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核心提示:换单费/抽单费: D/O fee delivery order 上海港THC:THC in Shanghai port 港口附加费:port surcharge 分拔费:break-bulk fee 舱单更改费:manifest modified fee 三检费:commodity inspection fee, plant and animals quarantine fee 报检预录费:inspection decl

      换单费/抽单费: D/O fee delivery order

      上海港THC:THC in Shanghai port

      港口附加费:port surcharge

      分拔费:break-bulk fee

      舱单更改费:manifest modified fee

      三检费:commodity inspection fee, plant and animals quarantine fee

      报检预录费:inspection declaration sheet input fee

      通关单单证费:transfer fee

      通关单预录费:input fee of inspection and quarantine transfer

      通关单代办费:quarantine transfer sheet charge

      商品检验费:commodity inspection fee

      箱体消毒费:container antisepsis fee

      箱检费:container inspection fee

      箱体封识费:container seal fee

      货物消毒费:goods sterilize fee

      动检费:animals quarantine fee

      动检场地费:site fee of animals quantine

      卫检费:hygiene inspection fee

      卫检场地费:site fee of hygiene inspection

      熏蒸费:fumigation charge

      报关费:customs declaration fee

      报关单预录费:input fee of customs pre-declaration

      报关代理费:customs declaration handling fee

      舱单预录费:manifest input fee

      查验费:customs inspection fee

      查验开箱费:container open fee in inspection

      查验吊箱费:container sling fee in inspection

      查验称重费:weight fee in inspection

      查验掏箱费:goods take-out fee in inspection

      转关代理费:customs transfer handling fee

      退单费:shut-out fee

      拼单费:combine customs declaration sheet fee

      滞报金:declaration demurrage duty

      滞纳金:demurrage duty

      国内运输费:trucking fee

      港杂费:port sundries

      提货费:pick-up charges

      汽代费:truck agent fee

      理货费:tally fee

      园区卡口费:gate charge

      修污箱费:repair contaminated container fee

      疏港费:port demurrage charge

      超期租箱费:container overtime used fee

      危险品提货费:pick-up charges for DGR cargo


      送货费:delivery charge

      上下车费:lift on and lift off charge

      通关点使用费:bonded area charge

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 货运 代理

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