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核心提示:Accession Tax 财产增值税、财产增益税 Additional Tax 附加税 Admission Tax 入场税 Allowable Tax Credit 税款可抵免税;准予扣除税额 Amended Tax Return 修正后税款申报书 Animal Slaughter Tax 动物屠宰税 Annual Income Tax Return 年度所得税申报表 Assessed Tax

      Accession Tax 财产增值税、财产增益税
      Additional Tax 附加税
      Admission Tax 入场税
      Allowable Tax Credit 税款可抵免税;准予扣除税额
      Amended Tax Return 修正后税款申报书
      Animal Slaughter Tax 动物屠宰税
      Annual Income Tax Return 年度所得税申报表
      Assessed Tax. 估定税额
      Assessment of Tax 税捐估定
      Asset Tax 资产税
      Back Tax 欠缴税款;未缴税额
      Business Tax (工商)营业税;工商税
      Capital Tax 资本税:<美>按资本额稽征;<英>指资本利得税和资本转让税(=[缩]CTT)<英>资本转让税
      Capital Transfer Tax 资本转移税;资本过户税
      Company Income Tax / Company Tax 公司所得税
      Corporate Profit Tax / Corporation Profit Tax 公司利润税;公司利得税
      Corporate Profits After Taxes <美>公司税后利润(额);公司税后收益(额)
      Corporate Profits Before Taxes <美>公司税前利润(额);公司税前收益(额)
      Corporation Tax Act <美>公司税法
      Corporation Tax Rate 公司税税率
      Deferred Income Tax 递延所得税
      Deferred Income Tax Liability 递延所得税负债
      Deferred Tax 递延税额;递延税额
      Development Tax 开发税;发展税
      Direct Tax 直接税
      Dividend Tax 股利税;股息税
      Earnings After Tax (=[缩]EAT)(纳)税后盈利;(纳)税后收益(额)
      Earnings Before Interest and Tax (=[缩]EBIT)缴付息税前收益额;息税前利润
      Effective Tax Rate 实际税率
      Employment Tax 就业税;职业税;雇用税
      Entertainment Tax 娱乐税;筵席捐
      Estate Tax 遗产税
      Estimated Income Tax Payable 估计应付所得税;预估应付所得税
      Estimated Tax 估计税金
      Exchange Tax 外汇税
      Excise Tax ①[国内]税;[国内]货物税
      Export Tax 出口税
      Export Tax Relief 出口税额减免
      Factory Payroll Taxes 工厂工薪税
      Factory Tax [产品]出厂税
      Fine for Tax Overdue 税款滞纳金
      Fine on Tax Makeup 补税罚款
      Franchise Tax 特许经营税;专营税
      Free of Income Tax (=[缩]f.i.t.)<美>免付所得税
      Import Tax 进口税
      Income Before Interest and Tax 利息前和税前收益
      Income After Taxes 税后收益;税后利润
      Income Tax ([缩]=IT)所得税
      Income Tax Benefit 所得税可退税款
      Income Tax Credit 所得税税额抵免
      Income Tax Deductions 所得税扣款;所得税减除额
      Income Tax Exemption 所得税免除额
      Income Tax Expense 所得税费用
      Income Tax Law 所得税法
      Income Tax Liability 所得税负债
      Income Tax on Enterprises 企业所得税
      Income Tax Payable 应付所得税
      Income Tax Prepaid 预交所得税
      Income Tax Rate 所得税率
      Income Tax Return 所得税申报表
      Income Tax Surcharge 所得附加税
      Income Tax Withholding 所得税代扣
      Increment Tax;Tax on Value Added 增值税
      Individual Income Tax Return 个人所得税申报表
      Individual Tax 个人税
      Inheritance Tax <美>继承税;遗产税;遗产继承税
      Investment Tax Credit (=[缩]ITC/I.T.C.)<美>投资税款减除额;投资税款宽减额;投资减税额
      Liability for Payroll Taxes 应付工薪税
      Local Tax / Rates 地方税
      Luxury Tax 奢侈(品)税
      Marginal Tax Rate 边际税率
      Notice of Tax Payment 缴税通知;纳税通知书
      Nuisance Tax <美>繁杂捐税;小额消费品税
      Payroll Tax 工薪税;工资税;<美>工薪税
      Payroll Tax Expense 工薪税支出;工资税支出
      Payroll Tax Return 工薪所得税申报书;工资所得税申报书
      Personal Income Tax 个人所得税
      Personal Income Tax Exemption 个人所得税免除
      Personal Tax 对人税;个人税;直接税
      Prepaid Tax 预付税捐
      Pretax Earnings 税前收益;税前盈余;税前盈利
      Pretax Income 税前收入;税前收益;税前所得
      Pretax Profit 税前利润
      Product Tax 产品税
      Production Tax 产品税;生产税
      Profit Tax 利得税;利润税
      Progressive Income Tax 累进所得税;累退所得税
      Progressive Income Tax rate 累进所得税率
      Progressive Tax 累进税
      Progressive Tax Rate 累进税率
      Property Tax 财产税
      Property Tax Payable 应付财产税
      Property Transfer Tax 财产转让税
      Rate of Taxation;Tax Rate 税率
      Reserve for Taxes 税捐准备(金)纳税准备(金)
      Retail Taxes 零售税
      Sales Tax 销售税;营业税
      Tax Accountant 税务会计师
      Tax Accounting 税务会计
      Tax Accrual Workpaper 应计税金计算表
      Tax Accruals 应计税金;应计税款
      Tax Accrued / Accrued Taxes 应计税收
      Tax Administration 税务管理
      Tax Audit 税务审计;税务稽核
      Tax Authority 税务当局
      Tax Benefit <美>纳税利益
      Tax Benefit Deferred 递延税款抵免
      Tax Bracket 税(收等)级;税别;税阶;税档
      Tax Collector 收税员
      Tax Credits <美>税款扣除数;税款减除数
      Tax Deductible Expense 税收可减费用
      Tax Deductions <美>课税所得额扣除数
      Tax Due (到期)应付税款
      Tax Evasion 逃税;漏税;偷税
      Tax Exemption / Exemption of Tax / Tax Free 免税(额)
      Tax Law 税法
      Tax Liability 纳税义务
      Tax Loss 纳税损失;税损
      Tax on Capital Profit 资本利得税;资本利润税
      Tax on Dividends 股息税;红利税
      Tax Payment 支付税款;纳税
      Tax Penalty 税务罚款
      Tax Rate Reduction 降低税率
      Tax Rebate (出口)退税
      Tax Refund 退还税款
      Tax Return 税款申报书;纳税申报表
      Tax Savings 税金节约额
      Tax Withheld 扣缴税款;已预扣税款
      Tax Year 课税年度;纳税年度
      Taxable 可征税的;应纳税的
      Taxable Earnings 应税收入
      Taxable Income (=[缩]TI)可征税收入(额);应(课)税所得(额);应(课)税收益(额)
      Taxable Profit 应(课)税利润
      Taxation Guideline 税务方针;税务指南
      Taxes Payable 应缴税金,应付税款
      Tax-exempt Income 免税收入;免税收益;免税所得
      Tax-free Profit 免税利润
      Taxpayer 纳税人
      Transaction Tax 交易税;流通税
      Transfer Tax ①转让税;过户税②交易税
      Turnover Tax 周转税;交易税
      Undistributed Taxable Income 未分配课税所得;未分配应税收益
      Untaxed Income 未纳税所得;未上税收益
      Use Tax 使用税
      Value Added Tax (=[缩]VAT)增值税
      Wage Bracket Withholding Table 工新阶层扣税表
      Withholding Income Tax <美>预扣所得税;代扣所得税
      Withholding of Tax at Source 从源扣缴税款
      Withholding Statement 扣款清单;扣缴凭单
      Withholding Tax 预扣税款
      Withholding Tax Form (代扣所得税表)
      English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term
      Withholding agent's file number 扣缴义务人编码
      Date of filing 填表日期
      Day 日
      Month 月
      Year 年
      Monetary Unit 金额单位
      RMB Yuan 人民币 元
      This return is designed in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. The withholding agents should turn the tax withheld over to the State Treasury and file the return with the local tax authorities within seven days after the end of the taxable month.根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》 第九条的规定,制定本表,扣缴义务人应将本月扣缴的税款在次月七日内缴入国库,并向当地税务机关报送本表。
      Withholding agent's name 扣缴义务人名称
      Address 地址
      Telephone Number 电话
      Tax payer's name 纳税义务人姓名
      Tax payer's file number 纳税人编码
      Unit's name and Address 工作单位及地址
      Categories of income 所得项目
      Income period 所得时间
      Revenue 收入额
      Renminbi (RMB) 人民币
      Foreign currency 外币
      Name of currency 货币名称
      Amount 金额
      Exchange rate 外汇牌价
      Renminbi (RMB) converted into 折合人民币
      Total 人民币合计
      Deductions 减费用额
      Taxable Income 应纳税所得额
      Tax rate 税率
      Quick calculation deduction 速算扣除数
      Amount of tax withheld 扣缴所得税额
      Tax certificate number 完税证字号
      Date of tax payment 纳税日期
      In case the tax certificate is filled out by withholding agent, this return should be submitted together with 如果由扣缴义务人填写完税证,应在送此表时附完税证副联-----份
      Withholding total amount yuan 合计扣缴金额----元
      Declaration by Withholding agent 扣缴义务人声明
      I declare that the return is filled out in accordance with the INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, and I believe that the Statements contained in this return are true, correct and complete. 我声明:此扣缴申报报表是根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》的规定填报的,我确信它是真实的,可靠的,完整的。
      Signature 签字
      General Accountant (signature) 会计主管人签字
      Responsible officer (signature) 负责人签字
      Withholding agent (seal) 扣缴单位(或个人)盖章
      For official use 由以下税务机关填写
      Value Added Tax Payable Statement (应交增值税明细表)
      English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term
      Name of enterprise 编制单位
      Items 项目
      Line No. 行次
      Current Month 本月数
      Current Year Cumulative Amount 年末累计数
      Amount not yet deducted at beginning of year (represented by a "-" sign) 年初未抵扣数(用"-"反映)
      VAT on sales
      VAT Refund for exported goods 出口退税
      Amount transferred out from VAT on purchase 进项税额转出数
      Transfer out overpaid VAT 转出多交增值税
      VAT on purchase 进项税额
      VAT Paid 已交税金
      Tax reduced and exempted
      VAT payable on domestic sales offset against VAT on purchase for export sales 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额
      Transfer out unpaid VAT 转出未交增值税
      Amount not deducted at end of period (represented by a "-" sign) 期末未抵扣数(用"-"号反映)
      VAT unpaid 未交增值税
      Amount unpaid at beginning of year (amount overpaid represented by a "-" sign) 年初未交数(多交数以"-"号反映)
      Amount transfer in at current period (amount overpaid represented by a "-" sign) 本期转入数(多交数以"-"号反映)
      Amount paid at current period 本期已交数
      Amount unpaid at end of period (amount overpaid represented by a "-" sign)
      Head of unit 单位负责人
      Finance employee in charge 财务负责人
      Double-check 复核
      Prepared by 制表
      Enterprise Income Tax - Annual Tax Return (企业所得税年度申报表)
      English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term
      Income Tax on Enterprises Annual Tax Return 企业所得税年度纳税申报表
      Taxation period 税款所属时间
      Monetary Unit 金额单位
      Taxpayer's registration number 纳税人识别号
      Taxpayer's Name 纳税人名称
      Taxpayer's Address 纳税人地址
      Zip code (postcode) 邮政编码
      Type of business 登记注册类型
      Industry type 行业
      Taxpayer's bank 纳税人开户银行
      Bank account number 账号
      Gross revenue 收入总额
      Line No. 行次
      Items 项目
      Business income 销售(营业)收入
      Less: Sales return 减:销售退回
      Depreciation allowance 折扣与折让
      Net operating revenue 销售(营业)收入净额
      Amount of exempt income included 其中:免税的销售(营业)收入
      Income from royalties 特许权使用费收益
      Investment income 投资收益
      Net income in investment transfer 投资转让净收益
      Rental net income 租赁净收益
      Exchange net income 汇兑净收益
      Net income from asset/inventory surplus 资产盘盈净收益
      Subsidy income 补贴收入
      Other income 其他收入
      Final. total income 收入总额合计
      Operating expenses 销售(营业)成本
      Sales tax 销售税金及附加
      Total period expenses 期间费用合计
      Deduction items 扣除项目
      Including salary bonus Employee benefits. Employee labor union dues. Employee education expenses 其中:工资薪金 职工福利费、职工工会经费、职工教育经费
      Depreciation of fixed assets 固定资产折旧
      Amortisation on intangible assets and deferred assets 无形资产、递延资产摊销
      Research and development expenses 研究开发费用
      Net interest expense 利息净支出
      Exchange net loss 汇兑净损失
      Rental net expense 租金净支出
      Head office administrative expense 上缴总机构管理费
      Entertainment expenses 业务招待费
      Taxation expense 税金
      Loss on bad debts 坏账损失
      Additional bad debts provision for prior year 增提的坏账准备金
      Net loss due to inventory shortage, spoilage and obsolescence 资产盘亏、毁损和报废净损失
      Net loss in investment transfer 投资转让净损失
      National insurance payment 社会保险缴款
      Workers insurance expense 劳动保护费
      Advertising expenditure 广告支出
      Donations Contributed 捐赠支出
      Auditing, consulting and litigation expenses 审计、咨询、诉讼费
      Travelling expenses 差旅费
      Conference expenses 会议费
      Transportation, packing, handling and insurance exhibition expense on sales 运输、装卸、包装、保险展览等销售费用
      Bankruptcy compensation cost 矿产资源补偿费
      Other deductible expense items 其他扣除费用项目
      Taxable income calculation 应纳税所得额的计算
      Income before tax adjustment 纳税调整前所得
      Plus: Adjustment for additional tax payment 加:纳税调整增加额
      Including salary bonus tax adjustment
      Adjustment to tax payment for employee benefits , employee labor union dues, employee education expense. 其中:工资薪金纳税调整额职工福利费、职工工会经费和职工教育经费的纳税调整额
      Interest expense tax payment adjustment amount 利息支出纳税调整额
      Entertainment expenses tax adjustment amount 业务招待费纳税调整额
      Advertising expenditure tax payment adjustment amount 广告支出纳税调整额
      Tax adjustment for contribution expenditure 赞助支出纳税调整额
      Donations Contributed Tax Adjustment 捐赠支出纳税调整额
      Tax adjustment for depreciation and amortisation expenditure 折旧、摊销支出纳税调整额
      Loss on bad debts tax payment adjustment amount 坏账损失纳税调整额
      Provision for bad debts tax payment adjustment amount 坏账准备纳税调整额
      Penalties paid for late late tax payment 罚款、罚金或滞纳金
      Inventory revaluation reserve 存货跌价准备
      Short term investments depreciation reserve 短期投资跌价准备
      Long term investments depreciation reserve 长期投资减值准备
      Plus other taxable items adjustment 其他纳税调整增加项目
      Less: Deduction for tax adjustment 减:纳税调整减少额
      Including research and development expenses 其中:研究开发费用附加扣除额
      Other tax deductible items 其他纳税调整减少项目
      After tax adjusted income 纳税调整后所得
      Less: Prior year deficiency 减:弥补以前年度亏损
      Less: tax-exempt income 减:免税所得
      Including government loan interest income 其中:国债利息所得
      Tax free income subsidy 免税的补贴收入
      Tax free investment income 免于补税的投资收益
      Tax free technology transfer income 免税的技术转让收益
      Other tax free income 其他免税所得
      Taxable Income 应纳税所得额
      Applicable tax rate 适用税率
      Income tax payable 应缴所得税额
      Less: amount overpaid at beginning of period 减:期初多缴所得税额
      Prepaid income tax 已预缴的所得税额
      Tax allowance for domestic investment 应补税的境内投资收益的抵免税额
      Tax allowance for foreign investment 应补税的境外投资收益的抵免税额
      Approved income tax reduction 经批准减免的所得税额
      Taxpayer's representative's seal 纳税人代表签章
      Taxpayer's unit's seal 纳税人单位公章
      Date 日期
      Agent's company seal 代理申报中介机构签章
      Responsible person 经办人
      Registered number of responsible person 经办人执业证件号码
      Completed by tax authority 以下由税务机关填写
      Date return receive 受理申报日期
      Person approving 审核人
      Date of approval 审核日期
      Tax Authority's Seal 受理申报税务机关公章
      Excise tax, tax return 营业税纳税申报表
      Date of filing 填表日期
      Taxpayer's registration number 纳税人识别号
      Renminbi (yuan,jiao,fen) 元(列至角分)
      Taxpayer's Name 纳税人名称
      Taxation period 税款所属时间
      Tax Items 税目
      Operating items 经营项目
      Turnover 营业额
      Total Income 全部收入
      Tax exempt items 不征税项目
      Abatement item 减除项目
      Tax reduced items 减免税项目
      Turnover tax payable 应税营业额
      Current Period 本期
      Tax amount payable 应纳税额
      Less tax paid 减免税额
      If this return is filled by tax payer, the following should be completed by that tax payer. 如纳税人填报,由纳税人填写以下各栏
      General Accountant (seal) 会计主管(签章)
      Tax payer (seal) 纳税人(公章)
      If this return is filled by an authorized agent, following should be completed by that agent. 如委托代理人填报,由代理人填写以下各栏
      Agent's Name 代理人名称
      Address 地址
      Agent's seal 代理人(公章)
      Completed by tax authority 以下由税务机关填写
      Received by tax authority 收到申报表日期
      Received by 接收人
      Tax return for stamp tax 印花税纳税申报表
      Taxpayer's registration number 纳税人识别号
      Taxpayer's Name 纳税人名称
      Taxation period 税款所属时间
      Tax payment receipt 应税凭证名称
      Number of units 件数
      Applicable tax rate 适用税率
      Amount tax paid 已纳税额
      Stamp purchases information 购花贴情况
      Stamps on hand at beginning of period 上期结存
      Current period purchases 本期购进
      Current period use 本期贴花
      Current Period balance 本期结存
      If this return if filled by a tax payer, the following should be completed by that tax payer.
      General Accountant (seal) 会计主管(签章)
      Tax payer (seal) 纳税人(公章)
      If this return is filled by an authorized
      agent .the following should be completed by that agent
      Agent's Name 代理人名称
      Agent's address 代理人地址
      Agent's seal 代理人(公章)
      Completed by tax authority 以下由税务机关填写
      Received by tax authority 收到申报表日期
      Annual Income Tax return for Foreign Companies 外商投资企业和外国企业年度所得税申报表
      Tax year 纳税年度
      This return is designed in accordance with the provisions of Article of 16 and Detailed rules and Regulations of Article 95 of FOREIGN INVESTMENT BUSINESS INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. The company should fill the return and turn it over to the local tax authorities within four months of fiscal year end. The financial accounts certificate public accounts (China) audits report and related explanation should be attached. 根据《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法》第十六条及其实施细则第九十五条的规定,特制定本表,你企业应当纳税年度终了后4个月内如实填写本表,报送当地税务机关,并附送财务会计报表、中国注册会计师查账报告及有关的说明材料。
      Zip code (postcode) 邮政编码
      Industry type 行业
      Date trading commenced 开始生产、经营日期
      Profit making year 开始获利年度
      Bank account 银行账号
      Net revenue 收入净额
      Deduction 扣除额
      Taxable income calculation 应纳税所得额的计算
      Approved taxable income calculation 核定应纳税所得额的计算
      Company income tax payable calculation 应纳企业所得税额的计算
      Local income tax payable calculation 应纳地方所得税额的计算
      Items 项目
      Net amount of current year merchandise sales or business income 本年销售(销货)或营业收入净额
      Current year operating expense (for merchandise sales or business income) 本年销售(销货)或营业成本
      Current year finance, administration and overhead expenses relating to merchandise sales or business 本年度销售(销货)或营业费用、财务费用及管理费用
      Current year tax expense relating to merchandise sales or business operations 本年度销售(销货)或营业税金
      Deduction total 扣除额合计
      Including entertainment expenses 其中:交际应酬费
      Salary and welfare fund expense 工资、福利费
      Rental expense 租金支出
      Royalty 特许权使用费
      Interest expense 利息支出
      Depreciation expense 折旧费
      Current year profit (or loss) from merchandise sales or business 本年销售(销货)或营业利润(亏损)额
      Other business profit (or loss) amount in current year 本年其他业务利润(亏损)额
      Net amount of current year non-operating income and expense 本年营业外收支净额
      Taxable Income 应纳税所得额
      Current year total income 本年收入总额
      Taxable Income 应纳税所得额
      Tax rate % 税率%
      Company income tax payable 应纳企业所得税额
      Less amount of company tax paid 减免企业所得税额
      Local income tax payable 应纳地方所得税额
      Less amount of local tax paid 减免地方所得税额
      Prepaid tax for year 全年预缴税额
      Foreign tax credits 外国税额扣除
      Amount shown in account books 账载金额
      Explanatory comment 备注
      Authorized agent 授权代理人
      If you have entrusted a agent. Please fill in the following. To deal with all tax issues, we now authorize _____ (address) to be agent of our company, and any correspondence related to statement is considered reasonable to be sent to this agent. 如果你已委托代理申报人,请填写下列 资料。为代理一切税务事宜现授权______(地址)为本企业的代理申报人,任何与本申报表有关的来往文件都可寄与此人。
      Authorized signature 授权人签字
      Statement 声明:
      I declare that this return is filled out in accordance with FOREIGN INVESTMENT BUSINESS INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. I believe that this return is true ,correct and complete. 我声明:此纳税申报表是根据 《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法》规定填报的,我确信它是真实的、可靠的、完整的。
      Person making statement 声明人
      General Accountant (signature) 会计主管人签字
      Agent's signature 代理申报人签字
      Company seal 企业盖章
      Date received by tax authority 收到日期
      Date of approval 审核日期
      Approved Memo 审核记录
      Seal of tax authority 主管税务机关盖章
      Signature of tax officer in charge 主管税务官员签字

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 税收 报表 词汇

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