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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-02-07 浏览次数: 488
核心提示:Whether you're starting a business on the side while still employed elsewhere, a student or homemaker looking for extra income, or unemployed and trying to figure out what to do, there are plenty of opportunities for you to start up a side business

      Whether you're starting a business on the side while still employed elsewhere, a student or homemaker looking for extra income, or unemployed and trying to figure out what to do, there are plenty of opportunities for you to start up a side business inexpensively. It's unlikely any of these will make you a living in the first few months, but they all have the potential to grow into full-time businesses. We'll take a look at 10 such opportunities and, most importantly, tell you what to do with the $20!
      1. Webpreneur

      It's what everyone who's ever surfed the Web dreams of—just stick a web site up there and watch the cash roll in! Well, that just doesn't happen overnight, but the fact of the matter is it's really not very hard to do. To do it right, start by picking a subject matter you know a lot about. Then get a domain and create a web site. It doesn't even matter what technology you use—just be totally anal-retentive about it looking good and provide plenty of original content. Now find some appropriate affiliate programs—that's where your revenues are going to come from. Next, learn everything you can about search engine marketing and promote the heck out of your site. Last of all, set aside time every week to put new content on the site, delete dead links, and other maintenance. Now do this three or four times, and you've chosen your topics well, you might actually have some decent income from it.

      Spend the $20 on: $8 or less for a domain (see our Online Business Guide's list of cheap domain name registrars) and $12 for a year of hosting (search for "$1 hosting").

      2. Consultant

      Getting into consulting is relatively simple. All you have to do is know how to do something better than most people do, and be able to either teach people how to do it or be willing to do it for them. Networking is the key to success in this business, so start by making a list of everyone you know and giving them all a call.

      Spend the $20 on: $14 on a box of clean-edge laser or inkjet business cards and $6 buying your first prospect a cup of coffee one morning.

      3. Housesitter / Petsitter

      Particularly since 9/11, people feel an increased need for security, and housesitting gives them some reassurance while they're out of town. This one's great because it basically requires no particular skills, just trustworthiness and reliability. Be sure to have personal references available, and you'll also need reliable transportation. If you're an animal lover, petsitting is an easy add-on.

      Spend the $20 on: $2 on flyers to put up on bulletin boards, and the rest on classified ads in your local neighborhood paper (not a big city-wide one).

      4. Professional Organizer
      People these days are simply overwhelmed by their "stuff". While there is an ever-growing trend of people wanting to simplify their lives, most of us haven't done it yet. It's not that people really have no clue how to get organized, it just keeps moving to the bottom of the stack, both figuratively and literally. There's a prime opportunity for people to come in at a reasonable rate and get houses organized. And while there is a National Association of Professional Organizers that you can join when you're ready, mostly it takes common sense, organizational skills, and a familiarity with what can be had at your local office supply and The Container Store.

      Spend the $20 on: Classified ads.

      5. Avon Independent Sales Representative
      Cosmetics is a virtually recession-proof business, because it's an inexpensive way for people to feel good about themselves. Avon is the largest consumer direct sales company in the world, with annual sales of nearly $6 billion. In business for well over 100 years, they have both a highly reputable product line and one of the few highly reputable multi-level marketing structures (in fact, they invented it). They also offer fashion and wellness products in addition to their beauty products. And while they bill themselves as "The Company for Women", a fairly substantial number of men have actually been very successful as Avon reps. The secret to making a living at it rather than just a little extra spending money? Build your downline—just like with any other network marketing or direct selling business.

      Spend the $20 on: $10 signup fee, and $10 on brochures and a few samples.

      6. Personal Services - Shopping & Errands

      This is a great one going into the holiday season. Believe it or not, there are people who wouldn't be caught dead going anywhere near a mall, but they're not comfortable with buying certain items online, either. Again, trustworthiness and dependability are the key traits for this. If your car's not reliable, pick something else. Also, you won't need cash, but you'll need available credit on your credit cards, since you really can't use theirs. Consider an American Express or a Diner's Club that don't have preset spending limits. Or use a card that gives cash back reward or frequent flyer miles, and you'll make a nice little bonus for yourself.

      Spend the $20 on: $1 on flyers and the rest on classified ads.

      7. Desktop Publishing

      It's amazing how many people have a computer and still don't know how to make a decent flyer! If you've got a good design sense, are extremely familiar with your word processor, and already have a laser or high-quality inkjet printer, you can get into desktop publishing. Create a really great-looking portfolio for yourself and go door-to-door.

      Spend the $20 on: Some high-quality paper to create your samples on.

      8. Tutoring

      With the growing dissatisfaction with our education system and the huge growth in homeschooling, there's an unprecedented need for tutors these days for kids of all ages—even adults! If you've got a topic you can tutor in, contact the local schools, particularly private ones, and local homeschool groups, and offer your services. Don't be concerned if your topic is highly specialized—even those are in demand.

      Spend the $20 on: $14 on a box of clean-edge laser or inkjet business cards and $6 on flyers.

      9. eBay Seller

      Yes, there really are people who make a decent living buying things at garage sales and flea markets and selling them on eBay. The big secrets? Stick to products you know (or learn before you start) extremely well, package your goods carefully, and provide impeccable customer service. It helps to have a digital camera or a scanner, but it's not required.

      Spend the $20 on: Your first inventory at a garage sale.

      10. Secretarial Service - Typing / Transcription / Proofreading

      Many small businesses and individuals have a need for these services, but not enough need to hire a temp through an agency. Assuming you've got a computer, a printer, and e-mail (and the necessary skills), you're all set. Be prepared to charge by the job, not by the hour.

      Spend the $20 on: $14 on a box of clean-edge laser or inkjet business cards and $6 on flyers.

      One last thing—beware of home-based business scams that require a substantial buy-in, such as envelope-stuffing or craft item assembly. You may not lose money on it if you stick with it long enough to get really fast at it, but you'll probably never make the kind of money you're expecting to. Better to do something on your own.


      1. 网商

      每一个上网冲浪的网民都在做同一个梦 ----点一下某个网址,然后看着钱如流水般奔涌而至

      嗯,这等美事不会在一夜之间发生,但要美梦成真其实也不难。正确的做法是,首先选好你所熟知的事物。然后再申请一个域名并制作一个网页。使用什么样的技术无关重要--但永远也不要忘记要令网页看起来怡人且能提供许多第一手资料。找一些相关项目-那是你的收入来源。再学学利用搜索引擎推销的相关知识并把网页上的宝贝推销出去。最后,每周腾出些时间来更新网页上的内容,删掉无效的链接及对网页进行维护。这样重复做3-4次, 你就能选到合适的项目,并能实实在在以此谋些小利。





      3. 看家人/宠物保姆



      4. 专业的组织者当今好多人都被他们所拥有的这样那样的物品给搞晕了。越来越多的人相简化他们的生活,但大多数的人自己没法做到这一点。并不是人们不知道该如何将东西物品组织好,而是东西不断地越堆越多。这给那些收费合理的人们提供了一个帮人把房子组织好的先机。如果你准备好了:从一般意义来理解,有组织技能,熟悉当地办公物品的供应和收集箱商店,就可以加入全国专业组织员协会了。


      5. Avon Independent Sales Representative雅芳独立销售代表











      拿出20美元本钱:把样板设计印在一些高雷竞技百科 的纸张上。




      9. eBay网商



      10. 秘书服务-打字/改编/较对






      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 微本 生意经

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