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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2008-08-08 浏览次数: 654
核心提示:double-crank ward cot 双摇柄病床 double-cross leno 全绞式纱罗 double-current generator 双流发电机 double-current key 双流电键 double-current relay 双流式继电器 double-cut file 双纹锉 double-cut plough 双层犁 double-cut shears 双刃剪切机 double-deck

        double-crank ward cot 双摇柄病床

        double-cross leno 全绞式纱罗

        double-current generator 双流发电机

        double-current key 双流电键

        double-current relay 双流式继电器

        double-cut file 双纹锉

        double-cut plough 双层犁

        double-cut shears 双刃剪切机

        double-deck bus 两层公共汽车

        double-deck exhaust box 双层排气箱

        double-deck machine 两层拔丝机

        double-deck pallet 双层货盘

        double-deck plough 双层犁

        double-deck stock wagon 双层家畜车

        double-deck twister 双层捻线机

        double-deck vibrating sieve 双层振动筛

        double-depth plough 双层犁

        double-detection receiver 两次检波接收机

        double-dial timer 双标度计时器

        double-dial 双标度盘

        double-die-turning finishing hydraulic press 双模具翻转抛光液压机

        double-diffused device 双扩散器件

        double-diffused integrated circuit 双扩散集成电路

        double-diffused phototransistor 双扩散型光电晶体管

        double-diffused transistor 双扩散型晶体管

        double-discharge gear pump 双出口齿轮泵

        double-discharge pump 双排量泵

        double-discharge spiral water turbine 双排量涡轮式水轮机

        double-door and dual-temperature refrigerator 双门双温电冰箱

        double-door household refrigeration 双门家用冰箱

        double-door refrigerator 双门冰箱

        double-dragon lampstand 双龙灯座

        double-drum boiler 双汽包锅炉

        double-drum drier 双滚筒干燥机

        double-drum electric block 双滚筒电葫芦

        double-drum tilt rig 双滚筒倾斜钻机

        double-drum winch 双滚筒绞车

        double-duty lube truck 两用润滑油运输车

        double-duty regulator 双作用调节器

        double-ear fancy colour vase with lotus design 斗彩勾莲双耳樽

        double-ear mortar-pan 双耳泥箕

        double-eccentric fiber-optic connector 双偏芯光纤连接器

        double-edge blade 双面刀片

        double-edge chisel 双刃凿

        double-edge grinder 双边研磨机

        double-edge hacksaw blade 双面钢锯条

        double-edge milling cutter 二面刃铣刀

        double-edge prunning saw 双边齿修树锯

        double-edge safety razor blade 双面安全刀片

        double-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 两效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机

        double-emitter chopper transistor 双发射极斩波晶体管

        double-end fired furnace 两头烧火加热炉

        double-end hexagon ring wrench 双头六角扳手

        double-end hexagon straight wrench 双头六角直口扳手

        double-end mill 双端铣刀

        double-end plug gauge 双端塞规

        double-end punch 双头冲

        double-end scraper 双头刮刀

        double-end set screw wrench 双头紧定螺钉扳手

        double-end slotting cutter 双头键槽铣刀

        double-end socket wrench 双套筒扳手

        double-end spark plug wrench 双头火花塞扳手

        double-end tungsten iodide lamp 双头碘钨灯

        double-end wrench 双口扳手

        double-ended boiler 双面燃烧式锅炉

        double-ended clamp 双头线夹

        double-ended cord 双头塞绳

        double-ended gall stone scoop 双头胆石匙

        double-ended magnetron 双端出线磁控管

        double-ended open jawed spanner 双头开口爪形扳手

        double-ended probe 双头探针

        double-ended spanner 双头扳手

        double-ended wrench 双头扳手

        double-ends fabric 双经布

        double-entry compressor 双进口压缩机

        double-entry pump 双进口泵

        double-extraction condensing turbine 双抽气凝气式汽轮机

        double-extraction non-condensing turbine 双抽气背压式汽轮机

        double-face blanket 鸳鸯毡

        double-face carborundum disk 双面金刚砂片

        double-face corrugated board 双面瓦楞纸板

        double-faced adhesive tape 双面胶粘带

        double-faced blacksmith's hammer 八角锤

        double-faced embroidery with varied colours and patterns 双面异色异样绣

        double-faced embroidery with varied colours 双面异色绣

        double-faced embroidery 双面绣

        double-faced flocking 双面植绒

        double-faced grinding and polishing machine 双面研磨抛光机

        double-faced hand saw 双刃手锯

        double-faced in head claw hammer 头部八角羊角锤

        double-faced in neck claw hammer 颈部八角羊角锤

        double-faced pile 双面绒

        double-faced satin 双面缎

        double-flow reaction turbine 双流反动式涡轮机

        double-flow reheat-condensing steam turbine 双流再热冷凝式汽轮机

        double-flow type boiler 双流式锅炉

        double-flue boiler 双炉胆锅炉

        double-frequency generating set 双频发电机组

        double-frequency generator 双频发电机

        double-fried pork 回锅肉

        double-furnace boiler 双炉膛锅炉

        double-gate field effect transistor 双栅场效应晶体管

        double-gear block 双联齿轮

        double-gear cone transmission 复式锥轮传动装置

        double-gear sliding block 两联滑动齿轮

        double-geared headstock 双套齿轮床头

        double-geared roller crusher 双齿辊破碎机

        double-glazed unit 双层玻璃窗

        double-glazing unit 双层玻璃窗

        double-grid tube 双栅管

        double-grid valve 双栅阀

        double-head boxing machine 双头箱式缝纫机

        double-head endmill 双头立铣刀

        double-head flat scraper 双头平刮刀

        double-head milling machine 双轴铣床

        double-head rail 双头轨

        double-head spring needle knitting machine 汗绒布二用针织机

        double-head turning tool welded with carbide tip 硬质合金双头车刀

        double-head tyre 双缘轮胎

        double-head wire stitching machine 双头铁丝订书机

        double-head wrench 双头扳手

        double-headed bolt tension meter 双头螺栓张力计

        double-headed camera 双头摄影机

        double-headed spray gun 双口喷枪

        double-headed tube bender 双头弯管机

        double-header boiler 双筒式水管锅炉

        double-heterostructure junction laser 双异质结激光器

        double-high rolling mill 双辊式轧机

        double-hook oil ring 双刃刮油环

        double-horizontal-shaft forced type concrete mixer 强制式双卧轴混凝土搅拌机

        double-hung window 双挂拉窗

        double-image range-finder 双像测距仪

        double-image telemeter 双像测距仪

        double-impeller impact breaker 双叶轮冲击破碎机

        double-impeller pump 双叶离心泵

        double-input mixer 双输入混频器

        double-intergrating accelerometer 二重积分加速度计

        double-J bolt 双钩穿钉

        double-knitted plaited fabric 双面编结添纱针织物

        double-loop towel 双面毛圈毛巾

        double-m-derived filter 双m推演式滤波器

        double-mica spacer 双层云母垫片

        double-mode cyclotron 双重加速法回旋加速器

        double-optical projection stereoplotter 双镜光学投影立体绘图仪

        double-pass spectrometer 双光道分光计

        double-pass wired glass machine 双加料夹丝玻璃成形机

        double-pass-out turbine 双抽气式汽轮机

        double-pipe exchanger 双套管换热器

        double-pipe heat exchanger 双套管换热器

        double-piston explosive press 双活塞爆炸压力机

        double-piston 双活塞

        double-plate clutch 双片式离合器

        double-plunger plastic injection moulding machine 双柱塞塑料注模机

        double-plunger pump 双柱塞泵

        double-plunger ultramicro pump 双柱塞超微量泵

        double-ply bag 双层袋

        double-ply hosiery 双层袜

        double-point breaker 复式断电器

        double-point crank press 双点曲轴压力机

        double-point double-throw switch 双刀双掷开关

        double-point gear 多点啮合齿轮

        double-point scriber 两端划针

        double-point tool 双刃刀具

        double-pointed nail 双头钉

        double-pole cutout 双极断路器

        double-pole double-throw switch 双刀双掷开关

        double-pole fuse 双极熔断器

        double-pole switch 双极开关

        double-poppet throttle valve 双座节流阀

        double-projection direct-viewing stereo-plotter 双投影直接观测立体测图仪

        double-projection plotter 双投影测图仪

        double-projection stereoscope plotting instrument 双投影立体测图仪

        double-purchase winch 双辘绞车

        double-purpose interchangeable tip square blade screwdriver 可换头方杆两用螺丝刀

        double-range instrument 双量程仪表

        double-range recording flowmeter 双量程记录式流量表

        double-reheat stream turbine 二次再热式汽轮机

        double-resonator klystron 双腔速调管

        double-resonator 双腔谐振器

        double-return valve 双回流阀

        double-roll crusher 双辊破碎机

        double-roller mill 双辊研磨机

        double-roller stretching and letting-out machine 双辊伸展拉软机

        double-rolling pipe-reducing machine 双辊缩管机

        double-row self-aligning ball bearing 双列自调式球轴承

        double-row spherical ball bearing 双列球面球轴承

        double-screw continuous mixer 双螺杆连续混合机

        double-screw conveyor 双螺杆输送机

        double-screw extruder 双螺杆挤出机

        double-screw mixer 双螺杆混合器

        double-screw open and close machine 双螺杆式启闭机

        double-screw plastic extruder 双螺杆塑料挤压机

        double-screw plodder 双螺杆压条机

        double-screw pump 双螺杆泵

        double-screw reactor 双螺杆反应器

        double-screw tuner 双螺旋调谐器

        double-seat stop valve 双座截止阀

        double-seat valve 双座阀

        double-section filter 两节滤波器

        double-shared double wheeled plow 双轮双铧犁

        double-shed jacquard 双梭口提花机

        double-side carbon paper 双面复写纸

        double-side cementing machine 双面粘合机

        double-side coated art printing paper 双面铜版纸

        double-side hacksaw blade 双面刃钢锯条

        double-side milling cutter 两面铣刀

        double-side planer 双面刨床

        double-side saw 双面锯

        double-side sealing machine 双边封口机

        double-side terry fabric knitting machine 双面毛圈织物针织机

        double-side tipping wagon 双边倾卸车

        double-side wood planer 双面木工刨床

        double-sideband signal generator 双边带信号发生器

        double-sideband suppressed carrier modulator 双边带抑制载波调制器

        double-sideband transmitter 双边带发射机

        double-sided automatic blanking and forming press 双边自动冲压和成形压机

        double-sided board 双面板

        double-sided compressor 双面进气压气机

        double-sided diskette 双面软盘

        double-sided drawing press 双边拉压机

        double-sided floppy 双面软磁盘

        double-sided four-point press 双边四点压力机

        double-sided high speed press 双柱高速压力机

        double-sided khaki 双面卡其布

        double-sided loop pile fabric 双面毛圈起绒织物

        double-sided needling loom 双面针刺机

        double-sided plate trimming shears 双边修边剪切机

        double-sided plush 双面绒

        double-sided printed circuit board 双面印刷电路板

        double-sided socket 双向插座

        double-sided spinning machine 双面纺丝机

        double-sided transfer presses 双点传输压力机

        double-size wash tub 双料大型洗衣盆

        double-skip hoist 双翻斗卷扬机

        double-speed electric hoist 双速电升降机

        double-speed manual hydraulic press 双速手动液压机

        double-speed synchronous motor 双速同步电动机

        double-spindle contour copying milling machine 双轴平面仿形铣床

        double-spindle hammer crusher 双轴锤式轧碎机

        double-stage air pump 双级空气泵

        double-stage ammonia refrigerating machine set 双级氨制冷机组

        double-stage compressor 双级压缩机

        double-stage turbine 双级涡轮机

        double-stage vortex pump 双级旋涡泵

        double-step vortex dust remover 双级涡旋除尘器

        double-strand mill 双线轧机

        double-strand pig machine 双链式铸铁机

        double-strand winder 双束绕丝机

        double-stroke solid-die automatic cold header 双击整模自动冷镦机

        double-stub tuner 双短线调谐器

        double-suction centrifugal pump 双吸离心泵

        double-suction pump 双吸泵

        double-suction ventilator 双吸口通风机

        double-surface transistor 双面晶体管

        double-surface wood planer 双面木工刨床

        double-swiveling uncoiler and recoiler 并列回转式开卷-卷取机

        double-table transfer printing press 双面转移印花压烫机

        double-tariff system meter 双价制计

        double-thickness sheet glass 双厚窗玻璃

        double-thread hob 双头滚刀

        double-throw crank-shaft 双弯曲轴

        double-throw disconnecting switch 双掷隔离开关

        double-throw switch 双掷开关

        double-tip baler 双嘴打包机

        double-tool cross-slide 双刀横向滑板

        double-tool holder 双刀刀架

        double-trace scope 双迹示波器

        double-track skip hoist 双料斗卷扬机

        double-transit oscillator 双渡越振荡器

        double-tread tyre 双胎面轮胎

        double-trough type mixer 双槽式拌和机

        double-tube biologic microscope 双筒生物显微镜

        double-tube bracket light support 双筒壁灯架

        double-tube converter 双套管转换器

        double-tube core barrel 双筒取心筒

        double-tube heat exchanger 套管热交换器

        double-tube injector 双管喷射器

        double-tube pressure gauge 双管压力表

        double-tube reactor 双套管反应器

        double-tube washing machine 双桶洗衣机

        double-tuned amplifier 双调谐放大器

        double-tuned detector 双调谐检波器

        double-tuned filter 双调谐滤波器

        double-tuned intermediate frequency amplifier 双调谐中频放大器

        double-twist twisting machine 倍捻捻线机

        double-twisting machine 倍捻加捻机

        double-unit motor 双电枢电动机

        double-voke snowsuit 双V形肩轭式雪衫裤

        double-wall corrugated paper 双壁瓦楞纸

        double-wall corrugated pipe 双壁波纹管

        double-walled cryogenic storage tank 双壁深冷储罐

        double-walled steel tank 双壁钢罐

        double-width press 双全张印报机

        double-wing electric web for trapping insect 双翼灭虫电网

        double-wire machine 并纱机

        double-worm mixer 双螺旋混合机

        double-wound transformer 双绕变压器

        double-woven blanket 双层织造毯子

        doubled yarn 合股纱线

        doubledeck bed 双层床

        doubler twister 并捻机

        doubler winder 并纱机

        doubler 倍频器

        doublerie 印花帆布

        doubles 双股棉线

        doublet cord 双绞线

        doublet magnifier 二重放大镜

        doublet oscillator 赫兹振荡器

        doublet 紧身上衣

        doublete 双色花塔夫绸

        doubling and lapping machine 对折卷板机

        doubling and rolling machine 对折卷布机

        doubling and twisting machine 并捻机

        doubling machine 并丝机

        doubling register 加倍寄存器

        doubling roller 贴合辊

        doubling thread 纺线

        doubling winder 并丝机

        doublure 漂白军服粗呢

        doubly clad optical fiber 双包层光纤

        doubly resonant oscillator 双谐振振荡器

        doubly-coated fiber 双涂层纤维

        doubly-fed polyphase shunt commutator motor 双馈多相并励换向器电动机

        doubly-fed repulsion motor 双馈推斥电动机

        douche can 冲洗桶

        douche pipe 冲洗管

        douche 冲洗器

        doudynatron 双负阻管

        dough batch 打面机

        dough brake 碾面机

        dough kneading machine 和面机

        dough mill 调面机

        dough mixer 和面机

        dough mixing machine 和面机

        dough-making machine 和面机

        doughing machine 揉面机

        doughnut antenna 绕杆式天线

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 进出口 货物

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