFSAN was split between regulatory development under the Food Safety Modernization Act and leading FDA’s food defense international outreach effort.
In 2009 Cory joined the Emergency Coordination and Response Team as Acting Team Leader and outbreak response coordinator for approximately nine months before returning to FDOT.  From January to May 2012, he served as the Acting Assistant Country Director for Foods in the China Office and began occupying the position permanently as of June 2012.  Cory manages food, feed, cosmetic and dietary supplement issues out of FDA’s HQ in Silver Spring, MD supplemented by frequent trips to Beijing.
Prior to his time at FDA, Cory served as Senior Research Scientist with the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) in Washington, D.C.  Accomplishments included publication of several journal articles (on irradiation, BSE, mycotoxins and food defense), completion of an analysis of GMP’s to control cross-contamination of food allergens, development and delivery of 20 food defense awareness workshops throughout the U.S., oversight and contribution to the development of CARVER+Shock vulnerability assessment software and administration of vulnerability assessments on 14 food product/ingredient combinations.  From 2000 to 2003 Cory served as a Research Investigator with International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) in Union Beach, NJ where his research yielded five patents for encapsulation systems.
Cory holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Food Science from Purdue University and a doctorate in Food Science from the University of Massachusetts. He was awarded a Certificate in International Food Law from Michigan State University in 2006.
在到FDA工作之前,白高瑞是华盛顿特区食品技术研究所(IFT)的高级研究科学家。他完成的工作包括发表多篇学术文章(放射,BSE,霉菌毒素以及食品防护),完成食品过敏源交叉感染的GMP控制分析,在美国组织开展了20次食品防护意识研讨会,监督参与CARVER+Shock易损性评估软件的开发,管理14种食品/原料组合产品的易损性评估。2000年到2003年期间,白高瑞担任美国新泽西州Union Beach国际香精香料公司的研究员,他的研究产生了封装系统的五项专利。

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