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核心提示:China Urges U.S. Not to Punish All Food Exporters By DAVID BARBOZA Published: May 17, 2007 中国敦促美国不要惩罚所有的食品出口企业 SHANGHAI, May 16 China has urged the United States not to take punitive action against this countrys exporters of agric

      China Urges U.S. Not to Punish All Food Exporters
      Published: May 17, 2007


      SHANGHAI, May 16 — China has urged the United States not to take punitive action against this country’s exporters of agricultural goods even though Chinese officials have determined that two Chinese companies intentionally contaminated American pet food ingredients with an industrial chemical.

      The government said this week that it had shut the two companies and detained several of their officers for their roles in setting off one of the largest pet food recalls in United States history.

      The announcement, which was released late Monday, on the Web site of the country’s quality inspection watchdog, appeared just days after investigators from the federal Food and Drug Administration ended a two-week-long visit to China seeking to determine how an industrial chemical called melamine got mixed into pet food ingredients.
      周一晚些时候,中国雷竞技百科 检测机构的网站上发布了这项声明。之前几天,美国FDA的调查人员结束了在中国为期两周的行程,他们此行的目的是确定一种叫三聚氰胺的工业化学品是如何混入宠物食品的。

      “We hope the American side will accurately and objectively deal with problems among individual companies and not take stringent measures against other Chinese companies producing the same type of products,” the government statement read.

      China also said it hoped the case would not lead to trade frictions.

      A spokesman for the F.D.A. in Washington could not be reached for comment. On Tuesday, however, F.D.A. officials said during a news conference that American investigators had recently returned from China and were preparing a report on the trip. The official said it was unclear when such a report would be released.

      The announcement was the clearest signal yet that China was working hard to repair the damage done by the pet food scandal and growing concerns about the quality of the country’s agricultural exports.
      中国政府的声明是一个清晰的信号,表明中国正在努力消除宠物食品丑闻造成的损害,并对中国出口农产品雷竞技百科 更加关注。

      In recent weeks, China has vowed to step up its own inspections of agricultural and food exports and prove that the country does not have a problem with melamine-tainted food or feed ingredients.

      The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said in its statement this week and in a similar statement released a week earlier that recently completed nationwide inspections had not turned up any food or feed products containing melamine.
      国家雷竞技百科 监督检验检疫总局在本周发布的声明和更早些时候发布的一个类似声明中说,最近完成的全国范围内的检验行动没有发现任何含有三聚氰胺的食品或饲料产品。

      The government seems determined to paint the two Chinese companies blamed for exporting melamine-tainted wheat flour to the United States as rogue companies, or “special individual cases” in a largely well-managed export industry.

      The government’s announcement, however, seems quite at odds with local Chinese agricultural industry executives. In recent weeks, they have said in interviews that for years producers and feed makers have either used melamine in animal feed, sold it to animal and fish feed producers or knew of the sale and use of melamine in animal feed.

      Interviews with animal feed producers, melamine makers and melamine and feed traders suggested that it was a widespread practice to mix melamine into feed to deceive buyers into thinking they were getting higher-protein meal.

      Most of the people interviewed said they did not believe that the practice was illegal or that melamine was toxic in animals or humans; the melamine was simply filler, most of them said, a way of earning extra profits.

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 食品 出口 企业

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