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核心提示:In the past twenty years electronics have come a long way, from portable game consoles to mini laptop computers. Virtually everything now has to do with at least one piece of electronics either in manufacturing or the item itself. Cigarettes are the

      In the past twenty years electronics have come a long way, from portable game consoles to mini laptop computers. Virtually everything now has to do with at least one piece of electronics either in manufacturing or the item itself. Cigarettes are the newest to take part in becoming just another gadget.

      E-cigarette, short for electronic cigarette, is a reusable electronic nicotine delivery device. This can be used in buildings, don't apply to "no smoking" laws, have three to four ingredients, saver then cigarettes, no ash, no butts and extremely lower cost than traditional cigarettes. Most resemble a real cigarette, while some look like writing pens. They consist of three main parts: a battery, an atomizer and a cartridge.

      The battery is rechargeable and allows the atomizer to work. The batteries are concealed in what looks to be the paper portion of a traditional cigarette. The atomizer is the part that makes the electronic cigarette perform like a real one. When the user takes a "drag" or inhales the air that passes through the atomizer heats up the nicotine liquid. Finally, the cartridge which contains the nicotine liquid. These are small, around an inch long, plastic and hollow. Inside each cartridge is an even smaller capsule with a foil seal. Once the seal is broke the liquid is then able to be inhaled as a vapor. Each cartridge contains enough nicotine to be the equivalent to 1 pack of cigarettes.

      What makes e-cigarettes so appealing? They are fairly low cost with the first kit being the most expensive. Kits can run from $40.00 up to $100.00 and include at least one of each, a battery, atomizer, charger and cartridge. Packs of refill cartridges (packs come in 5 or 10 per pack) can cost between $5.00 and $15.00 depending on the store. Overall a smoker can spend around $75.00 on the first order an receive enough cartridges to be equal 1 carton of traditional cigarettes and depending on the brand the smoker is use to that can and usually is the same amount they would pay for a carton.

      Once the start up kit is purchased a user that smokes a pack a day (we will assume their cigarettes cost $6.50 a pack) will spend around $200 a month. If that same smoker was to use an e-cigarette and purchase refills (assuming they spend $15.00 per 10-pack) the total savings would be around $155.00 per month.




      是什么使得电子香烟受到(烟民的)如此青睐?除了第一次购买那套装置花钱最多之外,吸烟的成本相当低廉。电子香烟雾化器价格从40 -100 美元不等,基本配置包括一节电池,雾化器,充电器和药管。在不同的商店,药管里面的尼古丁胶囊(通常是5包装或10包装)的售价在5-15美元之间。总的来说,吸烟者第一次得花75美元来买足够的药管,相当于一条传统香烟的量,价格高低取决于吸烟者喜欢品牌,一般来说就是等同于一条香烟的价钱。


      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 电子 香烟

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