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核心提示:elastic store 缓冲存储器 elastic support 弹性支架 elastic tape 松紧带 elastic thread covering machine 橡筋线包覆机 elastic thread for textile use 纺织用弹性线 elastic thread 松紧线 elastic top wool dress socks 宽紧统口礼服毛短袜 elastic tyre 弹性轮

        elastic store 缓冲存储器

        elastic support 弹性支架

        elastic tape 松紧带

        elastic thread covering machine 橡筋线包覆机

        elastic thread for textile use 纺织用弹性线

        elastic thread 松紧线

        elastic top wool dress socks 宽紧统口礼服毛短袜

        elastic tyre 弹性轮胎

        elastic underwear 松紧内衣

        elastic waist band 松紧腰带

        elastic washer 弹性垫圈

        elastic webbing 弹性织物

        elastic woven material 弹性布料

        elastic wrinkle resistant fabric 弹性抗皱织物

        elastic yarn for textile use 纺织用弹性纱

        elastic yarn 橡筋线

        elastically supported gyroscope 弹性支撑陀螺仪

        elasticated net 弹性网

        elasticator 弹性剂

        elasticity bearing 弹性轴承

        elasticity gauge 弹性计

        elasticity jelly 弹性软糖

        elasticity of flexure apparatus 验挠力器

        elasticity tester 回弹仪

        elasticized fabric 弹性织物

        elasticized swimwear 橡筋游泳衣

        elasticized waist briefs of rib knit cotton yarn 棱纹针织棉纱宽紧束腰三角裤

        elasticized waist gown 宽紧束腰长衫

        elasticizer 加弹机

        elastik 薄里亚麻衬布

        elastique 细毛大衣呢

        elastodiene fibre 二烯类弹性纤维

        elastodiene 橡皮筋

        elastofiber 弹性纤维

        elastomer plastics 弹性体塑料

        elastomer yarn 弹性体丝

        elastomer 合成橡胶

        elastomeric energy absorber 弹性消能器

        elastomeric fibre 弹性纤维

        elastomeric flex compression coupling 弹性压缩联轴器

        elastomeric yarn 弹性纱

        elastometer 弹性计

        elastoplast 弹性塑料

        elastotype 橡皮活字

        elaterometer 气体密度计

        Elbenyl dye 埃尔贝尼尔染料

        elbow bend 肘管

        elbow conduct box 肘管接合匣

        elbow jet mixer 弯头喷嘴混合器

        elbow joint 弯管接头

        elbow length gloves 长筒手套

        elbow pipe 弯管

        elbow separator 弯管分离器

        elbow support 护肘

        elbow supporter 护肘

        elbow union 弯头套管

        elbow 弯头

        elbowmeter 弯管流量计

        Elcap 爱卡牌电子石英表

        elchi butti embroidery 绣花嘴绫

        elchi butti 嘴绫

        Elcide 水杨乙汞

        Elcolloy 埃尔科洛依铁镍钴合金

        elcometer 膜厚测定仪

        Elconite 埃尔科涅特钨铜合金

        Elder 爱尔德热熔性缝纫线

        eldisine 长春地辛

        Eldor 爱尔多牌手表

        Eldorado 埃尔多拉多牌汽车

        Eldred's wire 艾尔德里德镍铁芯镀铜线

        elecampane inula 土木香

        elecampane oil 土木香油

        elecampane 土木香

        Election 依力克辛牌手表

        electone 电子琴

        electoral wool 美利奴细羊毛

        electra cloth 伊莱克特拉伞绸

        Electra 埃莱克特拉牌汽车

        electric iron 电熨斗

        electric press 电热压呢机

        electric pyrometer 电阻高温计

        electric absorption dynamometer 电吸收式测功器

        electric accommodation ladder winch 电动舷梯绞车

        electric accounting machine 电动计算机

        electric accumulator 蓄电池

        electric acoustic phonograph 电唱机

        electric adding machine 电动加法机

        electric air circulator 电动气流旋转器

        electric alarm clock 电闹钟

        electric anchor capstan 电动起锚绞盘

        electric and hydraulic dental chair 电动液压牙科椅

        electric anemometer 电测风速仪

        electric arc furnace 电弧炉

        electric arc induction furnace 电弧感应炉

        electric arc lighting 弧光灯

        electric arc welder 电弧焊机

        electric arraying-puncher 电动式排钉机

        electric automatic iron 自动调温电熨斗

        electric automatic toaster 电自动面包炉

        electric automatic waffle baker 烘夹饼自动电炉

        electric automobile 电动汽车

        electric auxiliary machinery 电动辅机

        electric axis 电轴

        electric baking oven 电烤炉

        electric baking pan 电热饼铛

        electric balance 电天平

        electric baresthesiometer 压觉电测计

        electric bathythermograph 电测水深水温记录仪

        electric battery electrifier 电池充电机

        electric battery 蓄电池

        electric bedwarmer 电暖床器

        electric bell flat push button 电铃平按钮

        electric bell push button 电铃按钮

        electric bell 电铃

        electric bench drill 台式电钻

        electric blanket 电暖毛毯

        electric block 电动葫芦

        electric blower 电动吹风机

        electric boat winch 电动起艇机

        electric boiler feed regulator 电热锅炉给水调节器

        electric boiler 电热锅炉

        electric boiling sterilizer 电煮沸消毒器

        electric bone operating instrument set 电动骨科手术器械包

        electric bone surgery apparatus 电动骨科手术器械

        electric book-bundling machine 电动捆书机

        electric boring machine 电动钻探机

        electric bowl 电饭锅

        electric box furnace 箱式电炉

        electric brain telephone 电脑电话机

        electric brake 电动制动器

        electric bread-cutter 电动切面包机

        electric bridge temperature regulator 电桥式温度调节器

        electric broiler 电焙炉

        electric brooder 电气孵雏器

        electric brush cutter 电刷切割机

        electric brush rough grinder 电刷粗磨床

        electric brush 电刷

        electric bulb & lamp holder 电灯泡及灯座

        electric bulb 灯泡

        electric bus 电动公共汽车

        electric butterfly valve 电动蝶阀

        electric button sewing machine 电动钉钮机

        electric buzzer 电蜂鸣器

        electric cabinet 电控箱

        electric cable connector 电缆接头

        electric cable 电缆

        electric calculating machine 电动计算器

        electric calculator 电动计算器

        electric caldron 电煮锅

        electric calorimeter 电量热器

        electric capacitor 电容器

        electric capacity altimeter 电容测高计

        electric capacity moisture meter 电容湿度计

        electric capacity type liquidometer 电容式液位计

        electric capstan 电力绞盘

        electric car 电动车

        electric cargo winch 电动起货机

        electric cash register 电动现金出纳机

        electric cast mullite brick 电熔莫来石砖

        electric caterpillar crane 电动履带起重机

        electric cautery 电灼器

        electric cell 光电管

        electric centrifugal blower 电动离心式吹风机

        electric centrifugal pump 电动离心泵

        electric centrifuge 电动离心机

        electric chafing dish 电火锅

        electric chain hoist with pendant rope control 带吊索操纵器的电动吊链

        electric chain hoist 电动吊链

        electric check valve 电动截止阀

        electric chlorinator 氯化电炉

        electric chopper 电动切碎器

        electric chronograph 电动计时器

        electric chuck 电动卡盘

        electric circular saw for wood working 木工圆电锯

        electric circular saw 电圆锯

        electric clear bulb 普通透明灯泡

        electric clippers 电剪刀

        electric clock 电钟

        electric cloth cutter 电裁衣刀

        electric clothes dryer 电干衣机

        electric code machine 电动密码机

        electric coffee maker 电咖啡壶

        electric coffee percolator 电咖啡滤壶

        electric coffee pot 电咖啡壶

        electric coil tongs 电动钢卷钳

        electric coil winder 电动绕线机

        electric collaring machine 电动曲线机

        electric colorimeter 电动色度计

        electric comb 电梳

        electric comparator 电动比较仪

        electric condenser oil 电容器油

        electric condenser 电容器

        electric conducting glass fibre 导电玻璃纤维

        electric conduction type flame detector 电导式火焰探测器

        electric conductivity meter 电导仪

        electric conduit 电线导管

        electric connector 插座

        electric contact liquid level indicator 电接触液位指示器

        electric contact point pressure gauge 电触点压力表

        electric contact pressure gauge 电接触压力表

        electric contact thermometer 电触点温度计

        electric contact-making micrometer 电接触式测微计

        electric control cable 电控电缆

        electric control dryer 电控烘干机

        electric controlled hoist 电控卷扬机

        electric controller 电控制器

        electric cooker 电烤箱

        electric cooking stove 电橱灶

        electric coolant pump 电动冷却液泵

        electric cordless steam iron 电池式蒸汽电熨斗

        electric coupler 电连接器

        electric coverlet 电床罩

        electric crab winch 电动起重绞车

        electric crane 电动起重机

        electric cranial drill 电动颅骨钻

        electric cream maker 电动拌奶油器

        electric crystal clock 电晶体钟

        electric cup 电热杯

        electric curling iron 电烫发钳

        electric current meter 电流表

        electric cutter 电动切割机

        electric cyclone furnace 电热旋风炉

        electric deep freezer 低温箱

        electric deep fryer 电炸锅

        electric defroster 电动溶冰机

        electric dehydrator 电脱水器

        electric delay fuse 延时信管

        electric depth finder 电测深仪

        electric detarring precipitator 电脱焦沉降器

        electric detonator 起爆器

        electric developing recorder 静电显影记录仪

        electric dew-point hygrometer 电露点湿度计

        electric dewaterer 电脱水器

        electric dial switch 电动拨号开关

        electric diaphragm pump 电动隔膜泵

        electric differential pressure transmitter 电动差压传感器

        electric disc sander 电动打磨砂盘

        electric discharge atomic vapor laser 放电原子蒸气激光器

        electric discharge convection laser 放电对流式激光器

        electric discharge excited gaseous laser 放电激励气体激光器

        electric discharge gas-dynamic laser 放电气动激光器

        electric discharge lamp 放电灯

        electric discharge laser 放电激光器

        electric discharge printer 放电式印刷机

        electric discharge-pumped nitrogen ion laser 放电泵浦氮离子激光器

        electric diving pump 潜水电泵

        electric door bell 电门铃

        electric door closer 电动关门器

        electric door lock 电门锁

        electric door opener 电动开门器

        electric double-beam bridge crane 电动双梁桥式起重机

        electric drainager 电排流器

        electric drill arbor 电钻床架

        electric drill stand 电钻架

        electric drill 电钻

        electric drilling machine 电动钻机

        electric driven toy panda 电动玩具熊猫

        electric driven welder 电动焊机

        electric drying chamber 电干燥箱

        electric drying oven with forced convection 电热鼓风干燥箱

        electric drying oven 电干燥炉

        electric dust precipitator 电集尘器

        electric dynamometer 电动测功器

        electric eddy current dynamometer 电涡流测功机

        electric egg mixer 电动打蛋机

        electric elevator 电梯

        electric engine oil 电机油

        electric engine 电机

        electric engraving machine 电刻机

        electric equipment for machine tool 机床电器

        electric exploration instrument 电气勘探仪

        electric exposure counter 电动爆光计数器

        electric express locomotive 高速电力机车

        electric fan production line 电扇生产线

        electric fan timer 电风扇定时器

        electric fan 电风扇

        electric flat carriage 电动平车

        electric flat iron 电熨斗

        electric flow meter 电动流量计

        electric fluorescent ballast 萤光灯镇流器

        electric fluorescent starter 起辉器

        electric flux 电焊剂

        electric food conveyor 电热送餐车

        electric food warmer 电热锅

        electric fork truck 叉式电动装卸车

        electric freezer 电冰冻器

        electric frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡

        electric fryer with automatic temperature control 附自动温度控制器电油炸锅

        electric fryer 电炸锅

        electric frying pan 电煎锅

        electric fuel gauge 电测燃料仪

        electric fuel pump 电动燃料泵

        electric function generator 电函数发生器

        electric furnace brick 电炉衬砖

        electric furnace heating wire 电炉丝

        electric furnace steel 电炉钢

        electric furnace tube 电炉炉管

        electric furnace 电炉

        electric fuse 保险丝

        electric galvanometer 热电电流计

        electric gantry crane 电动龙门式起重机

        electric gas analyser 电气气体分析器

        electric generator 发电机

        electric gilding press 电动烫金机

        electric grab 电动抓岩机

        electric gramophone pick-up arm 电唱臂

        electric gramophone pick-up head 电唱头

        electric gramophone 电唱机

        electric graphitized brush 石墨电刷

        electric grinder 电磨机

        electric grinding machine 电动砂轮机

        electric gruel warmer 热粥器

        electric guitar 电吉他

        electric gun 电子枪

        electric gyrocompass 电罗经

        electric hair clipper 电动理发推子

        electric hair curler 电烫发器

        electric hair cutter 电推剪

        electric hair dryer 电吹风机

        electric haircutting scissors 电动理发剪

        electric hammer drill 电锤钻头

        electric hammer 电锤

        electric hand drill for coal 煤电钻

        electric hand drill 手电钻

        electric hand drilling machine 手电钻

        electric hand dryer 电干手器

        electric hand shaper 手提电刨

        electric harmonic analyser 电谐波分析器

        electric hearing aid 电助听器

        electric heat radiator 电热辐射器

        electric heater 电加热器

        electric heating air-blowing drier 电热鼓风干燥机

        electric heating appliance 电暖器具

        electric heating blanket 电热毛毯

        electric heating clothes 电热服

        electric heating device 电热器

        electric heating floor 电热地板

        electric heating foot-binding 电热裹腿

        electric heating shoes 电热鞋

        electric heating shower 电热淋浴器

        electric hedge shears 电动修灌木篱墙剪

        electric hoist 电动葫芦

        electric horn relay 电喇叭继电器

        electric horn 电喇叭

        electric hot compacting press 电热热压机

        electric hot plate 电热板

        electric hot tray 电热盘

        electric hot water boiler 电热锅炉

        electric hot water bottle 电热水瓶

        electric hot-tube for horizontal type sterilizer 卧式消毒器电热管

        electric hygrometer 电湿度计

        electric igniter 电点火器

        electric ignition engine 电点火发动机

        electric immersion heater 浸没式电热器

        electric impact wrench 电动冲击扳手

        electric impulse counter 电脉冲计数器

        electric incubator for bacteria 电热细菌培养器

        electric incubator 电气孵化机

        electric indicating controller 电动指示调节器

        electric indicator 电动指示器

        electric inductance measuring-testing instrument 电感测试仪

        electric induction coil 电感线圈

        electric induction furnace 电感应炉

        electric industrial truck 电瓶车

        electric inertia starter 电力惯性起动器

        electric insulating compressed asbestos fibre 电绝缘压缩石棉纤维

        electric insulating oil 电气绝缘油

        electric insulator 电绝缘子

        electric interlocker 电动联锁器

        electric interlocking machine 电动联锁机

        electric interlocking power rack 电气联锁电源屏

        electric interval lubrication installation 电动间歇润滑装置

        electric iron with temperature control 调温电铬铁

        electric jacket 电热套

        electric jib crane 电动单臂起重机

        electric juice extractor 电动榨汁器

        electric juicer 电榨汁机

        electric kettle 电热壶

        electric knife 电切刀

        electric lamp bulb 电灯泡

        electric lamp holder 电灯座

        electric lamp 电灯

        electric level meter 电平表

        electric lift 电梯

        electric light for christmas tree 圣诞树用电灯

        electric lighter 电照明器

        electric liquid level alarm 电气液面报警器

        electric liquidizer 电液化器

        electric loader 电动装载机

        electric local tire spreader 电动局部扩胎机

        electric lock 电锁

        electric locomotive crane 电动机车起重机

        electric locomotive for mine 矿用电机车

        electric locomotive with computer 电脑控制电力机车

        electric locomotive 电气机车

        electric log 电测深仪

        electric logging equipment 电测井设备

        electric logging meter 电测井仪

        electric machine 电机

        electric magnetic buzzer 电磁蜂鸣器

        electric magnetic chuck 电磁卡盘

        electric magnetic clutch 电磁离合器

        electric magnetic engine 电磁力发动机

        electric magnetic iron remover 电磁除铁器

        electric mangle 电碾压机

        electric manometer 电测压计

        electric mantle 电热罩

        electric marker 电标志器

        electric marking pen 电笔

        electric massage cushion 电动按摩座垫

        electric massager 电动按摩器

        electric mat 电蚊香片

        electric meat grinder 电动绞肉机

        electric meat mincer 电动绞肉机

        electric mechanical counter 电动机械计数器

        electric megaphone 电动喇叭筒

        electric meter 电度表

        electric micrometer 电测微计

        electric milking machine 电动挤奶机

        electric mini-motor 微电机

        electric mixer 电动搅拌机

        electric moisture meter 电气测湿计

        electric molding machine 电动造型机

        electric monorail crane 电动单轨起重机

        electric mosquite driver 电驱蚊器

        electric mosquito killer 电灭蚊器

        electric mosquito repellent heater 电蚊香加热器

        electric motive knitting carpet machine 电动织毯机

        electric motor car 电动车

        electric motor coach 电动客车

        electric motor for compressor 压缩机用电动机

        electric motor for rolling way 辊道电动机

        electric motor generator 电动发电机

        electric motor movie camera 电动式活动摄影机

        electric motor oil 电动机油

        electric motor short circuit test instrument 电机短路测试仪

        electric motor 电机

        electric motor-operated fixed crane 固定式电动起重机

        electric mower 电动割草机

        electric mucking machine 电动开挖机

        electric mud-slush pump 电动泥浆泵

        electric multi-purpose operation table 电动综合手术台

        electric multifunction side-turn nursing bed 电动侧翻多功能护理床

        electric nasopharyngoscope 电鼻咽镜

        electric neurodiagnostic instrument 神经电检诊仪

        electric oil pump 电动油泵

        electric operated control box 电动控制箱

        electric organ 电风琴

        electric oscillator 电振荡器

        electric oscillograph 电示波器

        electric oven 电烤箱

        electric overhead travelling crane 电动桥式起重机

        electric pad 电热垫

        electric pallet truck 电动托盘搬运车

        electric paper-box speaker 电动纸盒扬声器

        electric pedestal grinder 支座式电动砂轮机

        electric pencil sharpener 电动削铅笔器

        electric pendulum 电摆

        electric perforator 电动打孔机

        electric permeater 电测透气性试验仪

        electric phonograph recorder 电录音机

        electric phonograph 电唱机

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