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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-04-10 浏览次数: 1315
核心提示:Short, brief and direct to the point. Dont be proud of saying sorry. Dont ever try to kick a dog or a cat. Dont asks her if she could pay for the date. Wait for her to say it, she can sense it if you need some help or not. Dont try to rush her decis

      Short, brief and direct to the point.

      Don’t be proud of saying sorry.

      Don’t ever try to kick a dog or a cat.

      Don’t asks her if she could pay for the date. Wait for her to say it, she can sense it if you need some help or not.

      Don’t try to rush her decision. She knows what, when and how to make one.

      Don’t lie. Be honest. If she asks you, “Do I look fat?” Don’t sugar coat her looks. She really appreciates it when a guy tells her straight through her face.

      Don’t let her walk on the subway alone or anywhere where you know she’s in danger.

      Don’t curse in front of her, or at least minimize the use of slang language when you’re with her.

      Don’t wait for her to call you or come to you. You have to initiate and make a move to come to her.

      Don’t ever try to check out another girl in front of her, in front of her best-friend or her group of friends.

      Don’t try to fix her. Just listen attentively.


      1. 不要觉得说对不起是了不起的事。

      2. 永远不要用脚踢狗和猫。

      3. 约会的时候,不要问她能不能买单。等她先提出来,如果你为难的话,她能感觉到。

      4. 不要催她做出决定。她知道什么时候决定,怎样决定和做什么决定。

      5. 不要撒谎,要诚实。如果她问,“我看起来胖吗?”不要对她的外表撒谎,她会感谢男生坦率的发表意见。

      6. 不要让她一个人在地铁上走,或者任何危险的地方一个人走。

      7. 不要在她面前骂人,至少和她在一起的时候,尽量少用脏话。

      8. 不要等她喊你或者等她走过来。你必须主动走过去。

      9. 永远不要在她面前或者她的朋友面前看着别的女孩。

      10. 不要纠正她的错误,认真听就行了

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 男生 事情 英语 短文

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