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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-02-16 浏览次数: 1370
核心提示:Breaking up is never easy. Here are some tips to help you get through this very painful time. For more detailed information about surviving a break up, you may want to read my article, Break-ups: How To Survive Them * Acknowledge the loss * Let your

      Breaking up is never easy. Here are some tips to help you get through this very painful time. For more detailed information about surviving a break up, you may want to read my article, Break-ups: How To Survive Them

      * Acknowledge the loss
      * Let yourself feel your feelings
      * Be with the pain
      * Know that you are not alone
      * Get help if you need it
      * Give yourself time to heal
      * Remember that the healing process has its progressions and regressions
      * Breathe!
      * Get lots of rest
      * Stick to your schedule
      * Keep decision-making to a minimum
      * It's OK to go through the motions in slow motion
      * It's OK to need comforting
      * Seek the support of others
      * Find ways to be touched and hugged
      * Find others who have survived a similar loss
      * Surround yourself with things that are alive
      * Know that Sundays are the worst
      * Earlier losses may surface
      * Be gentle with yourself
      * Heal at your own pace
      * It's OK to feel afraid, depressed, angry, guilty, or anything else that you feel
      * Feed yourself nutrious food
      * Remember, you're vulnerable
      * Pamper yourself
      * Keep a journal
      * Let yourself heal fully
      * Affirm yourself
      * Laugh!
      * Let go of the loss
      * Praise yourself for having the courage to relate
      * Start anew
      * Invite new people into your life
      * Develop new interests, and reconnect with your old ones
      * Connect with old friends


      * 直面失恋的现状
      * 尽情体会自己的感受
      * 心痛既来之则安之
      * 须知你并不孤独
      * 如果需要,尽管求助于人
      * 给自己充分的时间去恢复
      * 谨记恢复过程必然有进有退
      * 呼吸放松!
      * 充分休息
      * 恪守自制的时间表
      * 尽可能不留给自己做决定的机会
      * 如果进展缓慢,这很正常
      * 如果觉得需要被安慰,这也很正常
      * 寻求他人的支持
      * 设法接受别人的抚摸和拥抱
      * 去找和你具有类似失恋遭遇的人
      * 使自己处于有朝气的事物中间
      * 当知礼拜天才是最糟的日子
      * 失恋的痛苦可能会重现
      * 对自己友善一些
      * 顺其自然地恢复
      * 如果感到害怕、沮丧、气愤、内疚或有其他感受,这都没什么
      * 吃营养的东西
      * 谨记,你是脆弱的
      * 放纵一下自己
      * 写写日记
      * 让自己充分恢复
      * 坚信自己
      * 笑起来!
      * 让失恋随它去吧
      * 鼓足勇气把心里话讲出来
      * 从新开始
      * 邀请新面孔走进你的生活
      * 发展一些新爱好,并重新拾起旧的爱好
      * 联系一下老友

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 摆脱 失恋 痛苦

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