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核心提示:The SAP Business One Solution Partner program will include a rigorous two- tier certification process for potential partners to ensure quality. The program leverages the flexibility of SAP Business One as a simple yet effective business automation s

      The SAP Business One Solution Partner program will include a rigorous two- tier certification process for potential partners to ensure quality. The program leverages the flexibility of SAP Business One as a simple yet effective business automation software tool as well as the SAP Business One software development kit -- one of the most advanced development environments available in the SMB space -- for partners to develop applications. Participating partners will receive training, marketing and other support from SAP, with multiple participation levels to accommodate partners of varying resources and involvement. The solutions will be offered in individual markets by the existing SAP

      Business One partner sales channel. The power and flexibility of the SAP Business One software development kit allows SAP Business One partners to enhance the value proposition of SAP Business One to customers by providing significant advantages such as a high degree of adaptability to business processes and management, powerful customizations, formatted search and user fields and smooth upgrade processes. The program will include partners in all countries where SAP Business One is available, selected for their expertise in specific industries as well as core business processes.

      对于SAP业务,一个解决合作方项目的方案出台,对于潜在合作方的雷竞技百科 问题上,将包括两个严密的认证阶段,这个项目影响SAP业务的适宜性,一个作为简单的已经影响业务自动化的软件开发配套元件,对于合作方可开发的——一个最先进的在SMB空间中可开发环境的应用软件。众多合作人将接受来自市场和其他支持的SAP培训,多方合作,容纳众多资源与参与的合作方,SAP将在各自存在的市场中展示出解决方案。


      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 业务 解决方案

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