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核心提示:forensic medicine 法医学 doctor, physician 医生,医师,内科医师 family doctor 家庭医生 pediatrician, pediatrist 儿科医师 gynecologist 妇科医师 tocologist, obstetrician 产科医师 neurologist 神经专家 psychiatrist 精神病学专家 ophthalmologist, oculist 眼

      forensic medicine 法医学
      doctor, physician 医生,医师,内科医师
      family doctor 家庭医生
      pediatrician, pediatrist 儿科医师
      gynecologist 妇科医师
      tocologist, obstetrician 产科医师
      neurologist 神经专家
      psychiatrist 精神病学专家
      ophthalmologist, oculist 眼科专家
      dentist, odontologist 牙医师
      surgeon 外科医师
      anesthetist, anaesthetist 麻醉师
      nurse 护士
      hospital 医院
      clinic 诊所
      sanatorium 疗养院
      health 健康
      healthy (个人)健康
      wholesome 合乎卫生的,有益于健康的
      hygiene 卫生
      to get vaccinated 接种
      sick person, patient 病员,患者
      to be sick, to be ill 患病
      sickly 多病
      ailment, complaint 疾病
      pain 疼,痛
      indisposition, slight illness 不适
      unwell, indisposed 不适的
      affection, disease 疾病
      ulcer 溃疡
      wound 创伤,伤口
      lesion 损害
      injury 损伤
      rash, eruption 疹
      spot 点,斑
      pimple 丘疹,小疮
      blackhead 黑头粉刺
      blister 水疱
      furuncle 疖
      scab, boil 痂
      scar 癜痕
      wart 疣,肉赘
      callus, callosity 胼胝
      corn 鸡眼
      chilblain 冻疮
      bruise 挫伤
      ecchymosis 瘀癍
      bump 肿
      swelling 肿胀
      contusion 挫伤
      sprain, twist 扭伤
      fracture 骨折
      symptom 症状
      diagnosis 诊断
      case 病例
      incubation 潜伏
      epidemic 流行病
      contagion 传染
      fever 发热
      attack, access, fit 发作
      coughing fit 咳嗽发作
      to take to one's bed 卧床
      to sneeze 打喷嚏
      faint, fainting fit 晕厥
      vertigo, dizziness 眩晕
      to feel sick 恶心
      to lose consciousness 失去知觉
      concussion 震荡
      coma 昏迷
      diet 饮食
      treatment 疗法
      to get better, to improve 好转
      cure 治愈
      relapse 复发
      Surgery 外科
      anesthesia, anaesthesia 麻醉
      blood transfusion 输血
      probing, sounding 探通术
      amputation 切断术
      tracheotomy 气管切开术
      trepanation 环锯术,环钻术
      graft, transplant 移植
      ligature 结扎
      stitches 缝线
      cicatrization 瘢痕形成
      operating theatre 手术室 (美作:operating theater)
      instruments 手术器械
      bistoury, scalpel 手术刀
      bandage 绷带
      dressing, bandages 敷料
      gauze 纱布
      compress 敷布
      sticking plaster 橡皮膏,胶布
      catgut 肠线
      plaster 石膏
      sling 悬带
      plastic surgery 整形手术
      acupuncture 针术

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 医药 相关 词汇

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