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核心提示:Beijing has rejected consignments of pork from the US and Canada because they contain a banned additive in spite of a domestic shortage of China's staple meat, which pushed inflation to a 10-year high in August. 尽管中国猪肉短缺推动8月份通胀率升至10

      Beijing has rejected consignments of pork from the US and Canada because they contain a banned additive – in spite of a domestic shortage of China's staple meat, which pushed inflation to a 10-year high in August.

      The body that polices food import standards said the 8.37 tons of frozen pork kidney and 24 tons of frozen pork chops were returned after the discovery of ractopamine residue.

      The knockback fits a pattern of Beijing retaliating against US rejections of, and complaints about, the quality and standards of a range of Chinese goods in recent months.
      此次退货符合中国政府对美国的报复模式,过去数月中,美方曾以雷竞技百科 和安全标准为由退回一系列中国产品。

      However, China says its treatment of the pork imports is consistent with its 2002 ban on the use of the additive in feedstock and water used to rear animals.

      Ractopamine is an adrenal stimulant used to make pork more lean. The European Union has had a similar ban on its use in animals since 1996, China says.

      The shipment sizes are tiny in a market supplied by local farmers rearing 500m-600m pigs a year but it is politically symbolic at a time of crisis in the local market.

      Inflation reached 6.5 per cent in August, mainly because of a 49.2 per cent year-on-year rise that month in the price of staple meats, triggered by a shortage of pigs and the flow-on from higher feed prices.
      中国8月份通胀率达到6.5 %,主要是因为生猪短缺和饲料价格上涨导致猪肉价格同比上涨49.2%。

      The leap in inflation is deeply worrying for Beijing because of its disproportionately high impact on low income earners and its potential in a worst-case scenario to spark a run on bank deposits.

      The People's Bank of China, the central bank, lifted borrowing costs on Friday for the fifth time this year as part of its continuing battle to avert negative real interest rates.

      The one-year deposit rate is now 3.87 per cent, well below headline inflation in August but close to the eight-month inflation average.

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 中国 北美 猪肉

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