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核心提示:compression testing machine 压缩试验机 compression type refrigerator 压缩式制冷机 compression type valve lifter 压力式起阀器 compression wood 压缩木材 compression-power injection fuel pump 压力式注油泵 compression-resistant air hose 耐压胶管 compres

        compression testing machine 压缩试验机

        compression type refrigerator 压缩式制冷机

        compression type valve lifter 压力式起阀器

        compression wood 压缩木材

        compression-power injection fuel pump 压力式注油泵

        compression-resistant air hose 耐压胶管

        compression-type temperature controller 压力式温控器

        compressive reinforcement 抗压钢筋

        compressive shrinking range 机械防缩机

        compressometer 压缩计

        compressor aftercooler 压缩机后冷却器

        compressor amplifier 压缩放大器

        compressor blade 压缩机叶片

        compressor dryer 压缩干燥机

        compressor for air conditioner 空调机压缩机

        compressor for freezer 冰柜压缩机

        compressor for refrigeration 制冷压缩机

        compressor governor 压缩机调节器

        compressor housing 压缩机壳体

        compressor intercooler 压缩机中间冷却器

        compressor lubricant 压缩机润滑剂

        compressor oil 压缩机油

        compressor rotor 压缩机转子

        compressor unit 压缩机组

        compressor valve 压缩机气阀

        compressor 压缩机

        comptograph 自动计算器

        comptometer 计算器

        compulsion type concrete mixer 强制式混凝土拌和机

        compulsory mixer 强制式拌和机

        computed tomographic scanner for whole body 全身用计算机控制的X射线断层扫描机

        computer ancient rhyme software 计算机古音韵软件

        computer cable 计算机电缆

        computer communication converter 计算机通信变换器

        computer controlled embroidery machine 计算机控制绣花机

        computer controlled leather dimension measuring machine 计算机控制量革机

        computer controlled pile foundation test system 计算机控制测桩系统

        computer diagnostic card 计算机诊断卡

        computer encryption device 计算机加密装置

        computer entry punch 计算机输入穿孔机

        computer keyboard 计算机键盘

        computer language translator 计算机语言译码器

        computer laser Chinese editing and composing system 计算机激光汉字编辑排版系统

        computer line printer 计算机行式打印机

        computer memory drum 计算机存储磁鼓

        computer module 计算机组件

        computer on slice 单片式计算机

        computer paper 计算机用纸

        computer portrait print system 计算机人像打印系统

        computer potentiometer 计算机电位计

        computer printout paper 计算机打印纸

        computer relay 计算机继电器

        computer ribbon 计算机色带

        computer servo-system 计算机伺服系统

        computer shredder 电脑碎纸机

        computer software achieving tool system 计算机软件实现工具系统

        computer software of Chinese chess 中国象棋计算机软件

        computer software 计算机软件

        computer storage tube 计算机存储管

        computer storage 计算机存储器

        computer tape package 计算机磁带包

        computer tape 计算机磁带

        computer telephone exchange 电脑电话交换机

        computer terminal 计算机终端

        computer transformer 计算机变压器

        computer transistor 计算机用晶体管

        computer tube 计算管

        computer 计算机

        computer's graphic processor 计算机图像处理机

        computer-aided mechanical design system 计算机辅助机械设计系统

        computer-controlled duplex UHF mobile telephone 计算机控制超高频双工移动式电话机

        computer-controlled image analyzer 计算机控制的图像分析器

        computer-controlled knitting machine 计算机控制针织机

        computer-controlled leather-metering machine 计算机控制量革机

        computer-controlled skiving machine 计算机控制剖革机

        computer-on-a-chip 单片计算机

        computer-output microfilm 计算机输出缩微胶卷

        computerised flaming machine 计算机控制的火焰机

        computerized branch exchange 计算机化交换机

        computerized burden scale for cupola 冲天炉微机自动配铁装置

        computerized controller for tinned food sterilizing equipment 微机控制罐头杀菌装置

        computerized embroidery punching machine 计算机化锈花穿孔机

        computerized EPR spectrometer 计算机化电子顺磁共振波谱仪

        computerized gas chromatograph 计算机控制的气相色谱仪

        computerized jacquard glove knitting machine 计算机控制的提花手套针织机

        computerized Loran navigator 计算机控制的罗兰导航仪

        computerized measuring and control complete system for cupola 冲天炉微机检测控制成套系统

        computerized mill 计算机控制轧机

        computerized plotter 自动绘图仪

        computerized process camera 计算机控制制版照相机

        computerized spraying and drying machine 计算机化喷浆干燥机

        computerized system of self-assessment 计算机自动核算系统

        computerized telephone answering and recording machine 计算机控制的自动回答和录音电话机

        computerized telephone 电脑电话机

        computerized tomography system 计算机控制X射线断层扫描装置

        computerized ultrasonic imaging device 计算机控制的超声显像仪

        computing amplifier 运算放大器

        computing gunsight 计算机瞄准器

        computing logger 计算记录器

        computing machine 计算机

        computing scale 计算尺

        computing store 计算存储器

        computron 计算机用多极电子管

        Comsol 科姆素尔银铅焊料

        Comtarex 康太力克斯牌照相机

        Comtax 康泰时牌照相机

        con-rod bushing boring-machine 连杆瓦镗床

        concatenated frequency changer 级联变频器

        concatenated motor 串级电动机

        concave cover 凹形盖

        concave glass 凹面玻璃

        concave head piston 凹顶活塞

        concave holographic grating monochromator 全息凹面光栅单色仪

        concave lens 凹透镜

        concave milling cutter for wood working 木工凹形铣刀

        concave milling cutter 凹形铣刀

        concave mirror 凹面镜

        concave optical tool 光学玻璃凹面磨具

        concave plane 内圆线刨

        concave reflector 凹面反射器

        concave roll straightener 双曲线辊矫直机

        concave tile 凹瓦

        concavo-concave lens 双凹透镜

        concavo-convex lens 凹凸透镜

        concentrate-charging machine 精矿装入机

        concentrated acid 浓酸

        concentrated ammonium liquid 浓氨溶液

        concentrated base 浓碱

        concentrated chilli liquid 辣椒浓缩液

        concentrated detergent powder 浓缩洗衣粉

        concentrated detergent 浓缩洗衣精

        concentrated juice of roxburgh rose 浓缩刺梨汁

        concentrated lemon juice 浓缩柠檬汁

        concentrated orange juice 浓缩鲜橙汁

        concentrated pig bile 浓缩猪胆汁

        concentrated plum juice 浓缩酸梅汁

        concentrated strawberry juice 浓缩草梅汁

        concentrated sugarcane juice 浓缩甘蔗汁

        concentrated tomato paste 浓缩番茄酱

        concentrated vanilla 香草香精

        concentrated winding 集中绕组

        concentrated {ci li} juice 浓缩刺梨汁

        concentrated {zi bei tian kui} juice 浓缩紫背天葵露

        concentrating machine 选矿机

        concentrating pan 浓缩锅

        concentrating tower 浓缩塔

        concentration meter 浓度计

        concentrator marker 集中器标识器

        concentrator 浓缩器

        concentric cable 同心电缆

        concentric chuck 同心卡盘

        concentric cylinder muffler 集筒式消音器

        concentric float 同心式浮子

        concentric lens 同心透镜

        concentric nozzle gas cutter 同心喷嘴气割机

        concentric orifice 同心锐孔板

        concentric piston ring 同心式活塞环

        concentric plug 同心插头

        concentric resonator 同轴共振器

        concentric ring 同心环

        concentric sheath-core fibre 皮芯同轴纤维

        concentric wire rope 同心钢丝绳

        concentric-line oscillator 同轴线振荡器

        concentric-line resonator 同轴线谐振器

        concert piano 大钢琴

        concertina barbed wire 螺旋圈剌钢丝

        concertina 六角手风琴

        concession crude 特许原油

        concession oil 特许油

        conch shell 海螺壳

        conch 螺号

        conchoscope 鼻镜

        Concord supersonic aircraft 协和式超音速客机

        Concord 协和牌汽车

        Concordia wool 孔科尔迪亚羊毛

        concourse-connection longitudinal-transverse auto-telephone exchange 汇接用纵横制自动电话交换机

        concrete admixture 混凝土外加剂

        concrete batch plant 混凝土搅拌设备

        concrete bit 混凝土钻头

        concrete blinding 混凝土模板

        concrete block 水泥砖

        concrete block-maker 制水泥块器

        concrete breaker 混凝土捣碎机

        concrete bucket lock 混凝土料斗闸门

        concrete cart 混凝土载运车

        concrete chisel 混凝土凿

        concrete column 水泥柱

        concrete cutting device 水泥割具

        concrete cutting torch 水泥割炬

        concrete delivery truck 混凝土运送车

        concrete distributor 混凝土分布机

        concrete finisher 混凝土整修机

        concrete finishing machine 混凝土整面机

        concrete float 水泥磨光器

        concrete high frequency vibrator 混凝土高频振动器

        concrete interface treating agent 混凝土界面处理剂

        concrete iron 钢筋

        concrete lifting bucket 混凝土吊斗

        concrete mixer lorry 水泥搅拌车

        concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机

        concrete mixing machine 混凝土搅拌机

        concrete mixing plant 混凝土拌和设备

        concrete mixing truck 混凝土搅拌车

        concrete mixing vehicle 混凝土搅拌车

        concrete of aglain odorate 树兰浸膏

        concrete of iris 鸢尾浸膏

        concrete of jasmine 茉莉浸膏

        concrete of labdanum 岩蔷薇浸膏

        concrete of michelia 白兰浸膏

        concrete of osmanthus 桂花浸膏

        concrete of rose crimson glory 墨红花浸膏

        concrete paver 混凝土铺路机

        concrete penetrometer 混凝土渗透仪

        concrete pipe 混凝土管

        concrete placer 混凝土铺注机

        concrete pole 水泥电杆

        concrete pouring machine 混凝土浇注机

        concrete power saw 混凝土动力锯

        concrete pump 水泥泵

        concrete rammer 混凝土夯实器

        concrete reinforcement bar 钢筋

        concrete road paver 混凝土路面摊铺机

        concrete saw 混凝土锯

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