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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2011-10-13 浏览次数: 1036

      1. Get others to trust you 让别人相信你
      One signal that suggests we are trustworthy is a smile. Genuine smiles send a message that other people can trust and cooperate with us. Economists even consider that smiles have a value. In one study by Scharlemann et al. (2001) participants were more likely to trust another person if they were smiling. This study found that a smile increased people's willingness to trust by about 10%.

      2. Smile for leniency 让别人放你一马
      When people do bad things they often smile when they are caught. Is this to their benefit? According to a study conducted by LaFrance and Hecht (1995), it can be. We treat people who've broken the rules with more leniency if they smile afterwards. It doesn't matter whether it's a false smile, a miserable smile or a real felt smile, they all work to make us want to give the transgressor a break.

      3. Recover from social slip-ups 笑能让你更容易被原谅
      Did you forget to buy your partner an anniversary present? Has an important client's name slipped your mind? Have you accidentally kicked a small child? If you've tripped on a social banana, embarrassment is your go-to emotion. The embarrassed smiles we display involve looking down and sometimes we emit a silly little laugh. This is designed to elicit fellow-feeling from other people so they think less of the slip and forgive us more quickly.

      So the embarrassed smile helps us get out of jail free(ish). Once again, the power of a smile.

      4. Smile to make money 笑能赚钱
      We've already seen that economists have calculated the value of a smile, but can a smile make us real cash-money? Apparently the broad smile of a waitress can: Tidd and Lockard (1978) found smiling waitresses made more in tips.

      5. Smile and (half) the world smiles with you 你对别人笑,半数人也会对你回以笑
      One of the simple social pleasures of life, which goes almost unnoticed because it's automatic, is when you smile at someone and they smile back.As you'll have noticed, though, not everyone does smile back. Hinsz and Tomhave (1991) wanted to see what proportion of people would respond to a smile aimed at them with their own smile. Their results suggest around 50% of people reciprocate. In comparison almost no one responds to a frown with their own frown.
      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn

      关键词: 双语 lucky

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