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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-12-28 浏览次数: 1483
核心提示:Have you ever met a salesman then after a half an hour are left with something you did not want to buy? You begin wondering how that happened, then you begin to despise them, and after a while you try to avoid them all together. Not necessarily beca

      Have you ever met a salesman then after a half an hour are left with something you did not want to buy? You begin wondering how that happened, then you begin to despise them, and after a while you try to avoid them all together. Not necessarily because you are afraid of being tricked into buying something else or maybe you don't really want to be rude to them when you send them off. What most salesmen do is not something each one comes up with on their own; they are taught techniques, small simple things really.

      There are many factors that salesmen use in their attempt to sell you something. The main technique/way each salesman tries to use is called the "Four Factors of Impulse."

      Indifference- They try to look like they do not care whether or not you purchase the product, when in fact they do, especially when they are getting paid commission.

      Jones Effect- Convincing the customer that they are not the first to buy it, nor will they be the last. This offers a sense of security, that helps push people into buying.

      Fear of Loss- This is when salesmen try to make the customer feel that the offer is very temporary and that if they don't buy now, they won't be able to buy it later with the same pricing or bonuses offered at the time.

      Sense of Urgency- When the salesman utilizes Indifference and adds a sense of them being in a hurry, which is often successful in pressuring quick decisions that are not quite thought through.

      There are other factors involved when dealing with salesmen, but the main one this set of "Four Factors of Impulse." All salesmen are taught this, not sure if everyone calls it the same.




      琼斯效应 – 令客户相信他们不是第一个购买的,也不会是最后一个。这传达了一种安全感,有助于促使人们购买。


      紧迫感 - 推销员会利用漠不关心,并表现出匆忙感,进而可以达到促使客户快速决定的效果。


      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 销售员 销售

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