Even if it's not a professional but just your spouse willing to rub out all the kinks, realign tendons and work out the knots that plague you from head to toe. While a masseuse is definitely a better option when you're thinking about a full body massage it is a nice gesture from a loved one to try and relieve you of your pain and stresses.
Fears of a Full Body Massage
If every person received a full body massage once every week at minimum, imagine how relaxed the world would be. Who knows, war might dissipate and peace would flourish because all world leaders would be so relaxed and pleased they would have no reason to fight. While that's a dream we could all wish for in reality many people actually have fears of getting a full body massage.
One fear of getting a full body massage that many people have is how the masseuse will judge their bodies. Let's face it, we're not all fit and lean like we'd like to be and some of us get a little uncomfortable with the thought of wearing next to nothing with a complete stranger in the room. In all honesty, though, you shouldn't worry about your body. You could ask nearly any masseuse what they think about while giving a massage and almost all will say they think about helping a person's body feel better, not the size or how much extra weight is on the body.
Another fear people have of full body massages is that it's addicting. It's very true, too. Once you get that ecstasy of your body feeling all right and straight again you'll never want to go back to feeling bent over and frumpy. You have two options: you can either spend the rest of your life getting a full body massage every week or you can start working on losing weight and getting your body in shape through proper diet and exercise which will help relieve a great amount of stress on your body and muscles which will mean you'll feel that ecstasy nearly all the time.
Don't let your fear of a full body massage stop you from having a momentous occasion that could literally change your life around. Either way you choose to go after getting your first full body massage you're going to start feeling tremendously better physically and even mentally as your body starts mending in ways it never could before. Take the time to treat yourself to a full body massage; you'll be glad you did.