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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-12-11
核心提示:Instead of feeling crisp and refreshed, Jesse Wu wakes up sluggish after 12 hours of sleep. Many people will tell you, they sleep a little worse when they sleep a long time on weekends. Too much long sleep on weekends does not seem to make people fe

    Instead of feeling crisp and refreshed, Jesse Wu wakes up sluggish after 12 hours of sleep.

    Many people will tell you, they sleep a little worse when they sleep a long time on weekends. Too much long sleep on weekends does not seem to make people feel better. But the reasons haven't been determined.

    For years, doctors have warned about the dangers of not getting enough shuteye -- traffic accidents, weight gain, decreased productivity and immune protection, but the effects of oversleeping are not well-understood. There isn't medical evidence to recommend that people who sleep long hours should change their habits, Kripke said.

    Daylight saving time ends this Sunday, giving sleepers a bonus hour of sleep.

    Many professionals sleep little on the weekdays (about five hours) and make up for it on weekends, spending eight to 12 hours blissfully hibernating. Sometimes, after a long stretch, they wake up too tired to function.

    This is known as sleep drunkenness, when a person hovers between sleep and wakefulness. In one case, a patient who had sleep drunkenness came to the emergency room because his wife thought he had a stroke.

    Oversleeping once in a while doesn't present serious health risks, experts say.

    But if you habitually sleep excessively, it could be the result of an underlying health problem. And it could be cutting into your life span.

    A 2007 Finnish study found that the mortality risks increased by about 20 percent for people who slept more than eight hours. That same year, a British study found that people who slept five hours or less and those who slept more than eight hours also faced increased risks. Another study showed that people who routinely slept more than eight hours a night had a greater chance of stroke than others with less sleep.

    Scientists say sleep and longevity are somehow associated, but there might be confounding factors.

    Here are possible factors for habitually excessive sleep, known as hypersomnia:

    Problem: Poor-quality sleep

    A person could sleep the recommended amount, but still feel tired because he or she got poor quality sleep.

    The average sleep cycle takes 90 minutes to complete. It starts from stage 1, the lightest sleep, and progresses to deeper levels through stage 4. Then, it continues to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep when the person dreams.

    Problem: Other medical conditions

    Sleep apnea is a major cause of problems, when breathing stops during sleep.

    Another possibility is periodic limb movement disorder, which causes a person to jerk and twitch during sleep, causing disruptions. Depression has also been associated with excessive sleep.

    代替了每天能感觉到的新鲜活力,Jesse Wu 在沉睡了12个小时后醒来。

    许多人会告诉你,他们睡眠雷竞技百科 不好,或者他们在周末睡很长的时间。在周末更多的睡觉并不代表,他们就睡的多好。但是原因究竟是什么,还没有人确定。










    问题:差的睡眠雷竞技百科 。

    一个人可以睡足够长的时间,但是仍然感觉很累,是因为他们的睡眠雷竞技百科 不好。



    睡眠呼吸暂停, 窒息都是主要的问题,也就是说在睡眠的时候突然停止一段时间的呼吸。


关键词: 睡眠 醉酒症 中风
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