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核心提示:盗窃枪支 crime of stealing firearms and ammunition 盗窃武器装备 theft of military equipment 道真仡佬族苗族自治县 Daozheng Mulao Nationality Autonomous County 得到证实 to be believed 得利者 beneficiary 抵触 contravene 抵押 mortgage 抵押品 pledge 抵押

      盗窃枪支 crime of stealing firearms and ammunition
      盗窃武器装备 theft of military equipment
      道真仡佬族苗族自治县 Daozheng Mulao Nationality Autonomous County
      得到证实 to be believed
      得利者 beneficiary
      抵触 contravene
      抵押 mortgage
      抵押品 pledge
      抵押物 mortgage
      地方人民检察院 Local People's Procuratorate
      地役权 easement
      第二审判庭 second tribunal
      第三者 the third party
      第一审判庭 first tribunal
      典当物 pledge
      调查 investigation
      调查报告 investigation
      调查取证 investigate and collect evidence
      调解 mediate
      调解和强制措施 mediation and enforcement measure
      调解书 mediation agreement
      调解书字号 Written Mediation No.
      订货合同卡片 a card of contract
      订立 formation
      定案结论 verdict
      定案理由 reason for decision
      定金 deposit
      定期减免所得税 regular reduction of income tax
      定性 determination on the nature
      丢弃 waive
      东北人民政府 Northeast People's Government
      东乡族自治县 Dongxiang Nationality Autonomous County
      董事会 board of directors
      动机 intention, motive
      冻干健康人血浆 frozen dry healthy human blood
      冻干血浆 frozen dry blood plasma
      冻结 freeze, suspend
      都安瑶族自治县 Duan Yao Nationality Autonomous County
      毒品罪 narcotic drug crime
      渎职罪 crime of dereliction of duty
      独立的不法行为 independent wrong
      独立个案 individual cases
      独立核算工业企业 independent accounting unit
      独立请求书 independent claim
      独立审判 independent adjudication
      断绝 cease
      提出具体意见 submit detailed opinions on
      对等原则 principle of reciprocity
      对等原则并参照国际惯例 the principle of reciprocity and in reference to the international practice
      对合同词句应当按照事情是有效的而不是无效的来理解 verba ita sunt intelligenda ut res magis valeat guam pareat
      对金钱借贷的规定 regulations of money lending
      对滥用职权的法律补救 legal remedy for abuses of power
      对立的一方 opposite party
      对令状的发出作确认 acknowledge the issue of the writ
      对上诉抗辩 oppose an appeal
      对书面文件的词句应当按照对提出词句的当事人尤为不利的原则来解释 verba chartarum fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem
      对外经济法律顾问处 Foreign Economic Legal Consultancy Office
      对外经济律师事务所 foreign trade law firm
      对外经济贸易仲裁委员会 Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
      对外贸易经济合作部 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
      对物诉讼令状 writ in rem
      对帐 reconcile, reconciliation
      多边公约 multilateral convention
      多边国际公约 multi-latreal international conventions
      多分 a larger share
      多头 long position, bull position
      多头仲裁 multiple arbitration
      多于一名人士 2 or more persons
      多元立法体制 plural legislative structure
      多元主义 pluralism
      峨边彝族自治县 Ebian Yi Nationality Autonomous County
      恩施土家族苗族自治县 Enshi Tujia Nationality Miao Nationality Autonomous County
      恩恤付款 ex gratia payment
      二审 second instance
      二审裁定书 order of second instance
      二审法院 Court of Second Instance
      二审判决书 written order of Second Instance
      二者只能择其一 the inclusion of one is the exclusion of the other
      发回重审 remand a lawsuit for a new trial
      发货人 consignor, shipper
      发生法律效力 be legally effective
      发现 discovery
      发行审核委员会 the Issuance Examination Commission
      发展规划 development plan
      罚款 Fin
      法案 bill
      法定部门 statutory machinery
      法定代表律师 Official Solicitor
      法定代表人 legal representative
      法定代理人 legal agent
      法定继承 legal inheritance
      法定继承人 legal heir
      法定监护人 legal guardian
      法定期限 time limit provided by law
      法定义务 legal duty
      法定语言 legal language
      法定主管当局 statuory authority
      法官法 judges law
      法官考评委员会 committee for the examination and appraisal of judges
      法规 laws and regulations
      法纪 Law and Discipline
      法纪监督 supervision over legal discipline
      法理背景 jurisprudential background
      法理背景 jurisprudential base
      法理学 jurisprudence
      法令 decree
      法律程序文件 written process
      法律冲突 conflict of laws
      法律服务所 Legal Service Office
      法律概念 legal concept
      法律顾问处 Legal Consultant Office
      法律后果 legal effect
      法律解释权 power of law interpretation
      法律面前人人平等 equality before the law
      合法的 legitimate
      法律上的财产处分 legal disposition of property
      法律上的能力 legal capacity
      法律效果 legal effect
      法律行律 juristic act
      法律行为 act under the law
      法律性 legality
      法律性文献 legal document
      法律虚无主义 legal nihilism
      法律依据 legal basis
      法律制裁 legal sanctions
      法律制度 structure of the law
      法人 legal person
      法人代表 legal representative
      法人单位 legal entity
      法人委托书 power of attorney
      法庭程序文件 process of court
      法团公司 incorporated company
      法系地区 relevant law area
      法学派别 School of Legal Scholare
      法学研究所 Institute of Law
      法医 medicolegal
      法院 court
      法院组织法 organic law of the courts
      法制委员会 Commission on Legislation Affairs
      翻新 revision
      反驳 disprove
      反对通知书 notice of objection
      反革命宣传煽动罪 crime of counter revolutionary propaganda and incitement
      反革命罪 crime of counter-revolution
      反悔 repudiate, resile
      反诉 counter-claim
      反要约 counter offer
      反走私 anti-smuggling
      返还 restitution
      返还性损害赔偿金 restitutionary damages
      犯 commit
      犯人 convict
      犯罪分子 offender
      犯罪客观方面 objective aspect of crime
      犯罪客体 object of crime
      犯罪事实 particulars of offense
      犯罪心意 mens rea
      犯罪行为 actus reus
      犯罪中止 discontinuation of a crime
      犯罪主观 subject of crime
      犯罪主观方面 subjective aspect of crime
      贩卖毒品 crime of drug trafficking
      贩卖假药罪 crime of selling bogus medicines
      贩卖淫秽物品罪 crime of selling pornographic articles
      贩运伪造的国家货币罪 crime of trafficking in counterfeit national currency
      方便与公平的原则 principles of convenience and fairness
      防城各族自治县 Fangcheng Ge Nationality Autonomous County
      防止性禁制令 prohibitory injunction
      妨碍 pervert
      妨碍司法公正 interfere with the course of justice
      妨碍司法公正 obstruction of justice
      妨害公务罪 crime of interference with public administration
      妨害公务罪 crime of interference with state functions
      妨害社会管理秩序罪 crime of disrupting the order of social administration
      妨害他人婚姻家庭罪 crime of disrupting marriage and the family
      房款凭证 evidence of purchasing money for real estate
      房屋的产权 property right in real estate
      房屋估价单 home appraisal report
      房屋继承 successor in title, transferee in real estate, transferee mottoes
      放火罪 crime of arson
      放弃 relinquish
      放弃 waive
      放行条 release pass
      非专业人士 lay persons
      非法 unlawful
      非法 illegal
      非法查封 unlawful foreclosure
      非法查封财产 unlawfully seal up property
      非法逮捕, 拘禁或搜身 unlawful arrest, detention, and search
      非法的告发 wrongful prosecution
      非法的检举 wrongful prosecution
      非法购买 illegally purchasing
      非法拘禁罪 crime of unlawful detention
      非法同居关系 cohabiting unlawfully
      非法制造枪支及弹药罪 crime of illegally manufacturing firearms and ammunition
      非法转让 unlawful assign men
      非婚生子女 illegitimate child
      诽谤 defame

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 法律 词汇

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