日期: 分类: 地区:
当前位置: 会展中心? 国内食品展? 糖酒/乳品/饮料? 2011中国(广州)国际葡萄酒展览会暨广州红酒文化节


展会时间: 2011-03-29 至 2011-03-31



主办单位:广州进口食品雷竞技百科 管理协会 中国农业产业经济发展协会 中国营养产业国际交流协会 广东省保健食品行业协会




2011 China(Guangzhou)International Wine Exhibition And Guangzhou Wine Festival
同期举办:CINHOE 2011第十届中国(广州)国际营养品·健康食品及有机产品展览会
In association with: CINHOE 2011 The 10th China (Guangzhou) International Nutrition·Health Food and Organic Products Exhibition
Time: Mar 29-31st,2011
Venue: Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Centre(No. 119, Liuhua Road, Guangzhou)
主办单位:广州进口食品雷竞技百科 管理协会 中国农业产业经济发展协会 中国营养产业国际交流协会 广东省保健食品行业协会
支持单位:台北世界贸易中心 马中友好协会 中华有机与自然食品协会 台湾健康食品协会
中华有机农业协会 新疆共享认证咨询有限公司 南京环球有机食品研究咨询中心
媒体支持:中国葡萄酒RAYBET雷竞技竞彩 网 雷竞技电竞 食品商贸网
China Wines Information Website
会议宾馆:中国大酒店 东方宾馆 广州华茂中心
Organizers: China Agricultural Industry Economic Development Association
China Nutrient Industrial &International Communication Association
Guangdong Healthy Food Industry Association
Host: Guangzhou Yifan Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.
Supporters: Taibei World Trading Centre, Chinese Organic and Natural Food Association, Tai Wan Healthy food Association, Chinese Organic Agricultural Association, Sinkiang Communion Attestation Consultation Co. Ltd, Malaysia-China Friendship Association, Nanjing Globle Organic Food Research and Consultant Centre
Hotel: China Hotel, Dongfang Hotel, Guangshou Huamao Centre
I Hotel: China Hotel, Dongfang Hotel, Guangshou Huamao Centre
Contactor: ms liu 13802437628
葡萄酒产业是朝阳行业,涉及到农产品深加工及农民增收,受到国家政策大力扶持。随着中国经济迅猛发展,人均收入水平大幅提高,人们追求更高生活雷竞技百科 和生活水平,特别是中产阶层发展壮大。中国葡萄酒的消费量呈现快速增长的趋势,在酒类消费中的比例不断提高。随着国内消费者对葡萄酒文化的认同,进口葡萄酒在进口食品的比例达50%,目前在中国市场没有占主导地位领导性品牌,呈现百花齐放的局面。广州是我国经济贸易中心、珠三角地区中心城市,是我国重要葡萄酒生产基地和进出口中心,同时濒临港澳台、东南亚,具有极强经济辐射能力和优越地理位置,在全国经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用。为了促进葡萄酒产业健康发展,倡导红酒文化,培养葡萄酒品牌和国内外交流合作,组织单位通过多渠道的媒体宣传,全方位的专业观众邀请,细致周到的参展服务,把“2011中国(广州)国际葡萄酒展览会暨广州红酒文化节”办成专业化国际盛会,我们期待您参与,共创葡萄酒产业美好明天!
The wine industry which is strongly supported by national policy, is a rising industry, involving agricultural processing and farmers increasing income. With the rapid development of China's economy, the per capita income has been greatly improved, and people start to pursue higher living standards and quality of life, especially the development of the middle class.The wine consumption in China is in the fast growth tendency, continuous raising the proportion of alcohol. As the domestic consumer accept the wine culture gradually, the import wine in the proportion of food imports by 50%. As no dominant leading brand , the chinese wine market presents a flourshing situation. Guangzhou, China's economic and trading centre and the centre city in Pearl River Delta, is an important wine trading centre. Meanwhile, adjacents to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and South Asia, Guangzhou has an excellent economic radiation power and preeminent position. All these make Guangzhou plays a significant role in the economic development throughout the whole country.In order to promote the healthy development of the wine industry, to advocate the wine culture and to cultivate the wine brand in the exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad , organizaters promote the "China(Guangzhou) International Wine Exhibition and Guangzhou Wine Festival" into a n international pageant, through the all kinds of media publicity channels, all-round professional audience invitation, considerate service. We are looking forward to your participation to create a better wine industry tomorrow!
4.承办将组织华润万家、卜蜂莲花、好又多、万佳、百佳、宏城、吉之岛、新一佳、正大万客隆、广州粮油批发市场、广州瑞宝粮油食品批发市场、广州市东旺食品批发市场 、南粤副食品批发市场、广州白云山农产品综合批发市场、广州市三一食品批发市场等大型超市和批发市场现场参观采购。
5.专业媒体宣传:进口食品网、广州日报、中国食品报、阿里巴巴、慧聪食品工业网、中国食品商务网、中国食品产业网、中国食品展会网、第一食品网、大食品网、中华食品商务网、壹中国食品网、食品科学网、雷竞技电竞 、食品商贸网、中国食品信息网、中国财富食品网、中国有机食品网、华夏农网、中国有机产品网、中国营养师服务网、台湾健康食品协会、中国食品机械信息网、糖酒快讯、商格里拉、食品搜索网、食品展览网、中国食品机械网、中华保健食品网、中国糖酒网、中国食品网、盛世金龙、食品医药网、中国酒网、铭万网、中国保健食品网、中国大米企业网、中国名优特产网、商虎机械、亿发展览网、健康网、松际农网、世界工厂网、西部信息网、亚洲商讯、口福网等。
Audience Organizing:
China Agricultural Industry Economic Development Association is a national group serving for “agriculture-countryside-farmer”policy, which belongs to Chinese Agriculture Department and Chinese Agriculture and Science Institute.Its branch offices are health food, health cultivation,agriculture and animal product industry, tea seed oil industry and “agriculture-countryside-farmer”brand strategy committee and so on. It actively promotes the sound development of Chinese agricuture , provides athorotitive policy guidence and professional supports for agricultural companies to open the domestic and international market,scientific research exploitation.
This exhibition has received the support from Guangdong Foreign Economic and Trade Office, Guangzhou Foreign Trade Bureau and Municipal People’s Government and relevant departments. And it will report the whole process through GZTV, Southern TV, Guangzhou Daily, Southern Metropolitan News, Phoenix TV, and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao etc and put up numerous ads on bus and in the open air. That will attracts 100,000 professional audiences from main land and oversea to come to purchase.
The exhibition is undertaken by professional organizers who have built up a favorable show transaction platform and has a huge dealer’s database to interact through SMS. There are also specialized person to send SMS and E-mail to the target visitors at regular time.
The organizers will organize the supermarkets and whole-sale markets to purchase, such as Trust-mart, Wanjia Supermarket, Parknshop, Hongcheng Market, Jusco, Jillian, Xinyijia Sup ermarket , Markro, Guangzhou Grain and Oil Wholesale Market, Guangzhou Ruibao Grain and Oil Wholesale Market,Guangzhou Dongwang Food Wholesale Market, southern Guangzhou Food Wholesale Market, Guangzhou Baiyunshan Agricultural Production General Market,Guangzhou Three-one Food Wholesale Market,etc.
We have specialized media to promote:
cnfoodnet.com,alibaba.com,hc360.com,foodqs.cn,foodexpo.cn,foods1.com,dashipin.com,www.31food.com,www.ifood1.com,21food.com,www.chnfood.cn,www.foodmate.com,www.chinafoods.cn,www.cnorganic.cn,www.agricn.com,www.agricn.com,www.yjcp.cn,www.shouker.com,www.uniebiz.com,www.chinafoods.cn,www.tjkx.com,www.expochina.com,www.foodce.comwww.foodma.cn,www.chinahealthfood.net,www.tangjiu.com,www.cnfood.gov.cn,swpt.smesd.gov.cn,www.cnpharm.cn,www.cnwine.cn,www.mainone.com,www.cnfoods.org,www.chinadmqy.com,techan2008.com,www.35mc.com,www.eastfair.com,www.healthoo.net,www.99sj.com,ch.gongchang.com,www.westsee.com,www.asiadcp.com,www.koofuu.com, etc
6. 300,000 tickets will be printed and we will invite professional person in food industry by these tickets. What’s more, we will call on and reserve on phone the professional person who located on the Pearl River Delta.
Exhibition condition:
The enterprise has the Industry and Commercial Business License.
1 wine: red wine, dry white wine, sweet wine, drink wine, brandy, whisky, vodka, rum, champagne, sparkling wine,
2 wine packaging: wine box packing, wood package, label, bottle, special packaging, oak barrel, bottle cork, wine glass , corkscrews, etc.红酒文化节活动:
Wine Culture Festival Activities:
International Wine Top Development Forum
Wine Evaluation Activity
Wine Promotion Conferenc
Wine Auction
◆T区(光地):800元/m2(36m2起租) (凡特装展位须缴交特装施工管理费:28元/平方米)
国际标准展位3m×3m=9m2 (配置标准:楣板一条,一张洽谈桌,二把椅子,220V(限500W)电源插座一个,一个纸篓,两支光管,三面展板,每块展板高度2.5m;光地是不提供任何配置。)
Exhibition booths and corresponding fees:
◆T Zone(Raw Space):RMB 800/m2(the minimum area is 36㎡) (a construction management fee will be charged for special-decoration booths: RMB28/㎡)
◆Standard booth:RMB8000 /booth(3*3m2)
◆Foreign company:200USD /m2
◆Note:corn booth should charge 10% extra fees
Each standard booth is equipment with: a name plate, a desk, two chairs, an electric power socket (220v, 500w ), a rubbish box, two lamps, three exhibition boards ( The height of each board is 2.5m), no equipment is offered for the raw space booth)
会刊广告、其它广告 :
注:其他现场广告请索取详细资料或登录 www.gzspz.com网站下载
On-site and other advertisements:
Front cover: full-color page including figures and texts, RMB 28,000/per (130*210mm)
Advertisements on Rainbow arch: for advertisement: RMB8,000 for each one(18m width)
Back cover: full-color page including figures and texts, RMB20,000/per (130*210mm)
Air Balloon RMB7000 for each one
The second front cover : RMB12,000/per(130*210mm)
Printing advertisement out of the exhibition hall(Price can be available upon request)
The second back cover: RMB12,000/per(130*210mm)
Rent for meeting room (Price can be available upon request)
The third front cover: RMB13,000/per(130*210mm)
Advertisement on exhibitors/visitors card: RMB 10,000(210*90mm)
Inside color page: full-color page including figures and texts follows the front paper,
RMB6,000/per (130*210mm)
Advertisement on tickets: RMB 5000/10000 sheets(210*90mm)
Inside white and black page: white and black page including figures and texts follows the inside color page RMB 3,000/per (130*210mm)
Note: The other advertisements can be asked for the detail information or down load in website: www.gzspz.com
展会日程安排: 布展时间:2011年3月27日-28日(9:00-17:00)
撤展时间:2011年3月31日 (14:00) 注意:本届展会报名截止日期为2011年2月28日
Exhibition Agenda:
Set-up Date: March 27---28th, 2011 (9:00---17:00)
Exhibition Date: March 29---31st, 2011 (9:00---16:30)
Move-out Date: March 31st, 2011 (14:00)
(Note: The application deadline for this exhibition is Feb 28, 2011)
参展程序:1、参展单位收到邀请函 2、填写参展申请表加盖公章传真或邮寄至组委会
5、款到帐后组委会发出《展位确认书》 6、参展单位执《展位确认书》到现场报到布展
Application procedure:
1. The applicators receive the invitation and fill it out
2. The finished application should send to the organizing committee in form of fax or letter (with official Stamp)
3. The organizing committee will verify the qualifications of the applicants and pre-assigned the booths and fax the Notification Form for Pre-Assign Booths to applicants.
4. The applicants should pay within the time stipulated in the Notification Form for Pre-Assign Booths and fax the bank remittance receipt together with the Notification Form for Pre-Assign Booths to organizing committee for reference.
5. The organizing committee sends the Booth Confirmation Letter to the exhibitor once the payment is confirmed.
6. Exhibitors can set-up booths on set-up day with the Booth Confirmation Letter
*Only the payment confirmed, the reservation is available and irrevocable. Exhibition fees will not be refunded except the organizing committee submitted the reasons for withdrawal.
*The exhibitor takes the responsibility for its qualification, activities, product’s legitimacy and the security of the stuff, the economic activities in the process of exhibition is none of the business with the organizing committee.
*The organizing committee reserves the right to explain the document
地 址:广州市天河区燕岭路25-27号银燕大厦201室 (邮编:510507)
电 话:+86-20-61078742
传 真:+86-20-61089459 61089469
邮 箱: gzyfzlly@163.com
Q Q: 1423881603
联系人:刘 意
Committee office: Guangzhou Yi Fan Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
Address: Room 201, Yin yan Building, No.25, Yan ling Road, Guangzhou Post Code: 510507
Phone: +86-20-61078742
Fax: +86-20-61089459
E-mail: gzyfzlly@163.com
Contactor: ms liu 13802437628

【免责声明】雷竞技电竞 发布的展会信息均是与展会方合作后发布,网站前期已尽严格审核义务,但因办展过程的不可控性,请您参展、观展前务必再次与页面下方组委会联系核实,切勿盲目观展。此外,伙伴网与站内所有展会之间均无主办/协办或承办等关联关系。如遇参展纠纷,请追究办展主体的法律责任。

联系人:刘 意
地址:广州市天河区燕岭路25-27号银燕大厦201室 (邮编:510507)
QQ: 1423881603



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