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核心提示:abrasion-Proof component of burner 燃烧器耐磨件 arm-brace 撑脚 ash conditoner 调灰器 basket removal panel 元件盒检修护板 BDV blow down valve 疏水阀,排污阀 blind 堵板 blind flange 法兰堵板/盲板法兰(盖calling 催交 campell diagram 叶片埃贝尔曲线 dado

      abrasion-Proof component of burner 燃烧器耐磨件

      arm-brace 撑脚

      ash conditoner 调灰器

      basket removal panel 元件盒检修护板

      BDV blow down valve 疏水阀,排污阀

      blind 堵板

      blind flange 法兰堵板/盲板法兰(盖calling 催交

      campell diagram 叶片埃贝尔曲线

      dado 墙裙

      daily service fuel tank level switch 日用油缸液位掣

      damage 损毁

      damper 挡板

      damper linkage 风闸联动装置

      damper motor 风闸马达

      damping mat 阻尼垫

      dangerous earth potential 危险性对地电势

      dashpot 减震器

      data transmission 数据传输

      DC/AC converter 直流电/交流电转换器

      dead 不带电

      dead weight 自重

      decanter 沉淀分取器

      declaration of conformity 符合标准声明

      decommissioning 解除运作;停止运作

      decompression chamber 减压室

      decorative lighting 装饰照明;灯饰

      deep bore well pump 深钻井泵

      defect liability period 故障修理责任期;保用期

      defectograph 钢缆探伤仪;故障检查仪

      defence in depth 纵深防御

      definite sequence 固定次序

      deflection 偏转;挠度

      deflector sheave 折向轮;导向轮

      defrost timer 防霜时间掣

      defrost unit 溶雪组合

      dehumidifier 抽湿机

      deleterious substance 有害物质

      delivery and return air temperature 送风及回风温度

      delivery connection 出油接头

      delivery pressure 输出压力

      demand side management 用电需求管理

      demand side management agreement 用电需求管理协议

      demand side management programme 用电需求管理计划

      dent 凹痕

      dental instrument 牙科仪器

      dental scaler 洗牙具

      Departmental Administration Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 行政部〔机电工程署〕

      Departmental Safety Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 部门安全组〔机电工程署〕

      deposition 沉积物

      depth measuring facility 深度测量装置

      derating factor 额定值降低因子

      derust 除锈

      descale 清除氧化皮

      design current 设计电流

      design parameter 设计参数

      designated employee 指定雇员

      detachable grip 可拆除的夹扣

      Details of Branch Offices of Registered Electrical Contractors 注册电业承办商分行详情申报

      deterioration 变质;变坏

      Deutsche Industrie Normen [DIN] 德国工业标准

      device 器件;装置

      dewatering 脱水;排水

      diaphragm 膜片;隔板

      dielectric strength test 电介质强度测试

      diesel fuel tank 柴油燃料缸

      diesel oil 柴油

      differential gasket 差速器衬垫

      differential lock 差速器锁

      differential oil 差速器机油

      diffuser 透光罩;扩散器

      dilute 稀释

      dim sum trolley 点心手推车

      dim transformer 光暗变压器

      diminution of value 减值

      dimmer 调光器;光暗掣;光暗器

      dip tube 液位探测管

      Diploma in Electrical Engineering 电机工程学文凭

      dipstick 量油尺

      direct current [DC] 直流电

      direct current control 直流控制

      direct current electric drive 直流电电力驱动

      direct current reactor 直流电抗器

      direct drive 直接驱动

      direct purging 直接驱气

      direct-acting lift 直接驱动升降机

      direct-fired vaporizer 明火直热式汽化器

      direction arrow 方向箭头

      direction arrow plate 方向指示板

      direction indicator 方向指示器

      Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services 机电工程署署长

      Directory of Accredited Laboratories 认可实验所名册

      Directory of Quality System Registration Bodies 品质系统注册团体指南

      disassemble 拆散

      discharge 放电;卸载

      discharge lamp 放电灯;放电管

      discharge lighting 放电照明设施

      discharge of electricity 释电;放电

      discharge valve 排水阀

      disciplinary board 纪律审裁委员会

      disciplinary board panel 纪律审裁委员团

      disciplinary tribunal 纪律审裁小组

      disciplinary tribunal panel 纪律审裁委员团;纪律审裁委员会

      discolouring 变色

      disconnection 截断;截离

      steam hamerring analysis 汽锤分析

      steam packing unloading valve 汽封卸载阀

      steam purity 蒸汽纯度

      steam seal diverting valve 汽封分流阀

      steam seal feed valve 汽封给水阀

      steam water mixture 汽水混合物

      steel bar 扁钢

      steel supporting 钢支架

      steel wire brush 钢丝轮

      steel works 钢结构

      step load change 负荷阶跃

      still air 蒸馏气体

      stirrup 镫形夹

      stoikiometric ratio 化学当量比

      stopper 制动器、塞子

      storage vessell 贮水箱

      stppage alarm 停转报警

      stranded copper cable 铜绞线电缆

      strength 强度

      strong backs 支撑

      stud bolt 柱头螺栓、双头螺栓

      sub cooling line 欠热管

      submerged arc welding 埋弧焊

      substation 配电装置

      substation island 电气岛

      superficial corrosion 表面腐蚀

      superheat 过热度

      supersaturation 过饱和

      supervisory instrument 监测装置

      supply transformer 供电变压器

      support trunnion 支撑端轴

      surfactant 表面活性剂

      surge 喘振

      suspended diode 中断二极管

      suspended particles 悬浮颗粒

      switch board 开关柜

      switch gear 开关柜

      sychronization 并网

      sychroscope 同步指示器、同步示波器

      T square 丁字尺

      T/G transformer 发变组

      tackling system 起吊系统

      tamped/compacted backfill 夯实回填土

      tanks and accessories 箱罐和附件

      taper land thrust bearing 斜面式推力轴承

      tar epoxy paint 柏油环氧漆

      tarpaulin 防水布

      temperature digital display meter 温度数显表

      tensile test 拉伸试验

      tension test 拉伸试验,张力试验

      tensioning rod 拉杆

      terminal box 接线盒

      terminal poit 接口

      termination flange 接口法兰

      tertiary air 三次风

      test connection 试验接头

      test permition 试验合格

      the expansion coordinate system 热膨胀系统

      theodilite\transit instrument 经纬仪

      thermal insulatiion for tuebine casing 汽缸保温

      thermo resistor 热电阻

      thermostat 恒温器、恒温调节器

      thinner 稀释剂

      threaded flange 螺纹法兰

      throudh type 直通式、穿入式

      through bolt 贯穿螺栓、双头螺栓

      thrust plate 推力板

      tier tube 间隔管

      tilting pad 可倾瓦块

      tilting pad bearing 可倾瓦块轴承

      tip shroud 围带、环形叶栅外柱面

      tip speed 叶顶速度

      toe board/plate (kick plate) 踢脚板

      top crown plate seal 高冠板式密封装置

      top girder 顶板

      top penthouse 顶部雨棚

      top plan view 俯视图

      torquemeter 扭矩测量仪

      totalnumber of welding 焊口总数

      trajectory 轨道、轨迹

      transducer board 变送器屏

      transfer pipe 引出管

      transition piece 过渡连接件

      transtion piece 过渡段

      transverse strength 弯曲强度、抗挠强度

      transverse stress 横向应力、弯曲应力

      transverse test 抗弯试验

      trapezoid corrugated plate seperater 梯形波形板分离器、顶帽

      travelling crab 小车起重机

      travelling hoist 移动卷扬机

      tread width 踏步宽度

      trestle 组合支架

      trim and grind the welding 修磨焊点

      trisector air preheater 三分仓空预器

      trunk cable pair 主电缆对

      trunnion air seal assembly 端轴空气密封

      tube exchanger 管式热交换器

      tubing stress analysis 管系应力分析

      turbidity analyser 浊度分析仪

      turbine lube oil and conditioning system 汽机润滑油及净化系统

      turning oil 循环油

      twisted pair conveyer 双绞线传送器

      undercut 坡口

      underflow 地流、潜流、下溢

      union 活接头、管节

      unloadding spout vent fan 卸料口通风风机

      unloading valve 卸载阀

      urgent need equipment 急需设备

      urgtented need equipment 急需设备

      u-shape hanger chains u形曲链片吊挂装置

      UT ultrasonic testing 超声波探伤

      UTS ultimate tensible strength 极限抗拉强度

      vacuum belt filter 皮带真空吸滤器

      valve opening chart at load rejection 甩负荷阀门开启阀

      valve seat body seat 阀座

      valve spindle 阀轴、阀杆

      valve stem 阀杆

      vapor proof 防水灯

      variable inlet guide vane centrifugal fan 进口可调导叶离心式风机

      variable moning blade axial flow fan 动叶可调轴流式风机

      variable moving blade double stage axial fan 动叶可调双级轴流式风机

      variable speed driver 变速马达

      variables 变量

      vent capacity 排放量

      vent line 放气管

      ventilator valve 通风阀

      vernier caliper 游标卡尺

      vertical deflection 垂直挠度

      vertical movement 垂直位移

      vertical spindle coal pulveriser 立式磨煤机

      vibration isolation 隔振装置

      viewing lamp 观察指示灯

      viscosity 粘滞度、内摩擦

      viscous fluid 粘性液体

      visual examination of coating 外观雷竞技百科

      vlve body 阀体

      void 无效

      volatily 挥发分

      voltage class 电压等级

      vortex gasket 涡流垫片

      wall type and retractable soot blower 墙式、伸缩式吹灰器

      warm air curtain 热风幕r

      warming line 加热管

      water balance 水平衡

      water induction prevent control 防进水控制

      water level gauge 水位计

      water stop flange 止水法兰

      water supply facility island 水工岛

      wear hardness 可抗磨能力

      wear template 防磨板

      wearing bush 防磨套

      wearing plate 防磨板、护板

      weigh feeder 重量计量进料器

      weld bolt 焊接螺栓

      weld contamination 焊接杂质

      weld groove 焊缝坡口

      weld pass 焊道

      weld penetration 熔深

      weld preparation 焊缝坡口加工

      weld with shop beveled ends 工厂加工坡口焊接

      welder helment 面罩

      welding line 焊缝

      welding plate flange 焊接板式法兰

      welding rod 焊条

      welding rods dryer barrel 焊条保温筒

      welding run 焊道

      welding seam 对接焊缝

      welding technological properties 焊接工艺性能

      welding tool 电焊钳

      welding torch 焊枪

      welding wire 焊丝

      welds counting quantity 焊口统计数量

      wellington boot 防水长统靴

      whirl plate 折流板

      wide column 宽立柱

      wire feed speed 送丝速度

      wire netting/metal mesh 铁丝网

      wire wool 擦洗用的)钢丝绒,百洁丝

      withstand voltage test 耐压试验

      working medium 工质

      worm hole (焊缝)条虫状气孔

      yield strength 屈服强度

      yoke 磁轭、人孔压板、座架联板

      firproof paint 防火漆

      manifold valve 汇集阀

      saw trace 锯痕

      tapping point 取样点

      bushing current transformer 套管式电流互感器

      light gauge plate/sheet 薄钢板

      notch 槽口、凹口

      holding strip 压板

      straight edge 校正装置

      trailing edge 后缘

      lance 喷枪

      lighting off 点火

      gaseous fuel 气体燃料

      entrain 夹带、传输

      combustion air 助燃风

      hot stand by 热备用

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 电力 词汇(1)

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