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核心提示:Most teenagers spend a certain amount of time on a computer on a daily bases. You take every precaution possible to ensure that they are staying within the limits when they are chatting. The computer is set up in the living room so you feel somewhat

      Most teenagers spend a certain amount of time on a computer on a daily bases. You take every precaution possible to ensure that they are staying within the limits when they are chatting. The computer is set up in the living room so you feel somewhat safe that your child is staying within the boundaries. Don’t get to comfortable; kids have their ways of outsmarting the smartest parent.

      Did you realize that the acronyms they use may be saying things that are far out of the boundaries you’ve set for them? They have a special lingo when they text or chat and you don’t know what’s taking place. In some cases it’s too late when you find out. Here are a few explanations that will help you distinguish what is being said.

      Nifoc- This is one that would take the smartest parent to find out. It means “naked in front of computer”. This may not necessarily be true but teens do like to tease at time.

      There are many codes that teens use for the parent if they are near their child such as CD9- Code9, means parents are around. MOS- Mom over shoulder. P911- Parent emergency. PAW- Parents are watching. PIR- parents in room. POS- parent over shoulder. PRW- Parents are watching.

      Then there are the more serious codes that every parent should know such as A/S/L- Age, sex, location. GNOC- Get naked on cam. (L)MIRL- (Lets) meet in real life. MorF- Male or female? PRON- Porn. TDTM- Talk dirty to me. Warez- Pirated software.

      Some of the lingo is really harmless such as BF/GF- Boyfriend, girlfriend. BRB- Be right back. G2G- Got to go. IDK- I don’t know. LOL- Laugh out loud. Noob- Often used as an insult for someone who doesn’t know much about the topic discussed. NMU- not much, you? S2R- send to receive pictures. W/E- Whatever.

      These are but a few of the acronyms that a teenager could use while chatting online. They are changing the codes at an amazing rate to stay ahead of the parent. If you want to see more than six thousand codes used by some teens you can go to www.Teenchatdecoder.com but keep in mind that kids can and will adapt to keep what their saying a secret. Not all teens will do this but for those of you that are a little suspicious it is worth checking out.

      If you think you’re snooping, well, you’re right but sometimes in the interest of your child you will have to snoop. Just keep in mind that kids use short hand when chatting or texting and if you are not on top of this then the kids will leave you far behind. For the sake of the children it is well worth it to learn their online language and to snoop.




      还有一些密语是当父母在附近的时候使用的。比如 CD9——9号密码,意思是父母就在附近,MOS——妈妈正在看着,P911——紧急父母情况。


      还有一些更严重的密语,家长们也应该知道。例如A/S/L-年纪,性别,地址。GNOC——裸聊。(L)MIRL——让我们见面吧,MorF-是男是女?PRON- 色情。TDTM-对我说点带色的。Warez——盗版软件。


      设和未成年人网上聊天的密语很少,他们以令人惊奇的速度更新着这些密语以迷惑自己的家长。 如果你想了解6000多条此类的密语,可以登录www.Teenchatdecoder.com去看看。不过要记住,他们不但有能力,而且也会保持自己谈话的隐秘性。不是所有的孩子都这样,不过要是你的孩子有一点嫌疑,还是值得检查一下的。


      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 孩子 电子语言

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