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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2007-06-20 浏览次数: 2533
核心提示:UNDERCOVER ECONOMIST: FOR BETTER OR WORTH 可乐价格为何60年不变? 作者:英国《金融时报》专栏作家蒂姆哈福德(Tim Harford) 2007年5月15日 星期二 The price of the first serving of Coca-Cola was five cents in 1886, which is about a dollar (50p) in today's
      作者:英国《金融时报》专栏作家蒂姆?哈福德(Tim Harford)
      2007年5月15日 星期二

      The price of the first serving of Coca-Cola was five cents in 1886, which is about a dollar (50p) in today's money. Coke no longer sells for a nickel, and that is not terribly surprising. What is surprising is that it took more than 60 years for the price of Coca-Cola to change.

      Economists call this nominal price rigidity. My salary is not tweaked each month to reflect the latest inflation figures, and neither is yours. Restaurants do not reprint their menus, nor wholesale companies their catalogues, if the cost of their inputs changes by a penny.

      That might be a problem. Prices keep the economy running smoothly by adjusting to reflect demand and the underlying costs of production. If prices don't adjust smoothly for any reason then the economic consequences could be serious. If wages can't fall in a recession then people will lose their jobs instead. If prices can't fall when demand does, sales will collapse with much the same effect.

      Coke was clearly an exceptional example of rigid prices. Daniel Levy and Andrew Young, the economists who analysed the case, report that Coke's price stayed at five cents a serving while the price of other products bounced all over the place. The price of sugar tripled after the first world war before falling back somewhat; over the six decades, the price of coffee went up eightfold. Coke itself was taxed first as a medicine, then as a soft drink, and survived sugar rationing. All the while the price stayed at a nickel.
      可乐显然是价格刚性的一个突出案例。经济学家丹尼尔?利维(Daniel Levy)和安德鲁?杨(Andrew Young)对此进行了分析。他们撰写报告称,当其它商品价格都在上涨时,可乐价格一直保持每罐5美分。糖价在第一次世界大战后上涨了两倍,然后略有回落;在60年期间里,咖啡价格上涨7倍。可乐本身最早作为一种药品纳税,然后作为软饮料纳税,还承受了糖配给供应。但自始至终,它的价格都保持在5美分。

      Part of Coke's problem was the cost of replacing vending machines that accepted only nickels - and the fact that the alternative, dimes, represented a 100 per cent price hike. (The boss of Coca-Cola wrote to his friend President Eisenhower in 1953 to suggest, in all seriousness, a 7.5 cent coin.)

      Most companies don't wait so long to change prices if they need to. Researchers have tended to conclude that many prices change every year or so, and often sooner. Levy and some colleagues looked at supermarket pricing in the mid-1990s and found, based on detailed accounting data, that to change the price of a single type of product in a typical supermarket cost 52 cents in printing, labour and errors. The total of all such changes was about $100,000 per store per year - still less than one per cent of revenue.

      Technology makes it ever easier to change prices using bar codes, websites, and laser-printed menus. Amazon always seems to be changing book prices. Coke vending machines now take very little effort to reprogram. So should we conclude that ”menu costs” no longer matter?
      运用条形码、网站和激光打印的菜单,科技使得调价变得更容易。亚马逊(Amazon)似乎总是在改变图书的价格。如今,改编可乐售货机的程序几乎不用费什么力气。因此,我们是否应该得出“菜单成本”(menu costs)不再重要的结论呢?

      That would be too optimistic. Economists have long argued that even small ”menu costs” could cause large economic distortions, because when companies are pondering whether to pay those costs, they don't consider the social benefits of a more accurate price, only their own profits.

      A prize-winning paper from Carlos Carvalho recently showed that it does not even help if many prices adjust quickly, because those that change slowly will distort the rest. Amazon may be able to adjust its prices easily to reflect its costs, but that is little use if those costs are distorted by slow adjustments from, say, the bookbinders or the freight handlers.
      卡洛斯?卡瓦略(Carlos Carvalho)最近获奖的一篇论文表明,即便是许多商品价格进行了迅速调整,结果也无济于事,因为变动缓慢的价格将会扭曲其它价格。亚马逊或许能够轻松调整图书价格,以反映其成本,但如果图书装订商或货运商的价格调整缓慢,导致这些成本扭曲,那么,亚马逊的做法就没什么作用。

      Coca-Cola's experience reflected exactly that: long before the introduction of vending machines, they had signed a perpetual fixed-price contract to supply their bottlers, at a time of very low inflation.

      I drank a 500ml bottle of Coke while writing this article, and it cost me 85p ($1.70) from the corner shop. I'd rather have paid a nickel, but price changes are important. Perhaps I shouldn't be too ungrateful.
      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 可乐 价格

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