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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2007-10-19 浏览次数: 831
核心提示:YEAR OF THE PIG TAKES A POSITIVE TURN 猪肉价格趋稳 The stench filling the air outside the Good Breeding pig farm in an otherwise bucolic mid-autumn day on Beijing's rural outskirts is the best news Li Yongqiang has had for nearly a year. 在一个本应


      The stench filling the air outside the Good Breeding pig farm in an otherwise bucolic mid-autumn day on Beijing's rural outskirts is the best news Li Yongqiang has had for nearly a year.
      在一个本应有着田园诗般意境的秋日里,北京郊区的好饲养(Good Breeding)养猪场散发着扑鼻的臭气,而这是李永强(音译)近一年来最大的好消息了。

      After cutting production in 2006 because of rising feed costs and low pork prices, Mr Li late last year lost another one-sixth of his pigs in an outbreak of the deadly “blue ear” disease.

      Mr Li's problems were replicated on tens of thousands of small farms throughout China, causing a national shortage of pork and other staple foods and pushing inflation to an 11-year high of 6.5 per cent in August.

      “But right now, I am increasing production,” Mr Li tells visitors. “[Premier] Wen Jiabao has encouraged us to raise more pigs.”

      Once solely a domestic concern, China's commanding role in the global economy, as an exporter of finished goods, a consumer of farm products and a buyer of US debt, makes its inflation a potentially global issue. And when it comes to China's inflation, the big story this year has been the soaring price of pork, one of China's staple meats.

      But there are now signs that the rules of supply and demand are beginning to work in the market for Chinese pigs.

      From an annualised output of 3,000 pigs last year, Mr Li is aiming for 4,700 in 2007. With a breeding cycle at about 170 days, he will soon be sending fattened pigs off to a market that is still offering near-record prices.

      Mr Li calls himself a “small potato” in a Chinese market that raises and slaughters about 500m pigs a year. But if the latest figures from Beijing are right, the slow but perceptible turnround in the fortunes of Mr Li reflect a tentative national trend, of more pigs coming to market and the start of a decline in prices.

      According to China's chief economic planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, the cost of pork in supermarkets has fallen for two weeks in succession. Outside the pig farms, the other barometer being watched by the central government is the grain harvest in the northern autumn. The signs at the moment are that it will be good.
      根据中国政府主要经济计划部门国家发改委(National Development and Reform Commission)的数据,超市的猪肉价格已连续两周下降。除了养猪场,中央政府关注的另外一个晴雨表就是北方秋季的粮食收成。目前的迹象显示,今年的收成不错。

      “If the grain distribution system works smoothly, and assuming limited pass-through of agricultural price increases to other products, CPI [consumer price index] inflation should average in the range of 6-6.5 per cent in September, and then 5-5.5 per cent in December,” says Jun Ma, a Deutsche Bank economist in Hong Kong.
      德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)驻香港经济学家马骏(Jun Ma)表示:“如果粮食分销系统运转顺畅,同时假定农产品价格上涨没有过多地传递到其它产品上,9月份消费者价格指数(CPI)通胀应平均在6%-6.5%之间,12月份应该在5%-5.5%之间。”

      Mr Ma believes that inflation should then fall to about 3.5 per cent in 2008, a result that would delight the government, as it is below the current one-year benchmark deposit rate of 3.87 per cent. The threat of persistent negative real interest rates scares Beijing, as it could propel depositors to empty their bank accounts and plough their cash into an already frothy stock market.

      There are other signs of a growing pig population, including an increase in the past two months of already high feed prices. On Mr Li's farm, for example, the cost of a bag of feed has gone up by 30 per cent since August.

      But there are also questions over whether the impact will be lasting.

      According to one industry analyst, who asked not be named, the recent fall in pork prices may have been due to supply factors peculiar to the Chinese market and mean there is unlikely to be any significant fall in pork prices until early next year. “Some farmers need to pay cash for their children's education fees in September, so they kill pigs early during this season,”?the analyst said.

      For all the price rises, Mr Li still speaks in the resigned tones of a long-time farmer who believes the real benefits of his labour are always reaped by others. “The price they give to us is low. And the price that is given to the other businesses is high. The government and the farmers cannot control things. Only the middle-men can.”#p#分页标题#e#

      He also worries about the impact of the recent ups and downs. “This is the biggest fluctuation I have seen in 20 years.” he says. “Many farmers may not want to raise pigs in the future.”

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      关键词: 猪肉 价格

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