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      F2F Face-to-Face
      FBKS Failure Between Keyboard and Seat
      FE Fatal Error
      FF&PN Fresh Fields and Pastures New
      FO F*** Off
      FOAF Friend Of A Friend
      FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
      FTL Faster Than Light
      FTTB For The Time Being
      FUBAR F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition
      FUBB F***ed Up Beyond Belief
      FUD (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
      FWIW For What It's Worth
      FYA For Your Amusement
      FYI For Your Information
      FYM For Your Misinformation

      GAL Get A Life
      GG Good Game or Gotta Go
      GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
      GIWIST Gee, I Wish I'd Said That
      GL Good Luck
      GLYASDI God Loves You And So Do I
      GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
      GNBLFY Got Nothing But Love For You
      GR&D Grinning Running And Ducking
      GR8 Great
      GRRRR "Growling"
      GSOAS Go Sit On A Snake
      GTG Got To Go
      GTGB Got To Go, Bye
      GTGP Got To Go Pee
      GTH Go To Hell
      GTSY Glad To See Ya
      GYPO Get Your Pants Off

      HAGO Have A Good One
      HAK Hugs And Kisses
      HB Hurry Back
      HD Hold
      HHO1/2K Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding
      HHOK Ha Ha, Only Kidding
      HIOOC Help! I'm Out of Coffee
      HTH Hope This (That) Helps
      HUA Heads Up Ace
      HUYA Head Up Your A**

      IAC In Any Case
      IAE In Any Event
      IANAC I Am Not A Crook
      IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
      IBT In Between Technology
      IBTD I Beg To Differ
      IC In Character
      IDGAF I Don't Give A F***
      IDGI I Don't Get It
      IDK I Don't Know
      IDKY I Don't Know You
      IDST I Didn't Say That
      IDTS I Don't Think So
      IFAB I Found A Bug
      IFU I F***ed Up
      IGGP I Gotta Go Pee
      IIIO Intel Inside, Idiot Outside
      IIMAD If It Makes An(y) Difference
      IIRC If I Remember Correctly
      IIWM If It Were Me
      ILICISCOMK I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke
      On My Keyboard
      ILY I Love You
      IMHO In My Humble Opinion
      IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
      IMO In My Opinion
      INMP It's Not My Problem
      INPO In No Particular Order
      IOH I'm Outta Here
      IOW In Other Words
      IRL In Real Life
      ISS I Said So
      ITM In The Money
      IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean
      IYSS If You Say So

      J/C Just Checking
      J/K Just Kidding!
      J/W Just Wondering
      JAFO Just Another F***ing Onlooker

      KFY Kiss For You
      KISS Keep It Simple Stupid
      KIT Keep In Touch
      KMA Kiss My Ass
      KWIM Know What I Mean
      KYPO Keep Your Pants On

      L8R Later
      LD Long Distance
      LDTTWA Let's Do The Time Warp Again
      LLTA Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause
      LMAO Laughing My Ass Off
      LMK Let Me Know
      LOL Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots of Luck (or Love)
      LTIC Laughing 'Til I Cry
      LTNS Long Time No See
      LYL Love Ya Lots
      LYLAS Love You Like A Sister

      MHOTY My Hat's Off To You
      MM Market Maker
      MorF Male or Female?
      MOTD Message Of The Day
      MOTSS Members Of The Same Sex
      MTFBWY May The Force Be With You
      MWBRL More Will Be Revealed Later
      MYOB Mind Your Own Business

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn

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