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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-04-25 浏览次数: 915
核心提示:New figures from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority show that more women than ever are seeking fertility treatment. Between 2006 and 2007, the number went up by 5% from 34,855 to 36,648, but there are some surprising ways to boost your

      New figures from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority show that more women than ever are seeking fertility treatment. Between 2006 and 2007, the number went up by 5% from 34,855 to 36,648, but there are some surprising ways to boost your chances of conceiving.

      1. Take fewer painkillers

      The group of painkillers known as NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen) can inhibit certain enzymes - this can in turn prevent the follicles in the ovaries from bursting and releasing eggs, either stopping or delaying ovulation. "It's fine to take them for the few days before and during a period, but avoid them at any other point in the month if you're trying to conceive," says consultant gynaecologist Valentine Akande.

      2. Watch your weight

      Much publicity is given to weight affecting women's fertility, but men's weight is a factor too. "The more fat you have, the more oestrogen you have in your body, and this applies to men too," says Gabrielle Downey, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist. "The wrong balance of oestrogen lowers sperm count."

      3. Get more sunshine

      Lack of or irregular menstruation as a result of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common cause of infertility. Yale School of Medicine has found that giving women with PCOS and abnormal ovulation vitamin D supplements dropped the risk of PCOS by 99% and abnormal ovulation by 93%. Fertility consultant Zita West, meanwhile, found that 50% of women who visited her clinic were deficient in vitamin D. "Sunshine boosts vitamin D levels, as do supplements and eating plenty of dairy products," says West.

      4. Watch your meat intake

      "To boost growth rates, animals are sometimes given artificial oestrogens," says Downey. "Research is showing that this is lowering fertility in women and men, so try to limit your intake." Or stick to organic meat.

      5. Cut out oral sex

      "Women should avoid receiving oral sex when trying to conceive," she says. "Saliva contains digestive enzymes that can damage sperm."



      有一组止痛药叫非类固醇抗炎药能够一直某一种酶,这同样能够阻止卵巢释放卵子,也阻止和延缓了排卵,在几天或者一段之间之前吃他们很好,但是如果你想怀孕在这个月的任何时候都要避免吃他们。妇科专家Valentine Akande说。一些惊人的方式能提高你的怀孕机会。


      许多宣传内容说体重能够影响妇女的生育能力,但是妇女的体重也是一个方面,吃的脂肪越多,你的身体里就有越多的雌二醇,男人也是同样的产科医生同时也是妇科医生。Gabrielle Downey 说。“雌二醇的不均衡可以降低精子的数。”


      月经很少或不规则是囊性卵巢综合征的一个结果这是不育症的一个原因。耶律大学医学系已经发现,给有囊性卵巢综合征和异常排卵的妇女吃维生素D能够减低百分之九十九的囊性卵巢综合征和百分之九十三的不正常排卵。不育专家Zita West,同时也发现到她门诊看病的妇女有百分之五十的人缺乏维生素D。“太阳光可以促进维生素D的形成。同时也要吃大量的奶制产品。”West说。





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      关键词: 生育 能力

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