In times of strife or uncertainty, it is easy to beat yourself up – to think you're not good enough. It is even easier to forget that despite all of our differences we are born with one very important thing is common: potential – and lots of it. What seems difficult, at times, is remembering this potential for greatness lies within us all. So I have compiled a short, easy to-do list with words of inspiration from great thinkers who have recognized their potential as a reminder and an inspiration, for those who have forgotten amidst the daily bump and grind, how to realize their power within:
#1. Reflect on your life.
The first step is committing to 20-30 minutes of quiet Reflection everyday. You don't have to sit still, close your eyes, and meditate. But you do have to get away from all the distractions in your life such as the television, cell phones, email, radio, family, friends, coworkers, school mates, etc. They're constantly clouding your thoughts and influencing your decisions.
#2. Become an Optimist.
This is key. Every negative thought that you replay your mind is like an anchor holding you back. Liberate yourself from the negativity. Inside every setback lies an opportunity! Always find the positive in every situation.
#3. Set a Goal.
Goals give your life direction and purpose. Without them you're just drifting through existence. Do something Bold! Set a lofty goal that stretches you outside your comfort zone.
#4. Define who your role models are.
They can be in the flesh, on TV, or even audio books. Model yourself after them. Learn from them. If you don't, you'll pick up bad habits from all the wrong people.
#5. Be Grateful!
Be grateful for your opportunities. Be grateful for right now! Being grateful invites even better things to come into your life. So what are you grateful for?
#6. Become a life long learner.
You don't have to be in school to learn new things. Commit to learning something new everyday. Have an open mind. Become a sponge. Grow!
#7. Embrace change!
It's impossible to reach your full potential if you're not willing to change. Become dynamic, adaptive, evolving! Realize that change is good…change is exciting!