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核心提示:Some of the world's greatest leaders, from Napoleon Bonaparte and Winston Churchill to Bill Clinton and Margaret Thatcher, are said to have managed on just four to six hours' sleep a night, whereas the typical teenager finds it difficult to get out

      Some of the world's greatest leaders, from Napoleon Bonaparte and Winston Churchill to Bill Clinton and Margaret Thatcher, are said to have managed on just four to six hours' sleep a night, whereas the typical teenager finds it difficult to get out of bed in less than 10.

      Newborn babies can sleep for up to 18 hours - admittedly at irregular intervals - whereas an elderly person may find it hard to sleep longer than six, although they often have to resort to the odd afternoon nap to make up for what they lacked at night.

      Sleep is the quintessential ingredient of life. Every animal does it at some point in the 24-hour cycle and people who are forcibly deprived of sleep are effectively undergoing torture. But the big unanswered question is how much sleep do we actually need?

      Some people seem happy with four or five hours, although most people would feel sleep-deprived on less than six. Others need a good seven or eight hours of sleep and adolescents are renowned for extended kips.

      So how much sleep is necessary for a healthy mind and body, and does this amount truly need to vary between people and age groups?

      The latest study into sleep may help to resolve the issue with the discovery that certain people in the population carry the smallest of genetic mutations in a gene that appears to play a significant role in deciding just how much sleep human beings need.

      Scientists studied an extended family in California and found that a mother and her daughter shared a life-long habit of rising in the very early hours of the morning with no apparent ill-effects. They routinely went to bed between 10.30pm and 11pm and got up between 4am and 4.30am.

      The researchers took blood samples from all members of the family and analysed their DNA for any signs that could explain this unusual behaviour. The tests revealed that the mother and her daughter did in fact share a tiny "point mutation" in a gene known as hDEC2, which is known to affect the regulation of other genes and has been implicated in the control of sleeping patterns in animals.




      有些人只需四五个小时就心满意足了,虽然大多数人会觉得少于六小时简直就是被剥夺了睡眠的权利。有些人则需要七八小时的雷竞技百科 好的睡眠。青少年则是以睡懒觉出了名的。





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      关键词: 睡眠 英语短文

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