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核心提示:sphygmophone 脉音听诊器 sphygmoplethysmograph 脉容描记器 sphygmoscope 脉搏检视器 sphygmotonograph 血压脉搏描记器 sphygmotonometer 脉张力计 spica 人字形绷带 spice grinder 香料粉碎机 spice jar 香料瓶 spice powder 香料粉 spice 香料 spice-added chicken

        sphygmophone 脉音听诊器

        sphygmoplethysmograph 脉容描记器

        sphygmoscope 脉搏检视器

        sphygmotonograph 血压脉搏描记器

        sphygmotonometer 脉张力计

        spica 人字形绷带

        spice grinder 香料粉碎机

        spice jar 香料瓶

        spice powder 香料粉

        spice 香料

        spice-added chicken gizzard 五香鸡肫

        spiced arbutus 五香杨梅

        spiced beef cube 五香牛肉丁

        spiced beef haslet 卤牛什

        spiced beef 卤牛肉

        spiced belt fish 五香带鱼

        spiced boiled egg with tea leaves 五香茶叶蛋

        spiced cabbage 冬菜

        spiced chicken gizzard 五香鸡肫

        spiced chicken leg 香酥鸡腿

        spiced chicken 五香鸡

        spiced dried beancurd 五香豆腐干

        spiced duck gizzard 五香鸭肫

        spiced duck offal 卤鸭什

        spiced duck 五香鸭

        spiced egg 卤蛋

        spiced fried goose 五香鹅

        spiced goose gizzard 美味卤肫

        spiced goose 五香鹅

        spiced mango 香话芒

        spiced mud-skipper 五香花鱼

        spiced mutton 卤羊肉

        spiced olive 香榄

        spiced peanut kernel 五香花生米

        spiced pig's heart 卤水猪心

        spiced pig's stomach 卤水猪肚

        spiced pig's tongue 卤水猪舌

        spiced plum 五香李

        spiced pork chop 五香猪排

        spiced pork cube 五香肉丁

        spiced pork haslet 卤猪什

        spiced pork 酱猪肉

        spiced preserved beancurd 五香腐乳

        spiced quail egg 五香鹌鹑蛋

        spiced rabbit meat 卤兔肉

        spiced rice bird 五香禾花雀

        spiced rice crust 五香锅巴

        spiced sesame crisp 芝麻五香酥

        spiced sesame seed moon cake 黑芝麻椒盐月饼

        spiced square cake 五香方酥

        spiced turnip 五香大头菜

        spiced vinegar 香醋

        spiced wine 加香葡萄酒

        spiclomazine 螺氯马嗪

        spicy detergent 加香洗剂

        spicy filefish 香炸鳞■鱼

        spicy fish 熏鱼

        spicy mutton with scallion 宫爆羊肉

        spider gear 差速轮

        spider leno 网眼纱罗

        spider silk 蜘蛛丝

        spider spanner 星形套筒扳手

        spider web antenna 蛛网天线

        Spider 蜘蛛牌汽车

        spiderherb seed 白花菜子

        spiders 蜘蛛布

        spigot and socket tee 承插三通

        spike coat 燕尾服

        spike drawer 道钉橇

        spike eliminator 尖锋脉冲消除器

        spike hammer 道钉锤

        spike harrow 直齿耙

        spike interference filter 窄带干涉滤光片

        spike mill 钉碎机

        spike nail 道钉

        spike puller 道钉橇

        spike 道钉

        spike-shoes 钉鞋

        spike-tooth harrow 钉齿耙

        spiked link harrow 钉齿链耙

        spikenard oil 甘松油

        spikenard 甘松

        spilling truck 洒水车

        spin counter 转速计数器

        spin fiber 旋转光纤

        spin forming machine 旋压成型机床

        spin spreader 旋转式洒布机

        spin-draw winder 纺丝拉伸卷绕机

        spin-draw- winding machine 纺丝拉伸卷绕机

        spin-draw-texturing machine 纺丝-拉伸-变形联合机

        spin-drier 旋转式干燥机

        spin-flip laser 自旋反转激光器

        spin-flip Raman laser 自旋反转拉曼激光器

        spin-texturing machine 纺丝变形联合机

        spina gleditsae 皂角刺

        spinach seed 菠菜籽

        spinach 菠菜

        spinal retractor 脊柱牵开器

        spindle agitator 心轴搅拌器

        spindle band 锭绳

        spindle bearing 心轴轴承

        spindle bore lathe 大孔径车床

        spindle breaker 圆锥破碎机

        spindle clean-oiler 锭子清洗加油器

        spindle drill press 转柱钻机

        spindle level 锭子水平仪

        spindle nephoscope 旋转测云镜

        spindle of spinning machine 纺纱机锭子

        spindle oil 锭子油

        spindle oiler 锭子加油器

        spindle press 螺旋压力机

        spindle system dyeing machine 竖轴式染色机

        spindle tape 锭带

        spindle wheel swinging reducer 针轮摆线减速机

        spindle-type core drill 立轴式岩心钻机

        spindle-type cotton picker 摘锭式采棉机

        spindle-type drill 立轴式钻机

        spindle-type drilling machine 立式钻机

        spine 饰线针绣

        spinel 尖晶石

        spinet 小型立式钢琴

        spinnaker 大三角帆

        spinner blade 转子叶片

        spinner chip spreader 旋动石屑摊铺机

        spinner disk spreader 旋盘铺砂器

        spinner fertilizer spreader 转盘式撒肥机

        spinner flowmeter 转子流量计

        spinner gritter 旋盘铺砂器

        spinner magnetometer 旋转式磁力仪

        spinner motor 双转子感应电动机

        spinner 纺纱机

        spinner-type spreader 旋转式撒布机

        spinneret 喷丝头

        spinners fleece 优级套毛

        spinning cake 丝饼

        spinning dye 原液染色染料

        spinning fluid 纺丝液

        spinning frame 精纱机

        spinning hook 拨水钩

        spinning jenny 詹妮纺纱机

        spinning lathe 旋压车床

        spinning machine green acrylic-alkyd enamel 纺机绿丙烯酸醇酸磁漆

        spinning machine 纺纱机

        spinning nozzle 喷丝嘴

        spinning pump 纺纱泵

        spinning wheel 纺车

        spinning 兹平宁

        spinning-disc atomizer 旋转式圆盘喷雾器

        spinning-disc distributor 转盘式撒布机

        spinning-top 陀螺

        spinometer 纺丝测速仪

        spinthariscope 闪烁镜

        spiny lobster 多刺龙虾

        spiperone 螺哌隆

        spipot and socket cast-iron pipe 承插式铸铁管

        spiral agitator 螺旋搅拌器

        spiral antenna 螺旋天线

        spiral bevel gear and pinion for rotary table 转盘弧齿锥齿轮

        spiral bevel gear cutter 螺旋伞齿轮铣刀

        spiral bevel gear cutting machine 螺旋锥齿轮切削机

        spiral bevel gear generating machine 旋转伞齿轮滚齿机

        spiral bevel gear generator 螺旋锥齿轮铣齿机

        spiral bevel gear 螺旋伞齿轮

        spiral bevel milling cutter head sharpening machine 螺旋锥齿轮铣刀盘刃磨床

        spiral bit 螺旋钻头

        spiral book 螺旋簿

        spiral borer 螺旋钻

        spiral cam 螺旋凸轮

        spiral candle 螺旋蜡烛

        spiral circular miniconnector 螺纹小圆形插头座

        spiral classifier 螺旋分级机

        spiral contractometer 螺旋收缩力计

        spiral contrapper knitting machine 螺旋形花纹吊线织袜机

        spiral conveyer 螺旋输送机

        spiral core winding machine 螺旋式卷芯机

        spiral cucumber 宝塔菜

        spiral drawing frame 螺旋杆式并条机

        spiral drill 螺旋钻

        spiral drilling machine 螺旋钻机

        spiral extruding machine 螺旋压出机

        spiral feeder 螺旋输送给料机

        spiral flute machine reamer with straight shank 螺旋直柄槽机用铰刀

        spiral flute machine reamer with taper shank 锥柄螺旋槽机用铰刀

        spiral flute tap 螺旋槽丝锥

        spiral flute twin teeth milling cutter 螺旋槽沟齿铣刀

        spiral flute 螺旋槽

        spiral four cable 星绞型四芯软电缆

        spiral freezer 螺旋冷冻机

        spiral gear 螺旋形齿轮

        spiral handle needle 盘龙针

        spiral heat exchanger 螺旋式热交换器

        spiral heater 盘管加热器

        spiral mill 螺纹轧机

        spiral oil press 螺旋榨油机

        spiral paper tube winding machine 螺旋卷管机

        spiral pipe type evaporator 螺旋管蒸发器

        spiral planetary speed reducer 螺环行星减速器

        spiral point drill pointer 万能钻头刃磨机

        spiral point tap 螺尖丝锥

        spiral pointed machine screw tap 机用螺尖丝锥

        spiral pressure gauge 螺旋管压力表

        spiral propeller 螺旋推进器

        spiral pump 螺杆泵

        spiral quad cable 扭绞四芯电缆

        spiral ramp 螺旋夹

        spiral ratchet screw driver 自动螺丝起子

        spiral ribbon mixer 螺带混合机

        spiral ring gauge 螺纹环规

        spiral ring 螺旋环

        spiral roller conveyor 螺旋形辊式输送器

        spiral roving frame 螺杆式粗纱机

        spiral rubber hose 缠绕胶管

        spiral separator 螺旋分选机

        spiral shank tap 螺旋柄丝锥

        spiral shaped agitator 螺旋形搅拌机

        spiral sheet condenser 螺旋板式冷凝器

        spiral sheet evaporator 螺旋板式蒸发器

        spiral socks 螺旋形花纹短袜

        spiral spline broach 螺旋花键拉刀

        spiral spring 盘簧

        spiral stabilizer 螺旋式稳定器

        spiral steel belt protective sleeve 螺旋钢带保护套

        spiral stirrer 螺旋搅拌机

        spiral strain gauge 螺旋应变计

        spiral swivel lifting chair 螺旋升降椅

        spiral swivel lifting stoll with double disks 螺旋升降双盘凳

        spiral taper gear 螺旋锥齿轮

        spiral taper pipe 锥形螺盘管

        spiral taper reamer 螺旋槽式锥铰刀

        spiral taper tap 螺旋槽丝锥

        spiral tube evaporator 螺旋管式蒸发器

        spiral tube exchanger 螺旋管换热器

        spiral tube pressure gage 螺旋管压力表

        spiral turbine 蜗壳式水轮机

        spiral wave filter 螺旋滤波器

        spiral web scan panoramic camera 螺旋臂扫描全景摄影机

        spiral weld-pipe mill 螺旋焊管机

        spiral welded-on wing stabilizer 焊接螺旋翼片式稳定器

        spiral welding steel pipe 螺焊钢管

        spiral wire rope 螺旋状钢丝绳

        spiral wound gasket 缠绕式垫片

        spiral wound seal gasket 螺旋缠绕密封垫片

        spiral yarn 螺旋线

        spiral-flow washer 旋流式清洗机

        spiral-fluted roughing reamer 螺旋槽粗加工铰刀

        spiral-orbit spectrometer 螺旋轨道光谱仪

        spiral-plate exchanger 螺旋板式换热器

        spiral-plate heat exchanger 螺旋板换热器

        spiral-type cold water meter 螺旋式冷水水表

        spiral-type seed grader 螺旋种子清选机

        spiral-type slag eliminator 螺旋除渣机

        spiral-wound fission counter 螺旋缠绕裂变计数器

        spiralled water hose 缠绕输水管

        spirallocer 麻花钻

        spirally deformed steel bar 螺纹钢筋

        spirally wound high pressure cylinder 绕带式高压筒

        spiramycin 螺旋霉素

        spirazine 螺拉嗪

        spirgetine 螺吉丁

        spirit burner 酒精炉

        spirit gauge 酒精比重计

        spirit hydrometer 酒精比重计

        spirit lamp 酒精灯

        spirit level 水平仪

        spirit stove 酒精炉

        spirit varnish 挥发清漆

        spirit 烈性酒

        Spirit 幽灵牌汽车

        spiroalkane 螺烷烃

        spirobicyclohexane 螺二环已尝

        spirobiindene 螺双茆

        spirocyclane 螺环烷

        spirogermanium 锗螺胺

        spirograph 呼吸记录器

        spiroheptane 螺庚烷

        spirometer 肺活量计

        spironolactone 螺内酯

        spiropentane 螺戊烷

        spirophore 人工呼吸器

        spiropulsator 吸入麻醉器

        spiroscope 呼吸量测定器

        spit 烤叉

        spittoon with foot 高脚痰盂

        spittoon 痰盂

        spizofurone 螺佐呋酮

        splash cooler 飞溅冷却器

        splash feeder 喷射加料器

        splash voile 点子巴里纱

        splash yarn 黑白竹节纱

        splash-proof generator 防溅式发电机

        splash-proof motor 防溅式电动机

        splash-proof type induction motor 防溅式感应电动机

        splashed glaze 斑点釉

        splendate 依罗酯

        splicer for magnetic film 磁带片接片机

        splicer 接片机

        splicing machine 接片机

        spline broach 花键拉刀

        spline coupling 花键联轴节

        spline feed rod 花键进给杠

        spline gear 花键齿轮

        spline grinding machine 花键磨床

        spline hobbing machine 花键滚齿机

        spline milling cutter 花键铣刀

        spline pinion cutter 花键插齿刀

        spline push broach 花键推刀

        spline shaft grinding machine 花键轴磨床

        spline shaft hobbing machine 花键轴铣床

        spline shaft milling machine 花键轴铣床

        spline shaft 花键轴

        spline-and-keyway milling machine 花键与键槽铣床

        splined nut 带槽螺母

        splined shaft 花键轴

        splint coal 硬烟煤

        splint 夹板

        splinter-coal 烟煤

        split baffle ring 开口挡圈

        split bolt 开口螺栓

        split brick 劈裂砖

        split cable 分股电缆

        split chuck 弹簧卡盘

        split compressor 二级压缩机

        split condenser 分隔式冷凝器

        split conical cotter pin 开尾圆锥销

        split cotter 开尾销

        split damping ring 开口挡圈

        split fibre 裂膜纤维

        split foot knitter 光夹底织袜机

        split foot socks 光夹底短袜

        split gas turbine 分轴式燃汽轮机

        split gear 拼合齿轮

        split hydrophone 分裂式水听器

        split log drag 木条刮路器

        split nut 对开螺母

        split pin 开尾销

        split projector 分裂式发射器

        split pulley 拼合皮带轮

        split range positioner 分段定位器

        split reed screen 批苇帘

        split ring clutch 扣环离合器

        split ring commutator 分环整流子

        split rivet 开口铆钉

        split rotor plate 分瓣转片

        split rush stalk screen 蒲杆帘

        split saw 粗齿锯

        split second timer 双秒针计时器

        split skirt piston 开口裙活塞

        split skirt 沟槽活塞裙

        split spline crankshaft 键槽连接式曲轴

        split tile 劈离瓦

        split type air conditioner 分离式空调器

        split variometer 分挡可变电感器

        split winding goniometer 抽头绕组式测向器

        split-beam photometric analyzer 分裂光束光度分析仪

        split-casing pump 剖分式泵

        split-clamp crank-shaft 夹紧式曲轴

        split-conductor cable 分股电缆

        split-draft metier 热风分向纺丝机

        split-drum mixer 裂筒式拌和机

        split-field finder 场象分割取景器

        split-field motor 串励绕组分段式直流电动机

        split-film fibre 裂膜纤维

        split-flow heater 分流加热器

        split-flow spinning machine 热风分流型纺丝机

        split-lens 剖开透镜

        split-phase induction motor 分相感应电动机

        split-phase motor 分相电动机

        split-phase start single phase induction motor 分相起动单相感应电动机

        split-phase starting system induction motor 分相起动式感应电动机

        split-pole converter 分割磁极换流器

        split-stator condenser 分定片电容器

        split-stator variable capacitor 分裂定片可变电容器

        split-tube drive sampler 对开管打入式取土器

        split-tube sampler 对开管式取土器

        split-type crank case 拼合式曲柄箱

        split-type housing 分开式后轴壳

        split-volute-case pump 剖分式旋涡泵

        splits 并幅布

        splitter 分裂器

        splitting chisel 开尾凿

        splitting machine for leather 片皮机

        splitting machine 剖层机

        splitting maul 锤斧

        spodumene 锂辉石

        spoil conveyor 弃土输送器

        spoiler 扰流器

        spoke clip for wheel 车轮辐条紧杆

        spoke shave 辐刨片

        spoke 辐条

        spoke-shave plane 辐刨

        spoke-shave with wooden handle 木柄弯刨

        sponge bag 海绵袋

        sponge blanket 海绵毯

        sponge brush 海绵刷

        sponge cake 蛋糕饼

        sponge cloth 松软棉布

        sponge drier 海绵吸水式干燥器

        sponge filter 海绵过滤器

        sponge glass 毛玻璃

        sponge gourd 丝瓜

        sponge holder 海绵夹

        sponge holding forceps 海绵镊

        sponge iron 海绵铁

        sponge nickel 海绵镍

        sponge plastics 多孔塑料

        sponge platinum 铂绒

        sponge rubber 海绵橡胶

        sponge seat cushion 海绵座垫

        sponge silk 海绵绸

        sponge with X-ray detectable thread X光追踪线纱布片

        sponge zirconium 海绵锆

        sponge 海绵

        spongia gelatini 明胶海绵

        sponging machine 修坯机

        spongy copper 海棉铜

        spongy cushion 海绵垫

        Sponta 斯蓬塔牌手表

        Spontex 斯邦特克斯粘胶海绵

        spool cotton 合股线团

        spool for inking ribbon 打字色带轴

        spool insulator 线轴式绝缘子

        spool loading cine camera 卷片型电影摄影机

        spool spun rayon 筒管纺人造丝

        spool tile 筒形瓦

        spool turbojet 铜管式涡轮喷气发动机

        spool 线轴

        spooler 络纱机

        spooling machine 打轴机

        spoon bit 勺钻

        spoon gauge 管簧真空规

        spoon manometer 管簧压力计

        spoon slicker 匙形刮刀

        spoon stand 匙碟

        spoon with long handle 长柄大勺

        spoon 匙

        spora lygodii 海金砂

        sport assorted biscuit 运动饼干

        sport boat 运动汽艇

        sport cap 运动帽

        sport car 跑车

        sport coat 运动外衫

        sport gloves made of sheep leather 绵羊皮运动手套

        sport jacket 运动背心

        sport pants 运动裤

        sport satin 运动缎

        sport shirt in corded rayon 人造丝线绉运动衬衫

        sport shirt in corduroy 粗条纹绒运动衬衫

        sport shirt in cotton flannel plaid 长方格棉毛布运动衬衫

        sport shirt in cotton suede cloth 棉仿麂皮布运动衬衫

        sport shirt in double decker gabardine 轧别丁布背心镶嵌式运动衬衫

        sport shirt in gabardine and plaid cotton suede cloth 轧别丁和长方格棉仿麂皮布制成的运动衬衫

        sport shirt in plaid cotton suede cloth 长方格棉仿麂皮运动衬衫

        sport shirt in rayon gabardine 人造丝轧别丁运动衬衫

        sport shirt in rayon poplin 人造丝毛葛运动衬衫

        sport shirt in rayon teca 人造丝德加绸运动衬衫

        sport shirt in woven cotton plaid 编织长方格棉布运动衬衫

        sport shirt with long sleeves 长袖运动衫

        sport shirt with short sleeves 短袖运动衫

        sport shirt 运动衫

        sport socks 运动袜

        sport suit 运动衣

        sportex 运动呢

        sporting gloves 运动手套

        sporting goods 体育用品

        sporting gun 猎枪

        sporting pistol cartridge 运动手枪弹

        sporting rifle cartridge 运动步枪弹

        sporting rifle 运动步枪

        sporting shoes 运动鞋

        sporting suit 运动衣

        sportive longuette 轻快长裙

        Sportivnye 体育牌手表

        sports bag 运动包

        sports bicycle 运动自行车

        sports denim 薄软运动服布

        sports glasses 运动眼睛

        sports goods 体育用品

        sports jersey 运动衫

        sports lens 运动眼镜片

        sports products 体育用品

        sports shoes with moulded sole 模压底运动鞋

        sports shoes 运动鞋

        sports shorts 运动短裤

        sports socks 运动袜

        sports sweater and trousers 运动衫裤

        sports watch 运动手表

        sportswear 运动服装

        sporty 轻便服装

        spot cotton 现货棉

        spot killer 亮点消除器

        spot lamp 聚光灯

        spot light 聚光灯

        spot light lamp bulb 聚光灯泡

        spot meter 点亮度计

        spot muslin 点子花纹薄细布

        spot receiver 点波束接收机

        spot reflecting galvanometer 光点反射检流计

        spot reflector 点波束反射器

        spot remover 光点消除器

        spot view finder 直望取景镜

        spot welder 点焊机

        spot welding machine 点焊机

        spot-exposure microscope 点曝光显微镜

        spot-facer 锪孔钻

        spotfacing and centering machine 平端面钻中心孔机床

        spotlight with stand 带支座的聚光灯

        Spotrete 福美双

        spots 点子花纹棉布

        spotted bamboo sheath 斑竹壳

        spotted cane 斑竹

        spotted colored pea 麻豌豆

        spotted crab 花蟹

        spotted deer antler slice 梅花鹿茸片

        spotted deer's tail 花鹿尾

        spotted grouper 花狗斑鱼

        spotted lace 点子网眼纱

        spotted rabbit skin hat for child 仿豹皮童帽

        spotted rabbit skin overcoat 仿豹皮大衣

        spotted rabbit skin 仿豹皮兔皮

        spotted silver carp in tomato sauce 茄汁鲢鱼

        spotted silver carp 花鲢

        spotting agent 去斑剂

        spotting press 修整冲模压力机

        spotty bristle 霉猪鬃

        spotty steel 白点钢

        sprag clutch 斜撑离合器

        spray absorber 喷淋式吸收器

        spray and steam electric iron 喷汽喷雾型电熨斗

        spray arrester 喷水式避雷器

        spray atomizer 喷雾器

        spray attemperator 喷水减温器

        spray carburettor 喷雾式汽化器

        spray catcher 捕雾器

        spray condenser 喷淋冷凝器

        spray cooler 喷淋冷却器

        spray cooling tower 喷雾式冷水塔

        spray damping machine 喷雾给湿机

        spray decorated porcelain 吹彩瓷

        spray drier 喷雾干燥器

        spray drying tower 喷雾干燥塔

        spray electric iron 喷雾型电熨斗

        spray evaporator 喷雾蒸发器

        spray film evaporator 喷雾薄膜式蒸发器

        spray gun for paint 喷漆枪

        spray gun 喷枪

        spray hose 喷雾胶管

        spray humidifier 喷雾增湿器

        spray jet 喷雾器

        spray lacquer 喷漆

        spray nozzle 喷嘴

        spray painter 喷漆机

        spray painting equipment 喷漆设备

        spray pipe 喷管

        spray producer 喷雾器

        spray pump 喷油泵

        spray scrubber 喷淋洗涤塔

        spray separator 喷淋分离器

        spray thrower 喷淋器

        spray tower 喷淋塔

        spray trap 雾滴捕集器

        spray type steam washer 喷淋式汽洗器

        spray washer 喷淋洗涤器

        spray-disk 喷雾盘

        spray-dried powder mixer 喷雾干粉混合器

        spray-painting robot 喷漆机器人

        spray-type air cooler 喷淋式空气冷却器

        spray-type drier 喷淋式干燥器

        spray-type evaporator 喷淋式蒸发器

        spray-type generator 喷淋式发生器

        sprayed fibre 喷纺纤维

        sprayer for medical purpose 医用喷雾器

        sprayer 洒水车

        spraying cleaner 喷淋清洗器

        spraying damper 喷雾润湿器

        spraying fan 喷雾风扇

        spraying flashing ink 闪光喷涂油墨

        spraying gun 喷枪

        spraying machine 喷洒机

        spraying robot 喷漆机器人

        spraying tanker 喷洒机

        spraying-bonded wadding 喷浆絮棉

        spread collar white broadcloth shirt 大领口白阔棉布衬衫

        spread-spectrum code-sequence generator 展宽频谱代码序列发生器

        spreader nozzle 喷洒喷嘴

        spreader stoker 撒布式机械加煤机

        spreader 刮胶机

        spreader-finisher 摊铺修整两用机

        spreader-steamer 扩幅汽蒸机

        spreader-sticker 粘展剂

        spreading machine 摊铺机

        spreading waveform generator 扩展波形发生器

        sprig 钉子

        spring accelerator 弹簧加速器

        spring alloy 弹簧合金

        spring balance safety valve 弹簧平衡安全阀

        spring balance 弹簧秤

        Spring Bamboo woollen sweater 春竹牌羊毛衫

        spring basket retainer 弹簧篮式盛土器

        spring bearing 弹簧轴承

        spring beetling machine 弹簧捶布机

        spring bender 弹簧折弯器

        spring blade knife 弹簧折合刀

        spring board 助跳板

        spring book 弹簧簿

        spring bow compasse 弹簧圆规

        spring bow divider 弹簧分规

        spring bracket 弹簧架

        spring bronze 弹簧青铜

        spring buffer 弹簧缓冲器

        spring bumper 弹簧缓冲器

        spring callipers 弹簧卡钳

        spring cap 弹簧帽

        spring catch 弹簧销

        spring centre bolt 弹簧中心螺栓

        spring chain hook 弹簧钩链

        spring chicken 神仙鸡

        spring clamp 弹簧夹

        spring clutch 弹性离合器

        spring coiling machine 卷簧机

        spring collet center 弹簧顶尖

        spring collet 弹簧夹头

        spring compass 弹簧圆规

        spring contactor 弹簧接触器

        spring damper 弹簧减震器

        spring die 弹簧板牙

        spring divider 弹簧量规

        spring dynomometer 弹簧测力计

        spring exerciser 拉力器

        spring expander 弹簧扩张器

        spring feeder 弹簧给料机

        spring feeler 弹簧测隙规

        spring flat steel 弹簧扁钢

        spring for motor car 汽车板弹簧

        spring forming machine 弹簧成形机

        spring gauze 春纱

        spring governor 弹簧调速器

        spring hammer beetle 弹簧捶布机

        spring hammer 弹簧锤

        spring hanger 弹簧吊架

        spring harrow 弹簧路耙

        spring hinge 弹簧铰链

        spring hook 弹簧钩

        spring inside callipers 弹簧内卡钳

        spring lay rope 麻与金属丝合股绳

        spring loaded relief valve 弹簧安全阀

        spring loaded valve 弹簧阀

        spring lock 弹簧锁

        spring lubricator 弹簧润滑器

        spring lustrine 春明绸

        spring manometer 弹簧式压力计

        spring mattress 弹簧床垫

        spring milling chuck 弹簧夹头

        spring motor movie camera 弹簧式活动摄影机

        spring needle machine 钩针针织机

        spring onion 大葱

        spring outside callipers 弹簧外卡钳

        spring packing ring 弹簧垫圈

        spring pad 弹簧垫

        spring pick loom 弹簧投梭织机

        spring pin 弹性销

        spring plate 弹性板

        spring pressure gauge 弹簧压力计

        spring reducing valve 弹簧减压阀

        spring regulator 弹簧调速器

        spring restraint 弹簧式约束器

        spring retainer 弹簧护圈

        spring ring 弹簧环

        spring roll 春卷

        spring safety valve 弹簧安全阀

        spring scale 弹簧秤

        spring seismometer 弹簧式地震仪

        spring shirt 短袖大翻领衬衫

        spring shock absorber 弹簧减震器

        spring silk 点春绸

        spring spreader 弹簧扩张器

        spring steel bar 弹簧钢棒

        spring steel cable for chest pull 扩胸弹簧钢丝拉力器

        spring steel sheet 弹簧钢板

        spring steel wire 弹簧钢丝

        spring steel 弹簧钢

        spring support sleeve 弹簧支承套

        spring switch 弹簧开关

        spring tension and compression testing machine 弹簧拉压试验机

        spring tension pulley 弹簧张紧轮

        spring tester 弹簧试验机

        spring testing machine 弹簧试验机

        spring tongs 弹簧钳子

        spring washer 弹性垫圈

        spring winder 卷簧器

        spring wire 弹簧钢丝

        spring wound alarm clock 发条闹钟

        spring wound clock 发条钟

        Spring 春天牌手表

        spring 弹簧

        Spring-Bak 代森钠

        spring-compression type grease gun 弹簧挤压注脂枪

        spring-loaded contactor 弹簧接触器

        spring-loaded governor 弹簧调节器

        spring-loaded overflow valve 弹簧溢流阀

        spring-loaded plunger 弹簧柱塞

        spring-loaded safety valve 弹簧安全阀

        spring-opposed bellow 弹簧承力波纹管

        spring-opposed piston 弹簧承力活塞

        spring-return switch 弹簧复位开关

        spring-tined cultivator harrow 弹簧齿式中耕机耙

        spring-tined harrow 弹簧齿耙

        spring-tooth cultivator 弹齿式中耕机

        spring-tooth disk harrow 弹齿圆盘耙

        spring-tooth harrow plough 弹齿耙犁

        spring-tooth harrow 弹齿耙路机

        spring-tooth rake 弹齿耙

        spring-tooth weeder 弹齿除草耙

        spring-tube manometer 弹簧管式压力计

        spring-tube pressure gauge 弹簧管压力计

        spring-tube scraper 弹簧管刮刀

        spring-type wood clothespin 弹簧木衣夹

        sprinkler and sprinkling machine 喷头和喷灌机

        sprinkler wagon 洒水车

        sprinkler 喷灌机

        sprinkler-sweeper collector 洒水扫集机

        sprinkling filter 喷洒滤器

        sprinkling truck 洒水车

        Sprint 疾驰牌汽车

        Sprinter Carib 短跑家-卡利布牌汽车

        Sprinter Trueno 短跑家-托雷诺牌汽车

        Sprite 雪碧

        sprocket cutter 链轮铣刀

        sprocket hob 链轮滚刀

        sprocket rolling cutter 链轮滚刀

        sprocket 链轮

        sprout inhibitor 发芽抑制剂

        Sprout nip 氯苯胺灵

        Sprout-Off 脂肪醇

        Sprout-Stop 抑芽丹

        spruce wood 云杉木

        spruce 云杉

        Sprudamone 诱虫醛

        sprue cutter 浇口切断机

        spud vibrator 插入式振动器

        Spud-Nic 氯苯胺灵

        spudder 轻便冲击钻机

        spudding bit 开眼钻头

        spudding drill 轻便冲击钻机

        spun acetate 醋酯短纤维纱

        spun acrylic yarn 腈纶纱

        spun bearing 离心浇铸轴承

        spun cassava pongee 木薯绢纺绸

        spun cotton silk 绢棉绸

        spun cotton 棉纱

        spun crepe 绢纺绉

        spun crepe-de-chine 绢丝经双绉

        spun fancy brocade 疙瘩花绸

        spun fancy silk 疙瘩绸

        spun glass 玻璃纤维

        spun linen 手织亚麻布

        spun plied yarn 合股短纤纱

        spun polyester thread 涤纶纱线

        spun polyster yarn 涤纶纱

        spun rayon bleached cloth 人丝漂白布

        spun rayon brocade 人丝提花布

        spun rayon check 人丝格子布

        spun rayon cloth 人造棉布

        spun rayon coating 东方呢坯布

        spun rayon double weft cloth 人丝双纬布

        spun rayon drill 人丝斜纹布

        spun rayon dyed cloth 人丝色布

        spun rayon fabric 人造棉织物

        spun rayon flannelette 人丝绒布

        spun rayon grey cloth 人丝原色布

        spun rayon grey 人棉绸

        spun rayon hand printed cloth 人丝手印布

        spun rayon linenette 人丝仿麻布

        spun rayon machine printed cloth 人丝机印布

        spun rayon mosquito net cloth 人丝蚊帐布

        spun rayon piece goods 人棉织物

        spun rayon plain weave cloth 人丝平布

        spun rayon polynosic fabric 人丝富纤布

        spun rayon poplin 人丝府绸

        spun rayon sateen 人丝染色绒布

        spun rayon satin drill 人丝横贡

        spun rayon selapin 人造华达呢

        spun rayon serge 人造哔叽

        spun rayon sheeting 人丝细布

        spun rayon shirting 人棉坯布

        spun rayon suiting 人丝花呢

        spun rayon twill 人棉斜纹绸

        spun rayon velvet 人造棉绒

        spun rayon yarn bright on cone 有光筒装人造棉纱

        spun rayon yarn 人棉纱

        spun rayon yarndyed and printed cloth 人丝印花布

        spun rayon yarndyed cloth 人丝色织布

        spun rayon 人造棉纱

        spun replacement yarn 仿短纤纱长丝

        spun sheet-iron crucible 铁坩埚

        spun silk douppion 绢宫绸

        spun silk fan 绢扇

        spun silk gingham 绢格纺

        spun silk habotai 绢丝纺

        spun silk hosiery 绢丝袜

        spun silk noil yarn ■丝

        spun silk piece goods 桑绢绸

        spun silk pongee 绢丝纺

        spun silk taffeta 绢丝纬塔夫绸

        spun silk twill 绢斜绸

        spun silk yarn 绢丝

        spun silk 绢丝

        spun tussah cloque 凹凸绉

        spun tussah pongee 柞绢纺

        spun tussah yarn 柞蚕绢丝

        spun viscose 粘胶短纤纱

        spun yarn 细纱

        spun-blended yarm 短纤维混纺纱

        spun-bonded fibre 纺粘纤维

        spun-dyed fibre 纺前染色纤维

        spun-dyed yarn 纺前染色丝

        spun-filling foulard 绢纬绫

        spun-with-colour fibre 纺前染色纤维

        Spungo 斯邦戈粘胶海绵

        spur bevel gear cutter 直齿圆锥齿轮刨刀

        spur bevel gear 正齿伞齿轮

        spur friction wheel 筒形摩擦轮

        spur gear 正齿齿轮

        spur wheel 正齿轮

        spurious field intensity meter 乱真信号场强计

        spurious power meter 乱真信号功率测量仪

        Sputnik 卫星牌手表

        sputter film 溅射薄膜

        sputter ion mass spectrometer 溅射离子质谱计

        sputter ion pump 溅射离子泵

        sputtering-ion pump 溅射离子泵

        spy glass 小望远镜

        squalane 角鲨烷

        square and hexagon broach 四六方拉刀

        square bands machine 带条剪方机

        square bar 方铁条

        square boat nail 四方船钉

        square ceramic indexable insert 正四边形陶瓷可转位刀片

        square chest 方箱

        square college cap 方顶学位帽

        square doily 方盆垫

        square drill rod 方钻杆

        square engine 等径程发动机

        square eyed auger 方孔木钻

        square file 方锉

        square firmer chisel 平边木凿

        square flower pot 小四方花盆

        square gauge 方规

        square ham 方火腿

        square indexable carbide insert 方形可转位硬质合金刀片

        square indexable carbide milling cutter insert 方形可转位铣刀片

        square jackscrew 方形起重螺杆

        square jaw clutch 方齿牙嵌式离合器

        square law condenser 平方律可变电容器

        square law detector 平方律可变检波器

        square level 方水平仪

        square mixed plain satin plaited duck feather cushion 方型素缎褶裥鸭低毛绒靠垫

        square neck bolt 方颈螺栓

        square neck screw 方颈螺丝

        square neckline lace trim gown 花边方领口长衫

        square nose shovel 方头锹

        square nut 方螺母

        square opening single end box wrench 方口单头套筒扳手

        square pillar vertical drilling machine 方柱立式钻床

        square plate 方盘

        square point shovel 方头铲

        square red clay floor tile 红土方阶砖

        square ring jelly 方环软糖

        square ring laser 方环形激光器

        square ring 方形密封环

        square root chart 平方根记录纸

        square root compensating cam 平方根补偿凸轮

        square root computer 平方根计算机

        square root converter 平方根计算器

        square rubber gasket 方形橡胶垫片

        square rule 曲尺

        square ruler 丁字尺

        square salad plate 方形沙拉盘

        square scarf 方围巾

        square screen printing machine 平网印花机

        square shank drill 方柄钻

        square shank ratchet drill 方柄扳钻

        square shears 龙门剪床

        square shoulder carpenter's pincers 方肩胡桃钳

        square shovel head 方锨头

        square shovel 方锨

        square skirt 细褶裙子

        square spade 方铲

        square spanner 方头扳手

        square steel 方钢

        square stool 方凳

        square table 八仙桌

        square tablecloth 方台布

        square template rule 四棱样板平尺

        square thread tap 方螺丝攻

        square tie 方领带

        square timber 方木

        square toe shoes 方头鞋

        square toe step-ins with scalloped instep 海扇式脚背方头便鞋

        square tray cloth 方盘布

        square upright drilling machine 方柱立钻

        square wave analyzer 方形波分析器

        square wave-form oscillator 方形波振荡器

        square 曲尺

        square-cluster planter 方形穴播机

        square-end tie 方头领带

        square-head bolt 方头螺栓

        square-head nut 方头螺母

        square-head screw 方头螺钉

        square-law demodulator 平方律解调器

        square-law modulator 平方律调制器

        square-law photodetector 平方律光电探测器

        square-law receiver 平方律接收机

        square-mesh sieve 方孔筛

        square-mesh wire-cloth 方孔金属丝网

        square-mouth navvy shovel 方口单斗挖掘机

        square-opening sieve 方孔筛

        square-shaped cap 四角帽

        square-shaped powder enamel coloured ground vase with flower and bird design 粉彩色地花鸟四方瓶

        square-shaped powder enamel coloured ground vase with medallion and floral design 粉彩色地开光花卉方瓶

        square-tube splicer 方管接头器

        square-wave generator 方波发生器

        square-wave modulator 方形波调制器

        square-wave oscillator 方形波振荡器

        square-wave polarograph 方形波极谱仪

        square-wave ringer 方波振铃器

        square-wave signal generator 方形波信号发生器

        squared throatline shoes 方口低面鞋

        squareness gauge 垂直度测量器

        squaring amplifier 方形波成形放大器

        squaring shears 龙门剪床

        squash hat 软呢帽

        squash seed without shell 无壳南瓜籽

        squash 南瓜

        squatting pan with cistern 带水箱蹲厕

        squatting pan 蹲便器

        squealer 声响器

        squeegee grinding machine 磨刮浆刀机

        squeegee pump 挤压泵

        squeegee 橡皮滚子

        squeeze mortar pump 挤压式灰浆泵

        squeeze moulding machine 压实造型机

        squeeze riveter 压铆机

        squeeze roll coater 挤压辊式涂布机

        squeezer roll 压液辊

        squeezer 挤压器

        squeezing machine 缩水机

        squeezing machine 压榨机

        squeezing mill 压榨机

        squeezing press 挤压压力机

        squeezing-screw 挤压螺丝

        squid fish in black bean soy 豉油鱿鱼

        squid hook 鱿鱼钩

        squid in soy sauce 豉油鱿鱼

        squid 鱿鱼

        squill 海葱

        squirrel fur collar pyramid coat in wool 角锥形松鼠领阔幅绒布大衣

        squirrel fur 松鼠皮

        squirrel skin cap for lady 灰鼠皮女帽

        squirrel skin cape for lady 灰鼠皮女披肩

        squirrel skin cross plate 灰鼠皮大衣片

        squirrel skin hat for man 灰鼠皮男帽

        squirrel skin jacket 灰鼠皮短大衣

        squirrel skin overcoat 灰鼠皮大衣

        squirrel skin plate 灰鼠皮褥子

        squirrel skin scarf for lady 灰鼠皮女围巾

        squirrel skin stole for lady 灰鼠皮女披肩

        squirrel skin vest 灰鼠皮背心

        squirrel skin 松鼠皮

        squirrel tail hair 灰鼠尾毛

        squirrel-cage antenna 笼形天线

        squirrel-cage armature 鼠笼式电枢

        squirrel-cage desintegrator 鼠笼式碎解机

        squirrel-cage drip-proof induction motor 防滴式鼠笼型感应电动机

        squirrel-cage induction motor 鼠笼式感应电动机

        squirrel-cage magnetron 鼠笼式磁控管

        squirrel-cage mill 鼠笼式磨碎机

        squirrel-cage motor 鼠笼式电动机

        squirrel-cage repulsion motor 鼠笼式推斥电动机

        squirrel-cage rotor 鼠笼式转子

        squirrel-cage winding 鼠笼式绕组

        squirt feeder 注射送料器

        squirt gun 喷射器

        squirt pump 注射泵

        squirt toy 喷水玩具

        squirt 喷射器

        Sr-Ca ferric oxide magnetic steel 锶钙铁氧体磁钢

        Srinagar rugs 斯利纳加毛毯

        SSB adapter 单边带适配器

        SSB converter 单边带变换器

        St.Johnswort 元宝草

        Sta-way 避蚊醚

        Stabam 灭草猛

        Stabilene fly repellent 丁氧聚丙二醇

        stabiliser 稳定剂

        stabilization mixer 稳定土壤用拌和机

        stabilizator 稳定剂

        stabilized binoculars 稳像望远镜

        stabilized Dacron sailcloth 稳定大可纶帆布

        stabilized magnetron 稳定型磁控管

        stabilized negative feedback amplifier 稳定负反馈放大器

        stabilized non-torque yarn 稳定的无捻回弹力丝

        stabilized oscillator 稳定振荡器

        stabilized platform 稳定平台

        stabilized rectifier 稳压整流器

        stabilized selenium rectifier 稳压硒整流器

        stabilized shunt-wound generator 稳定并励发电机

        stabilized shunt-wound motor 稳定并激电动机

        stabilized zirconia coating 稳定氧化锆喷涂料

        stabilizer bar 平衡杆

        stabilizer for plastics 塑料稳定剂

        stabilizer oil pump flexible hose 稳定器油泵软管

        stabilizer 稳定器

        stabilizing agent 稳定剂

        stabilizing amplifier 稳定放大器

        stabilometer 稳定仪

        stabilotron 厘米波功率振荡管

        stable filter 稳定滤波器

        stable governor 稳定调节器

        stable isotope radiometer 稳定同位素辐射计

        stable laser 稳压激光器

        stable oscillator 稳定振荡器

        stable suspension 乳剂

        stable switch 稳定开关

        stable voltage source for TV 电视稳压电源

        stable zirconium oxide 稳定性氧化锆

        stabproof vest 防刺背心

        stack crane 堆装起重机

        stack gas analyzer 烟道气气体分析仪

        stack loader 堆料装料机

        stack register 栈寄存器

        stack turner 翻垛机

        stacked derrick 折叠式钻塔

        stacked double directional throttle valve 叠加式双向节流阀

        stacked ribbon cable 多层带状光缆

        stacked unidirectional throttle valve 叠加式单向节流阀

        stacked unidirectional valve 叠加式单向阀

        stacker 可升降式相机台

        stacking machine 堆垛机

        stacking machinery 堆垛机械

        stacking straddle carrier 堆装跨运车

        stactometer 测滴计

        stadia computer 视距计算机

        stadia rod 视距尺

        stadia telescope 视距望远镜

        stadia transit 视距经纬仪

        stadimeter 小型六分仪

        stadiometer 测距仪

        staff deliverer 发签机

        Stafford cloth 斯塔福德布

        stag antler 牡鹿角

        stage casing pump 多级套管泵

        stage curtain 舞台幕布

        stage dimmer 舞台调光机

        stage lighting regulator 舞台灯光调节器

        stage loader 分段装载机

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