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      1.the kinds of drafts 汇票种类

      (1)available by drafts at sight 凭即期汇票付款

      (2)draft(s) to be drawn at 30 days sight 开立30天的期票

      (3)sight drafs 即期汇票

      (4)time drafts 远期汇票

      2.drawn clauses 出票条款(注:即出具汇票的法律依据)(1)all darfts drawn under this credit must contain the clause “Drafts drawn Under Bank of…credit No.…dated…” 本证项下开具的汇票须注明“本汇票系凭……银行……年……月……日第…号信用证下开具”的条款

      (2)drafts are to be drawn in duplicate to our order bearing the clause “Drawn under United Malayan Banking Corp.Bhd.Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.…dated July 12, 1978” 汇票一式两份,以我行为抬头,并注明“根据马来西亚联合银行1978年7月12日第……号不可撤销信用证项下开立”

      (3)draft(s) drawn under this credit to be marked:“Drawn under…Bank L/C No.……Dated (issuing date of credit)” 根据本证开出得汇票须注明“凭……银行……年……月……日(按开证日期)第……号不可撤销信用证项下开立”

      (4)drafts in duplicate at sight bearing the clauses“Drawn under…L/C No.…dated…” 即期汇票一式两份,注明“根据……银行信用证……号,日期……开具”

      (5)draft(s) so drawn must be in scribed with the number and date of this L/C 开具的汇票须注上本证的号码和日期

      (6)draft(s) bearing the clause:“Drawn under documentary credit No.…(shown above) of…Bank” 汇票注明“根据……银行跟单信用证……号(如上所示)项下开立”

      3. 开立汇票以支付装运费In order to cover the shipment we will draw a draft at sight on you under an irrevocable letter of credit and ask you to honor it on presentation to you.

      4. 要求变更汇票日期You require a draft at sight under irrevocable L/C as payment terms.

      However would you make them a little easier?

      We would like you to allow us a draft at 90 d/s under an irrevocable L/C.

      5. 要求对方开立包括各种费用的汇票As for the payment, we would like you to draw a draft at 30 d/s on us for the invoice amount plus shipping and other expenses with a 10% commission.

      6. 要求连同汇票寄来装船文件Please draw on us for the full amount of your invoice at 60 d/s and attach such relative shipping documents as the commercial invoices, bill of lading, insurance policy, packing lists, certificate and list of weight and /or measurement, to your draft.

      7.同意变更汇票的付款条件As our maximum concessions to the payment, we will admit your payment of a draft at 60 d/s under documents against acceptance.

      Therefore please let us know immediately if these terms are acceptable to you.

      8. 要求寄送装运的汇票及提单As to the execution of this order, we agree to accept our order in three shipments.

      Therefore we request you send a sight draft on us under documents against payment at every shipment attaching the B/L.

      9. 通知对方愿意接受汇票In order to ensure your earlier shipment, we have instructed The Mitsui Bank, New York to accept a draft drawn by you for a sum of US$35,000.

      10. 同意接受汇票, 并要求迅速履行订货We have today instructed our bankers, The Bank of Tokyo, London to accept your draft at 90 d/s on us drawn under irrevocable L/C and would ask you to execute our order promptly.

      11. 要求接受汇票并汇款As to this business, we will draw our draft at 30 d/s on you against the 100 units of the construction machines for a sum amounting to US$750,000 under the L/C.

      We ask you to accept it on presentation and honor it on maturity.

      12.委托分别开立汇票Please pay at sight the first of the drafts providing the second of the same tenor and date being unpaid to the order to ourselves the sum of fifty thousand US dollars only.

      13. 提议变更付款条件Concerning the payment of this transaction, we suggest a 90 d/s draft under D/A apart from the usual terms of business.

      The market here is quite dull and we are overstocked now.

      Therefore we believe this is quite acceptable to you.

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 进出口 汇票

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