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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-06-09 浏览次数: 1251
核心提示:Some animals frighten off predators with coloring that makes them look much bigger. Foe example, peacock butterflies have big eye spots on their wings. The kea of New Zealand is a parrot that eats flesh as well as fruits. It was once wrongly thought

      Some animals frighten off predators with coloring that makes them look much bigger. Foe example, peacock butterflies have big eye spots on their wings.

      The kea of New Zealand is a parrot that eats flesh as well as fruits. It was once wrongly thought to be a sheep killer.

      Termites are champion builders. They make mud nests up to four times taller than a man. There many are as many as 5 million termites in a single nest!

      Butterflies and some insects cope with the cold and lack of food in winter by going into a kind of suspended animation called diapauses.

      Some animals frighten off predators with coloring that makes them look much bigger. Foe example, peacock butterflies have big eyespots on their wings.

      The army ants have no home. They keep on moving and eating everything they get in their way. The thing can include even humans. A swarm of army ants can be up to 20 million strong!

      Some animals use camouflage to hide in the surroundings. Zebras have stripes that make easy to see them. But when they move, the stripes blur their outlines and confuse predators.

      Squirrels bury dozens of stories of nuts in autumn to feed on during winter. They have a remarkable memory, as they are able to find each store when they need it.

      In the USA there is a sea hospital where injured manatees are given lifejackets to wear. They help them to stay afloat while they get better.

      In china there lives an endangered river dolphin. It is almost blind and uses sound to find its food. The sounds of boats in the river confuse it and it swims the wrong way – many times into the fishing nets!

      Attempts to breed pandas have largely. For example, Washington Zoo's giant panda. Ling birth too many cubs in the 1970s and 1980d, but the cubs died very soon after the birth.

      Squids can change their color to blend in with new surroundings.

      Meerkats stand on their hind legs and give a shrill call to alert other Meerkats to dangers

      Armadillos curl up inside their body armor

      Hedgehogs, porcupines and echidnas protect themselves with sharp quills

      Skunks and stinkpot turtles give off foul smell to keep away predators

      Plovers pretend be injured to lure hunters away from their young

      Kangaroo rats and rabbits thump their feet to send out warning signals

      When in danger, an octopus sends out a cloud of inky black fluid. Some times the ink cloud is the same shape of the octopus and fools a predator to chase the cloud.

      The lubber grasshopper oozes a foul smelling fluid from its mouth and thorax to keep the predator away

      When attacked, swallowtail caterpillars whip out a smelly forked gland from a pocket behind their head and hit their attacker with it

      When a danger threatens a gorilla troop, the adult male stands upright, pounds his hands against his chest, and bellows loudly

      1 新西兰的食肉鹦鹉是一种既吃肉类也吃果类的鹦鹉。它曾经被误认为是一种绵羊杀手。

      2 白蚁是冠军建设者。 他们作出泥巢的高度是一名男子身高的四倍。 一个的泥巢住着多达5百万的白蚁



      5 军蚁没有家。 他们不停的行走和吃掉路上得到的一切。 他们甚至还吃人。 一窝蜂的军蚁可以达到两千万倍强!

      6.一些动物使用伪装隐藏在周围的环境中。 斑马具有条纹,很容易被看到。 但当他们搬迁时,模糊的条纹让掠食者混淆。

      7 松鼠在秋天储存许多坚果,在冬季进食。 他们有很好的记忆,所以他们能够找到每份存储当需要它的时候。

      8在美国,有一个海边的医院给受伤的海牛穿救生衣。 救生衣能帮助他们在康复的时候也能漂浮着。










      18章鱼则散发出云状的黑液体。 有时黑液体是和章鱼同样形状,误导让捕猎者去追逐墨云。




      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 鸟类 动物 危险

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