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核心提示:By making a few simple changes in how you use water, you can have a big impact on the environment and on your water bill. Here's how to use less water. You probably already know the importance of water conservation. Surprisingly small changes in wat

      By making a few simple changes in how you use water, you can have a big impact on the environment and on your water bill. Here's how to use less water.

      You probably already know the importance of water conservation. Surprisingly small changes in water usage habits can have a big impact both on the environment as well as on your water bill. By making a few simple changes in the way you use water, you can make a difference both now and for future generations. Here's how to use less water:

      1.Stop Hogging the Shower

      If you're accustomed to taking twenty minute showers, you could be wasting a considerable amount of water. For each additional minute you add to your shower time, you're increasing water consumption by around a thousand gallons per year. Try to restrict your showers to five minute or less and watch your water bill go down.

      2.Keep Your Toilet in Good Working Order

      Buy a low flow toilet and make sure it stays in good working order. Check the handles to make sure they don't stick when you flush. Check your toilet for leaks by adding food coloring to the tank. If it appears in your toilet, you have a leak that needs to be repaired.

      3.Use Less Water When You Brush Your Teeth

      Instead of running the water the entire time you're brushing your teeth, use water only for a quick rinse. If everyone in your family were to do this, imagine how much money you'd save.

      4.Keep a Jug of Drinking Water in the Refrigerator

      Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator and encourage your family to fill their glasses from it. This will eliminate repeated trips to the sink to get drinking water.

      5. Cut Down on Use of Dishwashers, Washers, and Sryers

      Don't run your dishwasher when it's only half full. The same goes for washers and dryers. These appliances are big water users. Use them as infrequently as possible.

      6.Install a New Shower Head

      Replace your current shower head with a low flow model and you'll reduce your water consumption by seventy-five percent.

      7. Wash Veggies in a Bowl

      Instead of washing fruits and veggies under running water, fill a pan with clean water and gently brush your fruits and vegetables with a soft brush while in the water to remove pesticide residue and debris. This is an easy way to use less water and still clean fruits and vegetables properly.

      Be aware of how you're using water on a daily basis. The key to making positive changes is to be more conscious and aware of how you're using our most precious resource, water.














      用低流量型式的淋浴头更换你现在使用的淋浴头,你将降低你的用水量的 75%。




      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 不费力 节水

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