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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-06-26 浏览次数: 930
核心提示:In a report in the journal Current Biology, researchers claim that the brain interprets a tool, such as a hammer, as a temporary extention of your physical body. 研究者们发表在《当代生物》(Current Biology)杂志上的一篇报道称,大脑把工具(比如锤子)

      In a report in the journal Current Biology, researchers claim that the brain interprets a tool, such as a hammer, as a temporary extention of your physical body.

      研究者们发表在《当代生物》(Current Biology)杂志上的一篇报道称,大脑把工具(比如锤子)认为是我们身体的一个临时延伸。

      Tools Are Body Parts To Brain

      If all you have is a hammer, they say that everything looks like a nail. But when you use that hammer, it looks like your arm-to your brain, anyway. A report in the June 23rd issue of the journal Current Biology shows that the brain interprets tools as just an extension of your physical self.

      To move our bodies around in space, the brain builds what's called a "body schema," a representation of all our various parts. And this so-called schema is frequently updated to keep up with our ever-changing bodies. Otherwise, you'd think you were still a bitty baby. Now scientists have taken this body-image overhaul a step further. They've shown that when we use a tool, even for a few minutes, the brain sees it as a temporary body part.

      Subjects were asked to pick up a block. They then used a long, mechanical grabber to pick up the same block. Then they tried to snag the block barehanded again. And it took longer than their initial grab. That's because they were briefly behaving like their arms were still augmented. So next time you feel like a total tool, you might just be hitting the nail on the head.


      如果你手头仅仅只有锤子的话,那么每样东西看起来都像是钉子。不过,对你的大脑来说,当你使用锤子的时候,锤子就像是你手臂的一部分。发表在6月23日的《当代生物》(Current Biology)杂志上的一篇报道表明,大脑认为工具是身体的一种延伸。




      Interpret: 解释

      Hammer: 锤子


      Extention: 扩展

      Nail: 钉子

      Representation: 表现;代表


      Bitty: 零散的;支离破碎的

      Overhaul: 大修;改造

      Snag: (名词)问题;(动词)抓住;抢先获得

      Barehanded: 徒手的

      Augment: 增大


      hit the nail on the head这个习语的意思是"一语中的;切中要害".

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 大脑 观点 工具 身体

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