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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2007-06-20 浏览次数: 1321
核心提示:Vacuum-packed Foods Breed Deadly Bacteria 真空包装的食品可繁殖致命细菌 By Charles Q. Choi, Special to LiveScience posted: 14 June 2007 07:00 pm ET Those sealed glossy packs of cheeses and lunchmeat on your grocer's shelf can provide a particularly f

      Vacuum-packed Foods Breed Deadly Bacteria
      By Charles Q. Choi, Special to LiveScience
      posted: 14 June 2007 07:00 pm ET

      Those sealed glossy packs of cheeses and lunchmeat on your grocer's shelf can provide a particularly friendly home for nasty bugs that cause food poisoning, new research shows.

      Vacuum-packed foods are deprived of oxygen to keep them fresh and boost their shelf life, but the same strategy is a boon for Listeria monocytogenes, a bacterium responsible for a kind of food poisoning that kills 25 percent of the people it infects.
      真空包装的食品和氧气隔离,从而保持新鲜并延长保质期,但这也为单核细胞增生性李斯特菌提供有利条件。 这种细菌导致的食物中毒能够令25%的感染者死亡。

      Unlike many other food-borne germs, Listeria can grow even in the cold temperatures of refrigerators. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration notes that the microbe has been linked with foods such as raw milk; ice cream; soft-ripened cheeses such as feta, Brie and Camembert; hot dogs; raw and deli meats; raw vegetables; raw and cooked poultry; and raw and smoked fish.

      In experiments with guinea pigs, Technical University of Denmark researchers found oxygen-deprived Listeria gets mean—up to 100 times more invasive than when grown with ample supplies of oxygen, findings which are detailed June 14 in the online journal BMC Microbiology.
      丹麦技术大学在对葵鼠的试验中发现,无氧条件下的李斯特菌比氧气充足条件下生长的李斯特菌更可怕:侵袭能力高出100倍。他们的研究结果发表于journal BMC Microbiology。

      The germ normally likes to live inside the oxygen-deprived gut, so it makes sense that it becomes more invasive under similar conditions, Licht said.

      "Avoiding vacuum packaging would lead to other problems with bacterial growth, so I'm not advocating that," food microbiologist Tine Licht told LiveScience. "But our work does help devise models predicting risk of food-borne disease."

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 真空 包装 细菌

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