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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2008-02-27 浏览次数: 570
核心提示:21. If you have been indoors, get out and feel the sunshine on your face for 30 seconds- it will elevate your mood quickly (if it is 100 degrees outside then feel the sunshine from a more comfortable temperature if possible). 21. 如果你一直待在室内

      21. If you have been indoors, get out and feel the sunshine on your face for 30 seconds- it will elevate your mood quickly (if it is 100 degrees outside then feel the sunshine from a more comfortable temperature if possible).

      21. 如果你一直待在室内,走出去,感受30秒阳光照在脸上的感觉——这会让你的心情立刻变得好起来(如果外面的气温高达100摄氏度,那么在一个更适宜的温度下去感受阳光)

      22. Say yes to giving a charitable donation at your local merchant when asked (give one more time than you had planned to give).

      22. 如果一个当地的商店请求你做一次慈善捐助时表示同意。(多给一个人一些时间,虽然你本来并不打算如此)

      23. Register to vote. Just fill out a 30 second card! As you follow this or any registration process of your country, determine to take advantage of the opportunity to vote when it comes, if you are able to do so.

      23. 报名参加选举。只需要花30秒时间填写一张卡片。当你这样做的时候,下决心在选举来临时投出这一票。

      24. Plant a seed (or plant a plant or tree if you have the skills to do so this quickly). Imagine if millions did this at once.

      24. 播下一颗种子。(如果你有技巧能迅速完成的话也可以种下一株植物或一棵树)。想想如果数百万的人都马上这样做了的话...

      25. Turn off the lights in a room where you are not (turn off the water when not in use, etc.). Every 30 seconds matters.

      25. 当你不在房间的时候,把灯关掉。(诸如此类,不用水的时候将水龙头关掉。)这样的每一个30秒都不是小事。

      26. Place a bag by your trash and put a recyclable item inside it. Congratulations, you have now started recycling!

      26. 在垃圾桶旁边放一个袋子,然后在里面放一些可回收的小东西。祝贺你,你已经开始回收之旅了。

      27. Stop any bad habit in 30 seconds. Then keep repeating at 30 second intervals.

      27. 在30秒钟内戒掉一个坏习惯。然后每隔30秒重复你做的事情。

      28. Seek out laughter and laugh for 30 seconds. Repeat as needed to release tension.

      28. 寻找笑料,然后大笑30秒。在有必要的时候重复这样做,来缓解紧张气氛。

      29. Drink water.

      29. 喝水。

      30. Imagine for 30 seconds being content with everything you have. Then imagine balancing contentment with striving to continue God's purpose in you, take an attitude of perseverance, and determine to go for it!

      30. 花30秒的时间想象一下你对所拥有的一切都感到满足的情景。然后设想一下如何在感到满足与努力发挥天赋才能之间保持平衡。拥有坚定不移的态度,并且一旦下了决心,就去尽情追逐你的梦想!

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 30秒 改变 世界

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