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核心提示:Some bloggers, I think most of them reflect some of their inner feelings through their writing. Most bloggers more or less use self-disclosure, a process by which an individual shares his or her feelings, thoughts, experiences, or information with o

      Some bloggers, I think most of them reflect some of their inner feelings through their writing. Most bloggers more or less use self-disclosure, a process by which an individual shares his or her feelings, thoughts, experiences, or information with others. Self disclosure leads to gain of acquaintance or even develops intimate relationships with others. Witnessed this a couple of time. Posts with a high level of self-disclosure evokes more comments and more subscriptions to your blog. Therefore, self-disclosure may help bloggers to both maintain existing human relations and extend their human network, increase their social capital. More social capital contributes to more sense of well-being.

      The question is whether more self-disclosure leads to more social capital and subjective well being.

      The answer to this important question comes from a recent study to be published inCyberpsychology and Behavior.

      It appears that as bloggers share their inner thoughts of their moods/feelings with others through writing, they may gain greater social support and improve their social integration. Therefore, self-disclosure through blogging may serve as the core of building intimate relationships. Furthermore, social capital, built through blogging, may improve a blogger's satisfaction with his or her social contact, interpersonal communication, and overall quality of life.

      How was this study done?

      This study targets the student groups that comprise the majority of journal blog users in Taiwan (n=569). We employed a questionnaire to collect data, which were then analyzed using structural equation modeling. All items selected for the constructs were adapted from prior research to ensure content validity, the last of which consisted of 43 self-reported items. A pretest and a pilot test were also conducted to validate the instrument and further test the feasibility of this research.

      These studied bloggers expressed their mood and feelings very often, and most of their audience come from their classmates and friends in real life (classmates 88.76%, friends 77.68%). This way they can improve their existing relationships in real life. Moreover, audiences interacting with bloggers include lurking strangers (32.55%) and online friends (38.76%), suggesting that self-disclosure behavior can help people turn latent relations into weak ties and expand their social networks.

      Is this important?

      The trouble is that blogging adolescent students from Taiwan are hardly the core of bloggers in the world. Other influences such as motivation, personality, problems were not included in this study. I think generalizability to other cultures, age groups is hard. The studied population is very different from this old grumpie psychiatrist blogging.

      What do you think?

      Self-disclosure can certainly improve your blogging experience to my opinion what do you think?




      (研究结果)表明当网志作者通过书写网志来与其他人分享自己的情绪或者感受时,他们将会获得更多的社会支持,并能提高他们的社会融合能力。因此,通过网志书写进行的自我表露可能是建立一个亲密关系的核心。更进一步,通过书写网志获得的社会资本可能会提高网志作者对他自身的社会联系、人际沟通以及整体生活雷竞技百科 的满意度。



      此项研究中的被试经常表他们的情绪和感受,大部分的来访者是他们现实生活中的同学和朋友(同学88.76%, 朋友77.68%,这是两个让人很难接受的数据,不知道怎么理解,下面两个也一样).通过这样一种方式他们可以提高他们在现实生活中的人际关系。更多的是,与网志作者进行交流的来访者还包括潜在的陌生人(32.55%)和网友(38.76%),这就意味着自我表露行为将帮助人们将潜在的关系转变为弱连接,并能拓展他们的社会网络。





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