Whether you are looking for audiobook files for a long commute, road trip or to spice up a workout, you can find free downloads online. Audiobooks can be expensive to purchase, particularly if you do it regularly. Finding free audiobook downloads online gives you entertainment and more money in your pocket.
Step 1: Read the classics.Books in the public domain occur frequently as free downloads. Several websites have public domain works available. In some cases, volunteers do the audio so the quality of reading may be less than in commercial works, but the catalogs are broad and the price is right-free.
Step 2: Sign up for a free trial.With the growth of the audiobook industry, websites offering subscriptions or audiobooks for sale are growing too, and many offer free trials or free audiobooks. Sign up and try out the service; you may find it works for you and at the least, you get a free book or subscription time. Audiobooks from these sources tend to be current works and read more professionally than many volunteer produced ones.
Step 3: Look for promotional materials.Some publishing companies give away audiobooks in order to attract new customers to a particular author or genre. The works are likely to be non-mainstream and the authors unknown but sometimes, you can find a gem.
Step 4: Contact your local library.Your library may have a subscription to sources like OverDrive or netLibrary. If you have a free account with your local library, you can download audiobooks from the site your library has an account with. Audiobook choices tend to be similar to those you'd find on a commercial site so if your library has access, this is a great way to get books to listen to.
Step 5: Search through available podcasts.Again, many of the podcast audiobooks produced are those in the public domain, but some authors are doing installments of their own books.
Tips & Warnings
Always check to see if your MP3 player is compatible with the downloads available. Although this is less of a concern than if you are buying the audiobook, it still takes time to find and download a free audiobook and it's frustrating if it doesn't work. For example, OverDrive and netLibrary audiobooks work with many MP3 players but did not start out compatible with iPods.
If your library doesn't offer audiobook downloads, check with other local libraries, universities and school libraries for potential
一、找一些经典书目。一些公共网站上的有声书籍往往是免费的,有几个网站就有这么一些免费有声图书。有些情况下,免费有声读物是由一些志愿者自己录制的,雷竞技百科 虽不如商业性作品好,但书目很多,而且完全免费。