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中华人民共和国农业法 (英汉互译)

      Agriculture Law of the People's Republic of China

      第一条 为了保障农业在国民经济中的基础地位,发展农村社会主义市场经济,维护农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者的合法权益,促进农业的持续、稳定、协调发展,制定本法。
      Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to ensuring the fundamental position of agriculture in the national economy, developing the socialist market economy in rural areas, safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers, and promoting the continuous, steady and coordinated growth of agriculture.

      第二条 国家坚持以农业为基础发展国民经济的方针。
      Article 2 The State adheres to the guiding principle of taking agriculture as the foundation in developing the national economy.

      The State shall adopt measures to ensure the steady development of agriculture.

      The main object in developing agriculture is to actively develop the socialist market economy in rural areas, further emancipate and develop the rural productive forces, develop and utilize the rural labour force, land and various resources, increase effective supplies of agricultural products, and satisfy the demands of the people's life and the development of social economy; and on the basis of the development of production, to increase the income of agricultural labourers, raise their living standards, build a new countryside of common prosperity and civilization and gradually realize agricultural modernization.

      "Agriculture" as mentioned in this Law means crop-plantation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery.

      "Agricultural production and operation organizations" mentioned in this Law mean agricultural economic collectives, State-owned agricultural enterprises or other agricultural enterprises.

      第三条 农村和城市郊区的土地,除由法律规定属于国家所有即全民所有的以外,属于集体所有。
      Article 3 Land in rural and suburban areas is owned by collectives except for those portions belonging to the State, that is, to the whole people, as stipulated by relevant laws.

      Forests, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches, waters and other natural resources are owned by the State, with the exception of the forests, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands and beaches that are owned by collectives in accordance with the law.

      第四条 国有土地和集体所有的土地的使用权可以依法转让。任何组织或者个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。
      Article 4 The right to the use of State-owned lands or collective-owned lands may be transferred according to law. No organization or individual may appropriate, buy, sell or otherwise engage in the transfer of land by unlawful means.

      People's governments at various levels must value and make a rational use of land, and earnestly protect cultivated land. Acts of unlawful appropriation of cultivated land or misuse of land shall be prohibited.

      第五条 在农村以社会主义公有制经济为主体,多种经济成分共同发展,振兴农村经济。
      Article 5 In rural areas, socialist economy under public ownership shall be taken as the main sector, and meanwhile diversified economic sectors shall be developed jointly so as to prosper rural economy.

      第六条 国家稳定农村以家庭联产承包为主的责任制,完善统分结合的双层经营体制,发展社会化服务体系,壮大集体经济实力,引导农导走共同富裕的道路。
      Article 6 The State shall stabilize the rural responsibility systems, the main form of which is the household output-related system of contracted responsibility, perfect the two-level operation system of the household contract responsibility system supplemented by unified management, develop socialized service systems, expand actual strength of collective economy, and lead peasants to the road of common prosperity.

      第七条 国家依靠科学技术进步和发展教育振兴农业。
      Article 7 The State shall vitalize agriculture by relying on the progress of science and technology and on the development of education.

      第八条 国家发展水利农业和农用生产资料工业,为农业生产的稳定增长提供物质保障。
      Article 8 The State shall develop water conservancy undertakings and industries of means of agricultural production so as to ensure the material supplies for the steady growth of agricultural production.

      第九条 国家对发展农业有显著成绩的单位和个人,给予奖励。
      Article 9 The State shall award the units or individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the development of agriculture.

      第十条 各级人民政府必须把农业工作放在重要地位,统一负责、组织各有关部门和全社会社会支持农业,做好发展农业和为发展农业服务的各项工作。
      Article 10 People's governments at various levels must attach great importance to the agricultural work, assume the responsibility of organizing in a unified way all the relevant departments and the whole society to support agriculture, and well perform all the work related to the development of agriculture and serving the development of agriculture.

      The departments in charge of agriculture under the State Council shall, in accordance with their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the nation-wide agricultural work. Other relevant departments under the State Council shall, within the scope of their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the relevant nation-wide work in the service of agricultural production and operation.

      The departments in charge of agriculture under local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the relevant agricultural work in their administrative areas. Other relevant departments under local people's governments at or above the county level shall, within the scope of their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the relevant work in the service of agricultural production and operation.

      <第二章 农业生产经营体制>

      第十一条 集体所有的土地依照法律属于村农民集体所有,由村农业集体经济组织或者村民 委员会经营、管理。已经属于乡(镇)农民集体经济组织所有的,可以属于乡(镇)农民集体所有。
      Article 11 Collective-owned land shall be owned collectively by the peasants of the village according to law, and shall be operated and managed by agricultural economic collectives of the village or by the villagers committee. Land that has already been under the ownership of peasant economic collectives of a township (or town) may be owned collectively by the peasants of the township (or town).

      If land collectively owned by the peasants of a village has been respectively under the ownership of two or more agricultural economic collectives in the village, such land may be collectively owned by the peasants of the respective agricultural economic collectives.

      第十二条 集体所有的或者国家所有由农业集体经济组织使用的土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面可以由个人或者集体承包从事农业生产。
      Article 12 Lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches and water surfaces owned by collectives or the State and exploited by agricultural economic collectives, may be contracted to individuals or collectives for agricultural production.

      State-owned or collective-owned waste hills or unreclaimed lands suitable for afforestation may be contracted to individuals or collectives for afforestation.

      The right of individuals or collectives to undertake operation by contract shall be protected by law.

      The party awarding contract and the contractor shall conclude an agricultural contract to define the rights and duties of both parties.

      第十三条 除农业承包合同别有约定外,承包方亨有生产经营决策权、产品处分权和收益权,同时必须履行合同约的义务。
      Article 13 Contractors shall, except as otherwise agreed upon in agricultural contracts, enjoy the decision-making power in production and operation, the right of disposition of their products and the right of remuneration, and at the same time must fulfil the duties agreed on in the contracts.

      In cases a contractor contracts for afforestation of waste hills and unreclaimed lands suitable for afforestation, provisions of the Forestry Law shall be followed.

      With consent of the party awarding the contract, the contractor may, within the period of the contract, sub-contract the lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches and water surfaces he has contracted for, and may also transfer the rights and duties agreed upon in the agricultural contract to a third party.

      At the expiration of a contract, the contractor shall enjoy priority in further contracting for the lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches and water surfaces for which he originally contracted.

      In case a contractor deceases during the term of a contract, the successor of the deceased contractor may continue the contract.

      第十四条 农业集体经济组织或者村民委员会应当向承包土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面的个人或者集体提供生产服务。
      Article 14 Agricultural economic collectives or villagers committees shall provide production services to individuals or collectives that have contracted for the lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches or water surfaces.

      第十五条 国家鼓励个人或者集体对荒山、荒地、荒滩进行承包开发、治理,并保护承包人的合法权益。
      Article 15 The State shall encourage individuals or collectives to contract to develop and rehabilitate waste hills, unreclaimed lands or waste beaches, and shall protect the contractors' lawful rights and interests.

      第十六条 农民依法缴纳税款,依法缴纳村集体提留和乡统筹费,依法承担农村义务工和劳动积累工。
      Article 16 Peasants shall pay taxes in accordance with the law, and pay the expenses retained for the village's collective undertakings and fees for unified management of township public undertakings according to law, and shall afford compulsory labours and accumulated labours for the public undertakings in rural areas according to law.

      第十七条 国家保护农民和农业生产经营组织的合法财产不受侵犯。
      Article 17 The State shall protect the lawful properties of peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations from violation.

      第十八条 任何机关为办理公务向农民或者农业生产经营组织收费必须依据法律、法规、国务院授权的部门的决定或者省级人民政府制定的规章的规定,省级人民政府制定的规章必须报国务院备案。
      Article 18 Any collection of fees from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations by State organs for handling official business must be based on laws or regulations or decisions made by the competent departments empowered by the State Council, or the provisions of rules formulated by the people's governments at the provincial level, and such rules must be reported to the State Council for the record.

      The scopes and standards of such fees shall be made public and necessary inspections and checks shall be carried out in light of the circumstances.

      Peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse to pay fees collected by State organs for handling official business without the basis of laws or regulations or decisions made by the competent departments empowered by the State Council or the provisions of rules formulated by the people's governments at the provincial level.

      Any imposition of fines upon peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations by State organs must be based on the provisions of laws or regulations.

      Peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse to pay any fines imposed upon them by State organs without the basis of laws or regulations.

      No apportionment shall be made by any State organs or units to peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations in any form.

      Any exaction of manpower, financial resources or materials from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall be categorized as apportionment, except as otherwise provided in laws or regulations. And peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse apportionment in any form.

      第十九条 向农民或者农业生产经营组织集资必须实行自愿原则,不得强制集资。
      Article 19 Raising funds from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations must be carried out on voluntary basis, and no compulsory fund-raising shall be practised.

      Peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse any compulsory fund-raising demanded by any State organs or units.

      第二十条 国家鼓励农业集体经济组织和其他有关组织发展多种形式的农业生产产前、产中、产后的社会化服务事业。
      Article 20 The State shall encourage agricultural economic collectives or other relevant organizations to develop various forms of socialized service undertakings before, during or after agricultural production.

      Departments in fields such as finance, banking, science and technology, and material resources shall provide support to socialized service undertakings of agricultural production.

      第三章 农业生产

      第二十一条 国家采取措施,从资金,农业生产资料、技术、市场信息等方面扶持农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者发展农业生产。
      Article 21 The State shall take measures in the aspects of finance, means of agricultural production, technology and market information to assist agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers in developing agricultural production.

      第二十二条 国家引导农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者按照市场的需求,调整农业生产结构,保持粮棉生产稳定增长,全面发展种植业、林业、畜牧业和渔业,发展高产、优质、高效益的农业。
      Article 22 The State shall guide agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers to adjust the structure of agricultural production according to market demands, ensure steady growth of cotton and grain production, achieve all-round development of crop-plantation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and develop an agriculture with high yield, good quality and high benefits.

      The State shall establish production bases of commodity grain and commodity cotton in a planned way.

      第二十三条 各级人民政府应当制定农业综合开发规划,向农业的广度和深度开发,并组织实施。
      Article 23 People's governments at various levels shall map out plans for comprehensive development of agriculture to develop agriculture in width and depth and organize the implementation thereof.

      第二十四条 各级人民政府和农业集体经济组织应当采取措施,发展乡镇企业,发展第三产业,支持农业的发展,转移富余的农业劳动力。
      Article 24 People's governments at various levels and agricultural economic collectives shall take measures to develop township and town enterprises and tertiary industries so as to support the development of agriculture, and to transfer surplus agricultural labour force.

      第二十五条 各级人民政府和农业生产经营组织应当制定规划,采取措施,组织农田水利和防护林的建设,保证旱涝保收农田面积的稳定增长。
      Article 25 People's governments at various levels and agricultural production and operation organizations shall map out plans and take measures to organize the construction of irrigation and water conservancy works and shelter forests so as to ensure the steady expansion of farmland with stable yields despite of drought or waterlogging.

      第二十六条 各级人民政府和农业生产经营组织应当建立、健全农田水利设施的管理制度,发展节水型的灌溉设施,严格控制非农业建设占用灌溉水源,禁止任何组织和个人非法占用或者毁损农田水利设施。
      Article 26 People's governments at various levels and agricultural production and operation organizations shall establish and perfect the management system of irrigation and water conservancy works, develop water-saving irrigation facilities, strictly control the appropriation of water resources for irrigation by non-agricultural construction projects and forbid any organizations or individuals to unlawfully appropriate or destruct irrigation and water conservancy facilities.

      第二十七条 国家鼓励和支持农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者使用先进、适用的农业机械,提高农业机械化水平。
      Article 27 The State shall encourage and support agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers to apply advanced and suitable agricultural machinery for the purpose of raising the level of agricultural mechanization.

      第二十八条 国家鼓励和支持粮食的加工和综合开发利用,增加粮食的附加值,改善人民的食物营养结构。
      Article 28 The State shall encourage and support the processing and comprehensive development and utilization of grains, increase the added value of grains and improve the nutritive structure of people's food.

      第二十九条 各级人民政府应当采取措施,提高农业防御自然灾害的能力,做好防灾、抗灾和救灾工作,帮助灾民恢复生产,开展社会互助互济;对生活没有保障的灾民,组织生产自救,给予救济和扶持。
      Article 29 People's governments at various levels shall take measures to improve the abilities of battling against natural calamities in agriculture, do a good job in preventing and fighting disasters and relieving the victims thereof, assist the victims to resume their production and carry out mutual assistances and mutual relieves in the society; as to victims who can hardly secure their daily life, the people's governments at various levels shall organize them to provide for and help themselves by engaging in production, and shall extend relieves and assistances to them.

      The State shall give aids to poverty-stricken areas, help them to conduct economic exploitation and improve their conditions of economic development.

      第三十条 各级人民政府应当支持为农业服务的气象事业的发展,提高对气象灾害的预报水平。
      Article 30 People's governments at various levels shall support the development of meteorological undertakings in the service of agriculture and enhance the abilities of forecasting meteorological calamities.

      第三十一条 国家鼓励和扶持对农业的保险事业的发展。
      Article 31 The State shall encourage and assist the development of insurance undertakings for agriculture.

      The principle of voluntariness shall be practised in agricultural insurance. No organization or individual may force any agricultural labourer or agricultural production and operation organization to take out agricultural insurance.

      第三十二条 国家实行动植物防疫、检疫制度。任何组织和个人都必须遵守有关动植物防疫、检疫的法律、行政法规。
      Article 32 The State shall practise a system of animal and plant epidemic prevention and quarantine. All organizations or individuals must abide by the laws and administrative rules and regulations on animal and plant epidemic prevention and quarantine.

      第三十三条 国家采取宏观调控措施,使化肥、农药、农用薄膜、农业机械和农用柴油等主要农业生产资料和农产品之间保持合理的比价。
      Article 33 The State shall take measures of macro-regulation and control to maintain a reasonable price ratio between agricultural products and the principal means of agricultural production such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural plastic films, agricultural machinery and diesel oil for agricultural use.

      第三十四条 各级人民政府和农业生产经营组织应当建立和健全农药、兽药、农业机械等可能危害人畜安全的农业生产资料的安全使用制度,教育农业劳动者安全生产。
      Article 34 People's governments at various levels and agricultural production and operation organizations shall establish and improve the safe-use system of agricultural means of production such as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery which may endanger the safety of persons or livestock, and shall educate agricultural labourers to ensure safety in production.

      农药、兽药、化肥、种子、农业机械、农用薄膜和其他农业生产资料的生产者、销售者应当对其生产、销售的产品的雷竞技百科 负责,禁止以次充好、以假充真、以不合格的产品冒充合格的产品。
      Any producer or seller of pesticides, veterinary drugs, chemical fertilizers, seeds, agricultural machinery, agricultural plastic films and other agricultural means of production shall be responsible for the qualities of the products he produces or sells. Any act of passing defective products off as high-quality ones, or passing fake products off as genuine ones, or passing substandard ones off as standard ones, shall be prohibited.

      The production of such agricultural means of production as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery, which the State has publicly ordered to be obsolete, shall be forbidden.

      第四章 农产品流通

      第三十五条 农产品的购销逐步实行市场调节,国家对关系国计民生的重要农产品的购销活动实行必要的宏观调控。
      Article 35 Market regulation shall be gradually practised in the purchasing or selling of agricultural products, and the State shall carry out necessary macro-regulation and control in the purchasing or selling activities of major agricultural products relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

      The State Council or the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government empowered by the State Council may entrust relevant management organizations with the purchase of the major agricultural products relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

      The variety and quantity of agricultural products, the purchase of which is so entrusted, shall be prescribed by the State Council or by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government empowered by the State Council.

      The State Council may, when necessary, set the entrustment purchase prices of the specially designated agricultural products.

      第三十六条 国家对粮食等关系国计民生的重要农产品实行保护收购制度,设立风险基金。
      Article 36 The State shall practise the protective purchasing price system and establish risk fund for the major agricultural products such as grains relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

      The State shall practise a central and local multi-leveled storage and regulation system for the major agricultural products such as grains relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and set up reserve funds, establish and perfect the storage and transportation system so as to guarantee the supply and stabilize the market.

      第三十七条 国有商业组织和供销合作经济等集体商业组织应当加强仓储设施建设、提供市场信息、改进收购工作,发挥主渠道作用,为农民销售农产品服务。
      Article 37 The State-owned commercial organizations and the collective commercial organizations such as supply and marketing co-operatives shall strengthen the construction of storage facilities, provide market information, improve the purchasing work, play a role of main channel, and offer service to peasants in their selling of agricultural products.

      The State shall encourage and guide peasants to engage in various forms of circulation activities of agricultural products. Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, engage in activities of purchasing, processing, wholesaling, trafficking and retailing of agricultural products.

      第三十八条 国家鼓励和支持企业事业单位和个人依法从事跨地区、跨行业的农产品生产、加工、销售联合经营活动。
      Article 38 The State shall encourage and support enterprises, institutions and individuals to engage in transregional or inter-trade joint operational activities in producing, processing or selling of agricultural products according to law.

      第三十九条 国家支持农产品集贸市场和农产品批发市场的建立和发展。
      Article 39 The State shall support the establishment and development of rural fairs and wholesale markets for agricultural products.

      Wholesale markets for agricultural products shall have transaction regulations. No administrator of wholesale market for agricultural products may participate in the transactions of the wholesale market for agricultural products.

      第四十条 具备条件的农业生产经营组织和其他经济组织可以按照国务院规定经批准取得对外贸易经营权,进行农产品进出口贸易。
      Article 40 Agricultural production and operation organizations and other economic organizations properly qualified may acquire the managerial power of foreign trade with approval granted in accordance with the regulations of the State Council, and engage in import and export trade of agricultural products.

      第四十一条 县级以上人民政府应当组织财政、金融、粮食、供销等有关部门和单位及时筹足农产品收购资金,任何单位或者个人不得截留或者挪用。
      Article 41 People's governments at or above the county level shall organize the relevant departments and units such as those of finance, banking, grain, supply and marketing to raise in time enough funds for purchasing agricultural products. No unit or individual may intercept or misappropriate such funds.

      Units purchasing agricultural products must, at the time of purchasing, pay off the money to the agricultural production and operation organizations or peasants who sell their agricultural products.

      No units purchasing agricultural products may, at the time of purchasing, beat down the grade or price of agricultural products or deduct any costs from the payment.

      Any withholding of taxes to be made under laws or administrative rules and regulations shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or administrative rules and regulations.

      第五章 农业投入

      第四十二条 国家逐步提高农业投入的总体水平。国家财政每年对农业总投入的增长幅度应高于国家财政经常性收入的增长幅度。
      Article 42 The State shall gradually increase the overall input to agriculture. The growing rate of the annual overall input to agriculture by the national finance shall be higher than that of regular national revenue.

      The State shall take measures to promote the further exploitation of foreign capitals in agriculture.

      第四十三条 县级以上各级人民政府应当按照国家有关规定设立农业发展、育林、水利专项建设等各项农业专项基金。
      Article 43 People's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, establish special agricultural funds for agricultural development, forest cultivation and construction of special projects such as water conservancy facilities.

      第四十四条 国家运用税收、价格、信贷等手段,鼓励和引导农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者增加农业投入。
      Article 44 The State shall, by such means as taxation, price, credit and loan, encourage and guide the agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers to increase their input to agriculture.

      The State shall encourage and support agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers to raise agricultural funds on voluntary basis and by various ways.

      第四十五条 国家对农业的投入用于下列基础设施和工程建设:
      Article 45 The input to agriculture by the State shall be used in the following infrastructure and engineering projects:

      key projects for harnessing big rivers and lakes, large-scale water conservancy projects for flood and waterlogging control, diversion and irrigation, major infrastructure facilities for agricultural production and circulation of agricultural products, production bases of commodity grain, commodity cotton and timber forest, projects for shelter-forest, and fundamental facilities for agricultural education, agricultural scientific research, popularization of technology and meteorology.

      Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers shall put in fund and labour accumulation in input to agricultural production and capital construction such as irrigation and water conservancy works, and the State shall grant support thereto.

      第四十六条 国家采取税收、信贷等手段鼓励和扶持农用生产资料工业的发展,适应农业生产对化肥、农药、兽药、农用薄膜和农业机械等农业生产资料的需求。
      Article 46 The State shall, by such means as taxation, credit and loan, encourage and support the development of industries of means of agricultural production, and make efforts to meet the needs of agricultural production for means of agricultural production such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs, agricultural plastic films and agricultural machinery.

      第四十七条 各级人民政府应当加强对国家农业资金使用的管理,引导农业集体经济组织合理使用集体资金。
      Article 47 People's governments at various levels shall strengthen their control over the application of the agricultural funds of the State and guide the agricultural economic collectives to make a rational use of their collective funds.

      No unit shall intercept or misappropriate the funds for agriculture allocated by people's governments at various levels or agricultural loans by banks.

      第六章 农业科技与农业教育

      第四十八条 各级人民政府应当逐步增加农业科技经费和农业教育经费,发展农业科技、教育事业。
      Article 48 People's governments at various levels shall steadily increase the expenditure on agricultural science and technology and on agricultural education to promote agricultural science and technology as well as agricultural education undertakings.

      The State shall encourage economic collectives, State-owned enterprises and institutions, and other social forces to engage in agricultural science and technology as well as agricultural education undertakings.

      The relevant departments under the State Council shall make overall planning for the basic research, applied research and high technology research of agricultural science and technology, organize joint tackling of major projects, and promote the international co-operation and exchanges of agricultural science and technology.

      第四十九条 国家在农村实施义务教育,发展农业职业教育,提高农业劳动者的文化技术素质。
      Article 49 The State shall implement compulsory education in the countryside, develop professional education of agriculture and enhance the cultural and technical qualifications of agricultural labourers.

      第五十条 国家扶持农业技术推广事业,促使先进的农业技术尽快应用于农业生产。
      Article 50 The State shall support the popularization of agricultural techniques to promote the prompt application of advanced agricultural techniques to agricultural production.

      Setups for popularizing agricultural techniques shall coordinate with units of agricultural scientific research and education to popularize advanced agricultural techniques.

      第五十一条 对于农业技术推广机构、农业科研单位和有关学校举办的为学业服务的企业,国家在税收、信贷等方面给予优惠。
      Article 51 The State shall afford preferential treatments in respect of taxation, credit and loan to enterprises initiated for the service of agriculture by setups for popularizing agricultural techniques, units of agricultural scientific research and relevant schools.

      第五十二条 各级人民政府应当采取措施,充实加强农业科技、教育和农业技术推广队伍。
      Article 52 People's governments at various levels shall take measures to reinforce and strengthen the contingent of agricultural science and technology, education and popularization of agricultural techniques,

      safeguard and improve the working and living conditions and better the treatment of the professional scientific and technological personnel engaged in the work of popularizing agricultural techniques and shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State, give subsidies to such personnel and encourage them to contribute their services to agriculture.

      第五十三条 国家鼓励农民采用先进的农业技术,支持农民举办各种科技组织。
      Article 53 The State shall encourage peasants to apply the advanced agricultural techniques and support them to form various kinds of scientific and technological organizations.

      第七章 农业资源与农业环境保护 

      第五十四条 发展农业必须合理利用资源,保护和改善生态环境。
      Article 54 In the development of agriculture, resources must be utilized in a rational way and the ecological environment must be protected and improved.

      People's governments at various levels shall draw up plans for regionalization of agricultural resources, programmes for agricultural environmental protection and plans for the development of rural energy, and organize the rehabilitation of the agricultural ecological environment.

      第五十五条 县级以上各级地方人民政府应当划定基本农田保护区,对基本农田保护区内的耕地实行特殊保护,具体办法由国务院规定。
      Article 55 People's governments at or above the county level shall delimit protection areas of basic farmlands, and carry out special protection for the cultivated lands within the protection areas of basic farmlands. The specific measures therefor shall be stipulated by the State Council.

      People's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to strengthen the development and rehabilitation of barren hills, unreclaimed lands and desolated beaches.

      Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers shall keep good maintenance of their lands, make a rational use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, increase their application of organic fertilizers so as to improve soil fertility and prevent the land from pollution, destruction and soil fertility declination.

      第五十六条 国家对水土保持工作实行预防为主,全面规划,综合防治,因地制宜,加强管理,注重效益的方针。
      Article 56 The State shall, in the work of water and soil conservation, implement the policy of prevention first, overall planning, comprehensive prevention and control, adoption of measures suited to local conditions, strengthening management and laying stress on beneficial results.

      People's governments at various levels shall take measures to strengthen the rehabilitation of small river basins, control hazards of sand storms, prevent and control soil erosion and desertification.

      Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation, or building dykes to reclaim land from a lake or reclaiming slopes banned by the State shall be prohibited.

      第五十七条 国家实行全民义务植树制度。
      Article 57 The State shall implement the system of compulsory tree- planting in the whole nation.

      People's governments at various levels shall take measures to organize the masses to plant trees, protect forests and prevent fires, control plant diseases and insect pests in the forests, protect forest lands, checked up denudation and illegal felling of trees, and increase the forest coverage.

      第五十八条 国家保护和合理利用水、森林、草原、野生动植物等自然资源,防止其污染或者被破坏。
      Article 58 The State shall protect and make a rational use of the natural resources such as water, forest, grassland, wild animals and plants, and protect them from pollution or destruction.

      第五十九条 违反本法第十八条、第十九条的规定,向农民或者农业生产经营组织收费、罚款、摊派或者强制集资的,上级机关应当予以制止,并予公告;
      Article 59 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 18 or Article 19 of this Law, collects fees from, or imposes fines upon, or apportions costs among, or compulsorily raises funds from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall be checked up and made public by the organs at higher levels,

      whoever has collected money or has used labour force or material resources shall be ordered by the organs at higher levels to return the money so collected or to pay compensation at the market price of the labour force or material resources so used within a time limit.

      If the circumstances are serious, persons held directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions by the organs at higher levels or the units they belong to.

      第六十条 违反本法第四十一条第一款、第四十七条第二款的规定,任何单位将农产品收购资金截留、挪用于单位非农产品收购用途的,或者将各级人民政府拨付用于农业的资金截留、挪用于单位非农业开支的,或者将银行的农业贷款截留、挪用的资金;情节严重的,由上级机关或者所在单位给予直接责任人员行政处分。
      Article 60 Any unit which, in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 41 or paragraph 2 of Article 47 of this Law, intercepts the funds for purchasing agricultural products and misappropriates the funds to any use other than purchasing agricultural products, or intercepts the funds allocated for agriculture by people's governments at various levels and misappropriates such funds to any use other than agricultural expenditure, or intercepts the agricultural loans granted by banks and misappropriates such loans to any non-agricultural use, shall be ordered by organs at higher levels to return the funds intercepted or misappropriated within a time limit. And if the circumstances are serious, persons held directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions by the organs at higher levels or the units they belong to.

      第六十一条 违反本法第四条的规定,买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地的,非法占用土地的,依照土地管理法的规定追究法律责任。
      Article 61 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 4 of this Law, buys or sells or illegally transfers land in any other way, or illegally occupies land, shall be investigated for legal liability in accordance with the provisions of the Land Administration Law.

      第六十二条 违反本法第三十四条第二款的规定,生产假农药、假兽药、假化肥的,销售明知是假的或者是失去使用效能的农药、兽药、化肥、种子,或者生产者、销售者以不合格的农药、兽药、化肥、种子冒充合格的农药、兽药、化肥、种子的,责令停止生产、销售,没收违法生产、销售的产品和违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,可以吊销营业执照。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
      Article 62 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 34 of this Law, produces fake pesticides, fake veterinary drugs or fake chemical fertilizers, or sells pesticides, veterinary drugs, chemical fertilizers and seeds while clearly knowing such products to be fake or no longer effective, or any producer or seller who passes substandard pesticides, veterinary drugs, chemical fertilizers or seeds off as the ones up to the standard, shall be ordered to stop the production or selling. The products illegally produced or sold, and the unlawful earnings shall be confiscated, and a fine of not less than one time the value of the unlawful earnings but not more than five times of it shall be imposed upon, and the business licences may be revoked. And if the offence constitutes a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law.

      The administrative sanctions and penalties stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by the organs provided by laws or administrative rules and regulations.

      第六十三条 违反本法规定,侵犯农业生产经营组织或者农业劳动者的合法权益,造成损失、损害的,依法承担民事赔偿责任。
      Article 63 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers, and thus causes any loss or damage to them, shall bear the liability for civil compensation according to law.

      第六十四条 违反本法规定,依法应当给予行政处罚的,除本法另有规定外,依照有关法律、法规的规定执行。
      Article 64 In case a person violates any provision of this Law, and thus shall be subjected to administrative sanctions according to law, the provisions of relevant laws and regulations shall be applied except as otherwise provided for in this Law.

      第六十五条 违反本法规定,依照法律应当追究刑事责任的,依照有关法律的规定追究刑事责任。
      Article 65 Anyone who violates the provisions of this Law, and thus shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to Law, shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws.

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