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核心提示:Although China's exports have been falling this year, commerce minister Chen Deming says he is satisfied with this year's trade performance. He says China-made products have been taking a greater share of the global market. China's imports and expor

      Although China's exports have been falling this year, commerce minister Chen Deming says he is satisfied with this year's trade performance. He says China-made products have been taking a greater share of the global market.

      China's imports and exports are expected to total at least 2.2 trillion US dollars, down 16 percent compared with last year. Despite the decline in exports, Chinese products are taking more market share.

      Chen Deming said, "Last year our products took 8.86 percent of the world's total trade. This year, the proportion is increasing at a relatively high rate. It is a not an easy achievement. The trade in the domestic market is maintaining growth of 15 to 16 percent, double the speed of GDP growth. A great deal of efforts has been made on that."

      Overseas demand for Chinese products is expected to remain unstable next year. More anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations are also expected. To deal with these problems, China is focusing its efforts, not on increasing the quantity, but on improving the quality of its products. The country should also encourage exports and reduce the trade surplus. The commerce minister says it will take two to three years for exports to return to 2008's level.




      明年海外市场对中国产品的需求估计不稳定。而且中国产品也可能面临更多的的反倾销和反出口补贴的调查。为解决这些问题,中国将着力于提升产品的雷竞技百科 而不是增加出口商品的数量。国家应该鼓励出口和减少贸易顺差。商务部长说,出口额要恢复到2008年的水平将需要两到三年的时间。

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 出口商品 市场

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