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汉英筳席菜名大全 T-X

核心提示:T 它似蜜 Fried mutton fillet in sweet sauce 碳烧鱼串 Fish shashlik 碳烧鱼段 Fish shashlik 汤泡胗球 Gizzard balls in soup 汤片鸭子 Fried duck slice 汤团 Sweet dumpling 糖醋拌海蜇皮丝 Shredded jellyfish in sweet and sour sauce 糖醋炒排骨 Sweet and sou

      它似蜜 Fried mutton fillet in sweet sauce
      碳烧鱼串 Fish shashlik
      碳烧鱼段 Fish shashlik
      汤泡胗球 Gizzard balls in soup
      汤片鸭子 Fried duck slice
      汤团 Sweet dumpling
      糖醋拌海蜇皮丝 Shredded jellyfish in sweet and sour sauce
      糖醋炒排骨 Sweet and sour sparerib
      糖醋带鱼 Sweet and sour hairtail
      糖醋黄鱼 Fried yellow croaker with sweet and sour sauce
      糖醋鸡条 Sweet and sour chicken slices
      糖醋里脊 Sweet and sour fillet
      糖醋鲤鱼 Fried carp with sweet and sour sauce
      糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour spareribs
      糖醋全鱼 Sweet and sour whole fish
      糖醋石斑块 Sweet and sour grouper slices
      糖醋瓦块鱼 Sweet and sour tile-shaped fish
      糖醋虾 Sweet and sour shrimps
      糖醋鱼块 Sweet and sour fish slices
      糖醋鱼球 Sweet and sour fish balls
      糖醋*里脊 Saute pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce
      糖粉炸面包 Doughnuts
      糖果式面包 Sweet bread
      糖开水 Sugar water
      糖煮水果 Compote
      烫面饺 Steamed dumpling
      桃布丁 Peach pudding
      桃花泛 Crispy rice crust with three ingredients
      桃花饭 “Peach flower”rice(sweet)
      桃仁鸡丁 Saute chicken with walnuts
      桃仁香菇 Mushroom with walnuts
      特式拼盘 House special hors d′oeuvres
      丁型牛排 T-bone steak
      天津狗不理包子 Tianjin Goubuli stuffed bun
      田鸡汤 Frog soup
      甜点类 Dessert
      甜饭沙芋 Sweet fried tato
      甜辣椒 Sweet capsicum
      甜馒头 Sweet steamed bun
      甜食 Sweets
      甜四宝丸 Stewed mixed fruits
      甜酸鸡 Sweet and sour chicken
      甜酸肉 Sweet and sour pork
      填馅*肉卷 Pork kiev(stuffed with batter)
      铁板牛肉 Sizzling beef
      铁锅蛋 Henan style egg cooked in iron pan
      铁扒比目鱼 Grilled sole
      铁扒大虾 Grilled king prawns
      铁扒桂鱼 Grilled mandarin fish
      铁扒鸡排 Crilled chicken chop
      铁扒里脊 Grilled fillet
      铁扒牛肝 Grilled ox liver
      铁扒牛排 Grilled beef steak
      铁扒牛肉片 Grilled beef slices
      铁扒牛仔肉 Crilled veal
      铁扒鲭鱼 Grilled black carp
      铁扒小笋鸡 Grilled spring chicken
      铁扒羊排 Grilled mutton chop
      铁扒羊杂拌儿 Mixed grill with mutton
      铁扒鱼 Grilled fish
      铁扒杂拦儿 Mixed grill
      铁扒*里脊片 Grilled pork fillet slices
      通粉肉酱 Macaroni with pork and ginger
      通心粉白汁鸡 Stewed chicken with macaroni
      通心粉红焖牛肉 Braised beef with macaroni
      通心粉汤 Macaroni soup
      桶子鸡 Spring chicken in salt
      桶子油鸡 Soy flavoured chicken
      筒子肉 Pork in salt
      土豆菠菜泥汤 Mashed potato and spinach soup
      土豆泥 Mashed potato
      土豆泥搅肉饼 Minced meat cutlet with mashed potato
      土豆泥煎小牛排 Fried veal chop with mashed potato
      土豆泥清煎鸡肉 Chicken cutlets with mashed potato
      土豆泥清煎鱼饼 Fried fish cutlet with mashed potato
      土豆泥软煎牛胸口 Fried veal breast with mashed potato
      土豆沙拉 Potato salad
      土豆蔬菜饼 Fried potato and vegetable patty
      土豆洋葱炖羊肉 Stewed mutton with potato and onion
      土司 Toast
      兔肉批 Rabbit pie
      腿蓉千层饼 Minced ham in I,-layer cake
      驼蒸黄鱼 Steamed croaker with flour
      瓦罐香狗肉 Jugged dog meat
      豌豆炒鸡蛋 Green peas omelette
      豌豆黄 Sweet pea purée
      豌豆烩鸭丁 Steamed duck cubes with peas
      豌豆龙须菜 Green peas with asparagus
      丸子火锅 Meatballs in hot pot
      丸子蔬菜汤 Meatballs and vegetable soup
      丸子汤 Meatballs soup
      晚霞映牛舌 Sunset ox tongue(tongue in tomato sauce)
      网油灯笼鸡 Lantern chicken with lard
      网油虾卷 Prawn folls in lard
      威化炸鸽 Deep-fried pigeon with wafers
      煨蕃茄 Stewed tomato
      煨火鸡 Stewed turkey
      煨鸡 Stewed chicken
      煨鸡丸 Stewed chicken balls
      煨鱼卷 Stewed fish roll
      维夫饼干 Wafer
      窝蛋牛肉饭 Steamed rice with beef and poached egg
      窝夫面饼 Waffle
      窝贴大明虾 Fried prawns on toast
      窝头 Steamed corn bread
      乌鱼汤 Cuttlefish soup
      无骨鸡 Chicken fillets
      无锡脆鳝 Crispy fried eesl,Wuxi style
      吴抄手 Won ton(meat dumplings)
      五彩大鸭丝 “Five coloured”breast of duck
      五彩拼冷盘 “Five coloured”hors d′oeuvres
      五加皮酒 Wujiapi wine
      五柳鱼 Fish with five shreded ingredients
      五末羹 Five ingredients jelly
      五仁糕烧芋 Fried sweet taro with mixed nuts
      五仁糖包 Steamed dumplings with mixed nuts
      五色拼盘 Assorted hors d′oeuvres
      五丝王瓜 Five kinds of sliced cucumber
      五香鹌鹑 Spicy quail
      五香白鸽 Spicy pigeon
      五香蚕豆 Spicy broad beans
      五香茶蛋 Spicy tea boiled eggs
      五香豆腐干 Spiced dried bean curd
      五香鹅 Spiced goose
      五香禾花雀 Spiced rice birds
      五香花生仁 Spiced peanuts
      五香酱鸭 Spiced duck
      五香牛肉 Spiced beef
      五香水鸭 Spiced teal
      五香兔肉 Spiced hare
      五香熏牛肉 Spiced smoked beef
      五香熏鱼 Shanghai smoked fish
      五香鱼 Spiced fish
      五香樟茶鸭 Smoked tea ducK
      五滋汤 “Five flavoured”mutton soup

      西班牙式鸡饭 Chicken rice,Spanish style
      西法大虾 Prawns cooked in Western style
      西瓜酪 Watermelon jelly
      西瓜沙拉 Watermelon salad
      西红柿炒鸡蛋 Tomato omelette
      西红柿炒鸡饭 Fried chicken and tomato with rice
      西红柿蛋汤 Tomato and egg soup
      西红柿鸡丁炒饭 Fried rice with tomato and chicken
      西红柿蘑菇汁蒸鱼 Steamed fish with tomato and mushroom sauce
      西红柿沙拉 Tomato salad
      西红柿通心粉汤 Tomato and macaroni soup
      西红柿汁 Tomato juice
      西红柿汁煎鱼 Fried fish with tomato sauce
      西红柿汁奶油口蘑牛肉丝 Sliced beef with mushroom,tomato juice and cream
      西红柿汁通心粉 Macaroni in tomato sauce
      西红柿汁蒸鱼 Steamed fish with tomato sauce
      西湖活鱼 “West lake”live fish
      西湖莼菜汤 “West Lake”water shield soup
      西湖牛肉羹 “West Lake”thick beef soup
      西湖炸鸭条 “West lake”deep-fried duck slices
      西焗千层虾 Layered fried prawns with liver pate
      西卤鲍鱼 Spicy abalone,Xi‘an style
      西卤凤腰 Spicy Kidney,Xi‘an style
      西卤干贝 Spicy scallop,Xi‘an style
      西卤鸭掌 Spicy duck′s web,Xi‘an style
      西米布丁 Sago pudding
      西芹生鱼球 Fried snakehead mullet balls with celery
      西柿汁虾片 Prawns in tomato sauce
      西柿口蘑汤 Mushroom soup with tomato
      细面条白汁鸡腿 Chicken legs with thin noodles
      细通心粉 Thin macaroni
      虾菜拌兔丝 Sliced rabbit with shrimps and vegetables
      虾斗 Whole shrimps
      虾胶瓤北菇 Mushroom stuffed with minced shrimps
      虾胶瓤鸭掌 Ducks′web stuffed with shrimp
      虾捞面 Shrimp with boiled noodles
      虾龙糊 Shrimp in lobster sauce
      虾米芹菜 Shrimp and celery
      虾仁炒坚子 Fried razor clam with shrimps
      虾仁炒蛋 Shrimp omelette
      虾仁炒饭 Shrimp fried rice
      虾仁炒面 Fried noodles with shrimps
      虾仁豆腐 Shrimps with bean curd
      虾仁炖蛋 Shrimps with steamed egg
      虾仁芙蓉 Shrimp with egg white
      虾仁干贝 Shrimp and scallops
      虾仁锅粑 Shrimps with crispy rice
      虾仁锅粑菜 Shrimp and crispy rice with vegetables
      虾仁锅粑汤 Shrimp and crispy rice soup
      虾仁海参 Stewed sea cucumber with shrimps
      虾仁滑蛋 Fried shrimps with scrambled eggs
      虾仁沙拉 Shrimp salad
      虾仁汤面 Noodle soup with shrimps
      虾仁吐司 Shrimp with croutons
      虾仁鱼肚 Fried fish maw with shrimps
      虾仁杂碎 Shrimp chop suey
      虾沙爹 Prawn satay(Malaysia)
      虾汤 Shrimp soup
      虾吐司 Shrimp toast
      虾丸扒鸭 Braised duck with shrimp balls
      虾丸竹笋汤 Prawn balls and bamboo shoots soup
      虾子咖喱 Prawn roe curry
      虾子海参 Stewed sea cucumber with prawn roe
      仙宫鸡 “Crystal palace”chicken
      鲜鲍 Fresh abalone
      鲜橙布丁 Orange pudding
      鲜蕃茄炒蛋 Omelette with fresh tomato
      鲜菇炒肉片 Fried pork slices with fresh mushrooms
      鲜菇鸡片 Fried fresh mushroom and chicken
      鲜菇乳鸽片 Sliced pigeon with mushrooms
      鲜菇肉饼大虾 Meat patty and mushrooms with prawns
      鲜菇烧干贝 Fried dried scallop with fresh mushrooms
      鲜菇虾仁 Fried fresh mushroom and shrimp
      鲜菇鸭掌 Braised duck web with mushrooms
      鲜黄瓜沙拉 Fresh cucumber salad
      鲜蘑豆腐 Saute bean curd with straw mushrooms
      鲜蘑兰笋 Straw mushroom with bamboo shoots
      鲜蘑龙须菜 Saute asparagus with straw mushrooms
      鲜蘑扒鹑蛋 Straw mushrooms sautéed with quail eggs
      鲜蘑时菜 Straw mushroom with fresh vegetables
      鲜蘑素烩 Stwed mixed vegetables with straw mushroom
      鲜蘑豌豆 Saute straw mushrooms with peas
      鲜蘑蟹肉 Crab meat with fresh mushrooms
      鲜蘑油菜 Fresh mushrooms with rape
      鲜奶布丁 Milk pudding
      鲜奶炖宫燕 Bird′s nest in milk
      鲜肉咸肉炖萝卜汤 Fresh and salted pork with turnips in woup
      鲜水果沙拉 Fresh fruit salad
      鲜笋炒鸽片 Sauteed pigeon slices and bamboo shoots
      鲜笋炒鸡丝 Sliced chicken and bamboo shoots
      鲜笋炒乌贼 Fried cuttlefish with fresh bamboo shoots
      鲜笋鱼肉球 Fish balls with bamboo shoots
      鲜豌豆饼 Fresh pea pie
      鲜虾豆腐羹 Shrimp and bean curd thick soup
      鲜虾冬瓜粒 Winter melon(white gourd)and prawn soup
      鲜虾梅花饺 Shrimp‘ dumplings
      鲜虾扒草蘑 Straw mushrooms with shrimps
      鲜虾扒豆腐 Stewed shrimps with bean curd
      鲜虾仁炒面 Fried noodles with shrimps
      鲜虾土司 Shrimp toast
      鲜虾云吞 Shrimp won ton(dumplings)
      鲜鱿鱼 Fresh squid
      鲜鱼馄饨汤 Fresh fish won ton soup(dumpling)
      鲜竹卷 Tender tips of bamboo shoots
      咸菜煲鸡 Roast chicken with salted vegetable
      咸菜炒百页 Fried shredded tripe with salted vegetable
      咸菜炒乌贼 Fried cuttlefish with salted vegetable
      咸菜炒蚬肉 Fried clams with salted vegetable
      咸菜豆瓣沙 Mashed broad beans with salted vegetable
      咸菜牛肉 Fried beef with salted vegetable
      咸菜肉丝 Fried sliced pork and salted vegetable
      咸菜肉丝面 Sliced pork noodles with salted vegetable
      咸菜鸡片汤 Soup with salted vegetable and sliced chicken
      咸菜烧豆腐 Fried bean curd with salted vegetable
      咸蛋 Salted eggs
      咸蛋肉片汤 Sliced pork and salted eggs in soup
      咸蛋蒸肉饼 Steamed minced pork and salted egg
      咸辣菜 Salted vegetable with chili
      咸牛肉 Salted beef
      咸青鱼 Salted black carp
      咸肉 Salt pork
      咸肉豆腐汤 Salted pork and bean curd in soup
      咸梭子蟹 Salted sea crab
      咸小菜 Salted vegetables
      咸鸭蛋 Salted duck eggs
      咸鸭蛋蒸肉饼 Salted duck eggs with steamed minced pork
      咸鱼 Salt fish
      咸鱼蒸肉饼 Steamed minced pork with salt fish
      咸鱼蒸鲜鱼 Steamed salt fish and fresh fish
      咸*肉 Salted pork
      咸*头 Salted pig′s head
      现拼彩盘 Assorted cold hors d′oeuvres platter
      馅饼 Pie
      乡下浓汤 Farmhouse thick soup
      香菜蛋花汤 Egg and Chinese parsley
      香草冰激凌 Vanilla ice cream
      香草布丁 Vanilla pudding
      香草雪糕 Vanilla ice cream
      香肠瓤花雀 Sausage stuffed with rice birds
      香肠沙拉 Sausage salad
      香葱炒蚧 Sauteed clam with scallion
      香葱肉圆 Meatballs with scallion
      香脆马蹄糕 Fragrant crisp water chestnut cake
      香干肉丝 Shredded pork with dried bean curd
      香菇菜花 Mushroom and cauliflower
      香菇焖胗 Stewed gizzard with mushroom
      香菇鸭掌 Straw mushrooms with duck web
      香果鸭 Duck with fragrant fruit
      香滑鸡球 Chicken balls with gravy
      香滑鲈鱼球 Fried perch balls
      香滑生鱼球 Fried snakehead mullet balls
      香煎明虾录 Sauteed whole prawns
      香蕉锅炸 Deep-fried banana cake
      香菌豆腐 Bean curd with mushroom
      香露苹果 Apple compote
      香麻百花糕 “Fragrant sesame flower”cakes
      香美带皮虾 Sweet soy whole prawns
      香茄虾仁 Shrimp in tomato sauce
      香酥半鸭 Crispy half duck
      香酥肥鸭 Roast crispy duck
      香酥鸡腿 Crispy fried chicken
      香酥肉鸡 Fried crispy chicken
      香酥填鸭 Crispy fried Beijing duck
      香酥鸭 Crispy duck
      香桃鸽蛋 Peach shaped pigeon eggs
      香桃鸭方 Duck with walnuts
      香糟鸭片 Sliced duck cooked with wine
      响铃鸽蛋 Bell-shaped pigeon egg
      象眼鸽蛋 “Elephant eye”pigeon′s egg
      象生大拼盘 Assorted cold hors d′oeuvres
      小饼 Chinese style unleavened bread
      小菜附加点心 Side dishes
      小肠炒鸡蛋 Sausage omelette
      小笼包子 pork dumpling
      小笼牛肉 Beef cooked in small bamboo steamer
      小牛肉 Veal
      小牛肉串 Veal shashlik
      小牛肉火腿卷 Veal and ham rolls
      小盆泡菜 Pickled Chinese cabbage
      小舍布丁 Cottage pudding
      小甜点心 Small cakes
      小甜松饼 Small cakes
      小丸子面条 Noodles with meatballs
      小窝头 Steamed bread made with corn flour
      小咸鱼托鸡蛋 Kipper with egg
      蟹粉炒蛋 Crab meat omelette
      蟹粉烂糊 Fried crab meat
      蟹粉鱼肚 Fish maw with crab meat
      蟹黄烩鱼翅 Shark′s fin soup with crab roe
      蟹黄双菜 Saute two kinds of vegetables with crab roe
      蟹扒菜心 Braised vegetable with crab
      蟹钳川麻菇 Crab claws and mushroom soup
      蟹钳竹笋 Crab claws with bamboo shoots
      蟹肉菜心 Crab meat with heart of cabbage
      蟹肉炒饭 Fried rice with crab meat
      蟹肉咖喱 Crab meat curry
      蟹肉海参 Sea cucumber with crab meat
      蟹肉烩鱼翅 Shark′s fin soup with crab meat
      蟹肉焗通粉 Baked macaroni with crab meat
      蟹肉龙须菜 Saute crab meat and asparagus
      蟹肉露筍汤 Crab meat and asparagus soup
      蟹肉面包 Fried crab meat on toast
      蟹肉泥子 Minced crab meat
      蟹肉扒北菇 Stewed crab meat and mushroom
      蟹肉扒菜胆 Stewed crab meat with vegetables
      蟹肉扒时蔬 Crab meat with seasonal vegetables
      蟹肉扒鲜菇 Stewed crab meat with fresh mushrooms
      蟹肉沙拉 Crab meat salad
      蟹肉鲜菇 Fresh mushroom with crab meat
      蟹肉燕窝 Bird′s nest with crab meat
      蟹肉鱼翅 Shark′s fin with crab meat
      蟹肉鱼肚 Stewed fish maw with crab meat
      新疆哈密瓜 Xinjiang honey melon
      新侨沙拉 Xinqiao salad
      杏核肉 Stewed pork with almond
      杏仁茶 Almond tea
      杏仁豆腐 Almond bean curd
      杏仁豆腐菠萝 Almond bean curd with pineapple
      杏仁豆腐三果 Almond bean curd with mixed fruit
      杏仁宫燕 Sweet bird′s nest with almonds
      杏仁鸡丁 Diced chicken with almonds
      杏仁甜饼 Almond cookies
      杏仁甜奶露 Almond cream
      幸运甜饼 Fortune cookies
      熊掌豆腐 Bear′s paw with bean curd
      绣球干贝 Scallop balls
      学九王三丝 Sauteed spring onions with chicken and ham shreds
      雪白肉 Pork with garlic and chili
      雪包银鱼 Deep-fried whitebait with white of egg
      雪布丁 Snow pudding
      雪菜炒冬筍 Fried salted cabbage and fresh bamboo shoots
      雪菜炒绿豆芽 Fried green bean sprouts with salted cabbage
      雪菜春笋 Preserved vegetable with bamboo shoots
      雪菜肉丝 Shredded pork with salted vegetable
      雪菜肉丝汤面 Noodles in soup with salted vegetable and shredded pork
      雪菜沃黄鱼 Croaker with salted vegetable
      雪豆叉烧 Barbecued pork with snow peas
      雪豆鸡片 Chicken slices with snow peas
      雪豆牛肉 Beef with snow peas
      雪豆虾仁 Shrimp with snow peas
      雪耳川虾丸海棠蛋 Silver fungus with prawn balls and quail egg soup
      雪耳炖鹧鸪 Partridge and silver fungus soup
      雪花大虾 “Snow flake”king prawns
      雪花桃泥 “Snow flake”walnut purée
      雪花鱿鱼 “Snow flake”squid
      雪花野鸭片 “Snow flake”sliced wild duck
      雪花鱼片 “Snow flake”fish slices
      雪梨酒 Pear wine
      雪笋炒肉丝 Fried shredded pork with salted cabbage and bamboo shoots
      雪园捞面 “winter garden”boiled noodles
      血肠 Blood sausage
      熏白鱼 Smoked silver carp
      熏蛋 Smoked eggs
      熏灌肠 Smoked sausage
      熏黄鱼 Smoked croaker
      熏火腿 Smoked ham
      熏鲤鱼 Smoked carp
      熏青鱼 Smoked black carp
      熏田鸡 Smoked frog
      熏鱼 Smoked fish
      熏鱼汤面 Noodles with smoked fish
      熏猪肚 Smoked pig′s stomach
      熏猪肝 Smoked pig′s liver
      熏猪心 Smoked pig′s heart
      熏猪脏 Smoked pig′s intestines

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 菜名

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