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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-12-24
核心提示:Are you looking forward to the New Year or are you bogged down with unfinished tasks from this year? No matter what sort of year you have had, you still have the opportunity to end this year on a high, and start the New Year on a positive note. You

    Are you looking forward to the New Year or are you bogged down with unfinished tasks from this year? No matter what sort of year you have had, you still have the opportunity to end this year on a high, and start the New Year on a positive note.

    You will have had a number of successes in the last twelve months and it is important to acknowledge them. At the same time, you can learn from those things that did not quite go the way you had hoped.

    Here are some simple ways of ending this year powerfully.

    1. Review the year that is about to end. Write down some of the highlights of all the good things that happened to you. You will be surprised just how much goodness and Happiness you have actually had this year. Write down all your achievements such as “I did more exercise”, “I gave up junk food” or “I wrote a book”.

    2. Share and celebrate your successes this year with your family and friends. This self acknowledgement and appreciation will be a great platform for the New Year. You deserve it. As usual, being grateful for the goodness already in your life makes it possible for you to receive even more. Celebrating your successes is also a key step in having the confidence to take on new challenges in the New Year.

    3. Send greetings of appreciation and thanks to those people who have helped make this year special for you. Use the normal Xmas paper cards, or better still, be economical and environmentally friendly and use email or internet ecards. Express gratitude for your past alliances and at the same time, forge stronger friendships for the future.

    4. Review your current to do list for work. Be ruthless and eliminate as many tasks as you can, without doing them. Then choose just one task and get it done before the end of the year. Finally, throw away your unfinished to do list and do not write another one till next year. You will be surprised how great it will feel not having a list of things to do.

    5. Finish off any unresolved matters. Look at completing any small unfinished and niggling tasks around the house, such as oiling any squeaky door hinges, and make sure that these things do not play on your mind early in the New Year

    6. Clear up some clutter. Go around the house room by room, collect those things you no longer want and either dump or give to a charity shop. Have a clear space so that the New Year can begin to bring you greater prosperity. Be ruthless and do not wait till spring time to clear your unwanted stuff.

    7. Go through your important paperwork and bring up to date as much as possible. You do not want to start the New Year worrying about mundane administration tasks. If you use a computer, then delete any old and unnecessary files and emails.

    8. Review how you have spent your time this year, and identify those things that have been draining your energy. Make a plan to eliminate those relationships that no longer work for you. Look at smarter ways of spending your time.

    Begin to say NO this year to things that you don’t really want to do. Unsubscribe from newsletters, magazine, email groups so that your time is not cluttered up in the New Year.

    9. Be different and do something new. Before the end of the year, do something that you have never done before. For example, go and see a children’s pantomime on your own, take a city tour guide or dine in a restaurant you would have never thought of trying. End the year on a new voyage of discovery and child like curiosity.

    10. Start walking every day for at least 20 minutes until the New Year begins. Not only will you feel great but you will be avoiding the weight gain problems so common during the holiday season. Also, you might just enjoy the walking so much that it could become a great new habit for the New Year.

    11. Rest and relax. Though you will get busy with some of the above suggestions, it is also important to take it easy now for a day or two and do nothing. Sleep in all day, or just laze about in front of the TV.

    Recharge yourself before the New Year kicks in.

    No matter how the year ends for you, just remember that it has been a great year. And next year you can make it even better.




    1. 回顾即将结束的一年。将这一年中你遇到过的所有高兴事、愉快事写下来。你将感到惊讶:原来今年我居然遇到过这么多好事儿,我过得还算不赖啊。将你获得的所有成就用笔写下来,诸如“我加强了锻炼”,“我戒掉了垃圾食品”,或者“我写了一本书”。

    2. 与家人和朋友分享和庆祝你今年取得的成功。这种自我肯定和自我欣赏将成为一个极好的铺垫,为来年做准备。这样做是完全值得的。通常,对生命中已获得的东西心存感激,这样,你就可能得到更多。庆贺你的成功是至关重要的一步,它能帮助你取得自信,迎接新一年中的挑战。

    3. 对帮助过你的人致以问候和感谢,是他们使你的一年具有特别的意义。向他们寄送圣诞卡,或以更经济、更环保的方式送去你的祝福,诸如电子邮件或网络电子贺卡。向你的老朋友表示感激,与此同时,为将来更牢固的友谊打下基础。

    4. 重新审视你当前的工作安排表。以坚决的态度,从当前的工作安排表上删除一些内容,越多越好,不要再想着如何去完成它们。然后,从中选出一项任务,在年底结束前,完成这项任务。最后,将工作安排表丢弃,明年再制定新年的工作安排。你会感到惊奇,没有一长串工作安排伴随左右的感觉,真是太棒了。

    5. 将没解决掉的事做完。审视房屋周围,看看还有哪些琐碎的小事没做完,比如为吱吱作响的门铰链加油。确保在新年到来之时,不为这些烦琐的小事操心。

    6. 将杂乱物品清理干净。仔细检查家里的每一间房间,将不需要的东西收拾起来扔掉,或是送到慈善商店。营造一个整洁的环境,以兴高采烈的姿态迎接新年的到来。态度要坚决,不要等到明年春天才去收拾那些你不需要的东西。

    7. 尽快完成重要的文书工作,并及时提交。


    8. 回顾今年你是怎样度过的,看看哪些事情使你消耗了太多精力。制定一项计划,消除掉所有对你不再有帮助的人际关系。以更睿智的方式花费你的时间。对今年你并不想做的事情说“不”。不再订阅时事通讯、杂志、群组邮件,不要使你的新年在杂乱无章中度过。

    9. 标新立异,尝试一些新事物。年底结束前,试着做一些你过去从未做过的事。例如,一个人看一场童话剧,雇一个导游带你参观整座城市,或是去一家过去你从未想过的餐厅吃饭。对新鲜事物充满探索之心,带着孩子般的好奇心给上一年划下句点。

    10. 每天至少步行20分钟,直到新年开始。你不仅会感到心情愉悦,还能防止体重增长,这可是节假日的通病。另外,你可能还会喜欢上步行,并在新年里,真正养成这个全新的习惯。

    11. 放松,好好休息。上述一部分建议就将使你忙得团团转吧,好好放松一下,接下去的一、两天之内,什么事情也不做,这点也很重要。美美地睡上一整天,或是懒洋洋地看一天电视也不错。



关键词: 情绪 辞旧迎新
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