Castro Absent From Cuba's May Day Celebrations
Ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro has not yet made an appearance at May Day celebrations in Havana Tuesday, despite predictions he might appear in public for the first time since handing over power to his brother Raul last July.
尽管有预测说,古巴总统卡斯特罗可能自去年 7 月将权力移交给他的弟弟劳尔以来首次公开露面,但是健康欠佳的卡斯特罗星期二仍然没有在哈瓦那的五一国际劳动节的庆祝活动中露面。
Cuba held its annual May Day parade has begun, without any sign of the 80-year-old leader.
古巴举行了一年一度的五一节游行,但未看到现年 80 岁的这位领导人的身影。
Mr. Castro published an article Monday urging workers to use Tuesday's marches to protest the release of Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles from a U.S. prison.
Mr. Castro described the exile as a "monster of terrorism." This is his fourth published article in recent weeks.
卡斯特罗称这名流亡者是「恐怖主义恶魔」.这是卡斯特罗最近几个星期发表的第 4 篇文章。
Posada Carriles is wanted in Cuba on suspicion of plotting the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people.
卡里莱斯因涉嫌策划 1976 年炸毁一架古巴民航客机、导致 73 人丧生的事件在古巴受到通缉。