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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2008-07-12 浏览次数: 2777
核心提示:Got any empty glass jars? Get creative and find ways to reuse them! 1. Beach in a jar - This is a fun project for kids who have visited the beach recently and gathered seashells. We just went to Florida and YES we brought home seashells and authenti

      Got any empty glass jars? Get creative and find ways to reuse them!

      1. Beach in a jar - This is a fun project for kids who have visited the beach recently and gathered seashells. We just went to Florida and YES we brought home seashells and authentic Florida sand. Simply put some sand in the bottom of the jar (colored play sand works great for this) and add the seashells. A larger shell can be glued to the lid for a finishing touch. Letting the kids paint the shells first is another fun way to add some color.

      2. Lantern or candleholder - This is a good project for a glass jar of any size. The kids can use glass paint to create a stained glass look. Use the candle for dining outdoors in the evening…add a citronella candle and you have a bug deterrent too.

      3. Use glass jars as paint containers. Just fill with a little paint and away you go. They last longer than plastic, they don’t stain, and since you are reusing something you already have, they are practical too.

      4. Flower vase - Glass jars make charming vases. You can give them a layer of paint or a ribbon if desired. Then have your kids pick some wildflowers and you have a lovely arrangement.

      5. Snack jars! I like to keep nuts, raisins, shredded coconut etc. glass jars when I can. They stay fresh and they aren’t in close to proximity to plastic.

      6. Bank - Jars make great banks. Simply cut a slot in the lid to put change in, and let your child decorate the outside as he or she chooses.

      7. An ispy jar - Fill the jar with rice and a few secret objects like a coin, a paperclip, a button, a bead, a small toy, dice, etc and have kids see if they can find all the treasures. Of course make sure to keep and eye on young ones when doing this.

      8. Jack-o-lantern jar - This is a great Halloween project. Cut shapes for the eyes, nose and mouth out of masking tape, and place them on the jar. Paint with orange paint, and remove tape when dry. Add a candle or small light to make it glow.

      9. Candy jar - This can be decorated any way your child likes. Fill it with candy or other favorite snacks and give it as a gift, or keep it on the coffee table for guests to enjoy.

      10. Planter - Put pebbles in the bottom of a small jar, then fill with potting soil. Plant herb or flower seeds, and put in the windowsill.


      1. 瓶子中的海滩 - 对于最近去海滩玩过并收集了贝壳的孩子来说,这是件有趣的事。我们刚好去了佛罗里达州的海边玩,带回来一些贝壳和真正的佛罗里达海滩的沙子。只要将沙子铺到瓶底,(如果是彩沙就更漂亮了)然后再放入贝壳。最后可以把一个大点的贝壳粘到瓶盖上作为装饰。或者先让孩子给贝壳涂上颜色,这样既有乐趣又增加了色彩。

      2. 灯笼或烛台 - 适合于任何体积的玻璃瓶。孩子可以用玻璃涂料把瓶子涂成彩色的。在玻璃瓶中点上一只蜡烛,就可以在户外享受烛光晚餐。。。。。。你也可以点上一只香茅蜡烛,既温馨漂亮,又可以防止蚊虫叮咬。

      3.用作颜料瓶。 只需装一点颜料,随身带着就可以了。玻璃瓶比塑料瓶寿命长,也不容易脏,而且因为是废物利用,所以更经济实用。

      4. 花瓶 - 玻璃瓶可以做成漂亮迷人的花瓶。你可以给瓶子涂上一层颜色,如果喜欢也可以用丝带装饰一番。然后让你的孩子去摘些野花,好了,现在你有了一个漂亮的装饰了。

      5. 零食罐!我总是喜欢把坚果,葡萄干和椰丝这些小零食装在玻璃罐里。这样既保证了食物的新鲜又远离塑料保证食物的安全。

      6. 储钱罐 - 玻璃罐是个很好的储钱罐。只要在盖子上剪开一个可以放零钱的小口,再让你的孩子随心装饰一下罐子就可以了。

      7. 瓶中寻宝 - 把瓶子装满大米,在里面藏一些小东西,比如一枚硬币,一个纸夹,一枚纽扣,一枚珠子,一个小玩具,一颗骰子等等。让孩子找找,看他(她)们能不能找到宝物。当然,玩游戏时要注意照看年龄小的孩子免得发生意外。

      8. 杰克灯- 万圣节的好节目。用遮蔽胶带剪出眼睛,鼻子和嘴的形状,贴到玻璃罐上。把罐子涂成桔黄色,等干了之后撕下胶带。再在罐子里面放一只发光的蜡烛或灯泡就完成了。

      9. 糖果罐 - 孩子们可以随意装饰一番。装上糖果或是其他的零食,作为礼物送给朋友,或者放在茶几上供客人们品尝。

      10. 花盆 - 在小玻璃瓶底铺上鹅卵石,然后装满陶土。种上药草或者花种,放在窗台上等它长成吧。

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 玻璃瓶

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