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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-07-08
核心提示:The ability to understand what is heard (receptive language) is still growing faster than speech (expressive language). At 16 months, your toddler is using mostly single words. The bulk of these words are nouns, but she can use adjectives like h

    The ability to understand what is heard (receptive language) is still growing faster than speech (expressive language). At 16 months, your toddler is using mostly single words. The bulk of these words are nouns, but she can use adjectives like "hot," verbs like "want" and "go" or even questions, such as "whadda?"

    Words represent thoughts and serve as actual sentences. "Car" may mean, "We're going for a ride". The first two-word sentences are pieced together with the words said together but not really connected, as "Boy. Run."

    You will observe that our toddler talks at least as much to herself as to other people. She may appear astonished when someone responds to this self-talk.

    Receptive language is learned mainly in the home--in a context of feelings and actions which coincide with objects, people, and their gestures.

    When Daddy says, "Come here," he holds out his arms to receive your child. When you say "Give it to me," you reach out to accept the object. When you hold the cup to your toddler's lips, you say, "Drink your milk."

    In other words, your toddler's receptive language is the product of simple associations which have been going on since she was about six months old.

    Imitation plays a big role in the life of your toddler. She uses it for learning new words. You say, "See the monkey," and your toddler echoes the word "monkey." Or your toddler points to an object and you or your husband supply its name.

    There is a snowballing effect in learning language--the more a child is able to speak, the more she learns to speak. Once your toddler discovers this power of speech, she has a new style of behaving and dealing with her world. She demonstrates this mastery by manipulating the adults in her life. And they generally love it!





    当爸爸说"Come here"(过来一下)时,他一定会张开双臂,准备把宝宝报起来。你说"Give it to me"(给我)时,也会伸出手去接你要的东西。如果你把杯子递到孩子嘴边,你还会说"Drink your milk"(喝奶吧).


    模仿在宝宝的生活中起着重要作用,孩子可通过模仿而掌握新词。如果你说"See the monkey"(看看这只猴子),那么孩子会跟着说monkey.或者当孩子指着某物时,你或孩子的爸爸要及时说出该物品的名称。


关键词: 婴幼儿 学语言
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