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核心提示:Teenagers who drink heavily are also more likely than their peers to have behavioral problems or symptoms of depression and anxiety, a new study finds. The study, of nearly 9,000 Norwegian teenagers, found that those who said they had been drunk mor

      Teenagers who drink heavily are also more likely than their peers to have behavioral problems or symptoms of depression and anxiety, a new study finds.

      The study, of nearly 9,000 Norwegian teenagers, found that those who said they had been drunk more than 10 times in their lives were more likely to have attention and conduct problems in school. Meanwhile, heavy-drinking girls showed higher rates of depression and anxiety symptoms.

      The findings, published in the online journal Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, are based on a one-time survey. They do not, therefore, show whether the drinking came before or after the teenagers' other problems.

      "We can say that mental health problems (are) closely connected to alcohol drinking and intoxication, but we cannot from these data say anything about which comes first," explained lead researcher Dr. Arve Strandheim, of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

      That said, conduct and attention problems do tend to develop early in childhood, and would be less likely to arise in adolescence, Strandheim told Reuters Health.

      But regardless of whether drinking problems or other issues come first, the bottom line is that parents should be aware that they often go hand-in-hand, according to the researcher.

      The findings are based on a survey of 8,983 13- to 19-year-olds. Eighty percent said they had tried drinking, while 57 percent had gotten drunk at least once.

      Among teens who said they had attention problems at school, roughly 43 percent had been drunk more than 10 times - versus 25 percent of those with little difficulty concentrating in class.

      Similarly, 35 percent of teenagers who acknowledged conduct problems -- getting into fights or clashing with teachers - also admitted to getting drunk frequently. That compared with roughly 27 percent of teens with few conduct problems.

      Anxiety and depression symptoms were also linked to more-frequent drinking binges, but only among girls.

      It's important to intervene early to keep all teenagers from abusing alcohol, Strandheim stressed. However, the researcher said, it may be particularly important to pay attention to girls with signs of depression or anxiety, and all teens with attention problems or behavior issues.




      在特隆赫姆的挪威科技大学工作的主干研究员Arve Strandheim博士解释'我们可以说心里健康问题与饮酒,中毒密切相关。但是从这些数据中,我们还不清楚究竟谁在谁之前".

      Strandheim告知Reuters Health,行为和注意力不集中的问题多出现在儿童早期阶段,不太可能出现在青少年的身上。






      Strandheim 强调,早些介入以阻止所有的青少年饮酒过度是件很重要的事。他还说,注意少女出现忧郁和焦躁的迹象,注意少男少女出现注意力不集中和行为问题就显得尤为重要。

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 青少年 酗酒 抑郁

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