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想苗条?多睡觉,免空调 Sleep loss,air conditioning make us f

放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2006-07-06 浏览次数: 1606

      a number of aspects of modern living -- from lack of sleep to exposure to living with air conditioning -- may be feeding Americans' weight woes.

      Fast food meals and TV time shouldn't take all the blame for the U.S.obesityproblem, according to a research review published Tuesday.

      In fact, a group of researchers contend, a number of aspects of modern living -- from lack of sleep to exposure to living with air conditioning -- may be feeding Americans' weight woes.

      Writing in the International Journal of Obesity, they argue that obesity research and prevention efforts need to look beyond the "Big Two" -- food industry practices, likebeefed-upportion sizes and added sugar; and reduced physical activity from factors such as cuts in school gym classes.

      That's not to say that diet and exercise aren't important. However, the evidence linking obesity to food industry marketing and lack of gym class is circumstantial.

      Lack of sleep is one, they say. Research in animals and humans suggests thatchronicsleep deprivation boosts appetite and eating, and studies also show that U.S. adults and children are sleeping less than they used to. In recent decades, adults have gone from sleeping for an average of 9 hours to about 7 hours, the researchers point out.

      Another factor potentiallyweighing Americans downis air conditioning. The body burns calories when forced to regulate its own temperature, and people tend to eat less in hot, humid weather.

      The report cites 10 potential obesity risk factors in all, including: increased rates of older mothers, whose children may be more prone to excess weight gain; a range of medications, such as antidepressants, which can promote weight gain; and a decrease in smoking rates, because people often gain weight when they quit and the absence of nicotine, an appetite suppressant.

      No one is suggesting that people should stop taking their prescriptions, keep smoking or swelter in the July sun, according to the researcher Allison. When it comes to any one person's weight, he said, "what ultimately matters is calorie intake and calorie expenditure."










      obesity: 过度肥胖

      beefed-up: 加大的,增多的(源于动词词组beef up,指“加强, 补充人数和兵力);例如:beef up the air force(加强空军)

      chronic: of long duration; continuing(长期的;持续的)

      weigh down: 使...过度焦虑

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