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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2009-01-21 浏览次数: 2296
核心提示:It's perfectly natural to hold shallow thoughts. However, this becomes unnatural when this is all a person has to fill their life. By offering more and caring about the truly important matters in life, you will get so much more in return. There is a

      It's perfectly natural to hold shallow thoughts. However, this becomes unnatural when this is all a person has to fill their life. By offering more and caring about the truly important matters in life, you will get so much more in return.

      There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting excited about the smaller things in life. If waiting for your monthly magazine subscription or looking forward to your favourite television programme puts a smile on your face, then that's a good thing. What's not so great is when deeply shallow people don't have anything more to offer. They also have nothing more to gain.

      Take a leaf out of Craig Busch and Karen Grey Brook's book. They run Zion Wildlife Garden's in New Zealand, a renowned sanctuary for big cat's. Both are unbelievably inspirational and highly dedicated individuals who, for four years lived in one bedroom ex-quarantine facility in the park. They are a publicly funded organisation which allows them to preserve such a remarkable species. No doubt they enjoy the simple things in life but that's ok because they possess such a giving nature that the rewards themselves reap the benefits.

      Those who hold no significant meaning or value just simply end up coasting through life. Some may feel fine with this but those who constantly feel empty won't achieve fulfilment unless they do something about it. There are many ways in which we can all make a difference, even if it isn't something on a grand scale. Some times in life, the best things are the simple things.

      Making a difference doesn't necessarily mean having to spend a lot of money or give up too much valuable free time, maybe even none at all. Find something that you feel passionate about and persevere with it. Trust me, it will make your life seem full. There isn't really such a thing as a selfless act but that's ok. Just by carrying out a good deed, it's still a good deed even if it makes you feel good about yourself. In my opinion, it's even better because not only do you help someone else but you help yourself too and there's nothing wrong with that.

      If everyone in the world only cared about superficial things such as designer labels, fancy cars, posh houses, etc, it would be a very selfish and uncaring society. Yet if a person was to also care about deeper things in life such as poverty, child and animal cruelty, homelessness, etc, then it would make caring about shallow things seem less insignificant.

      So, start by donating some of those superficial possessions to charity, volunteer at a shelter, help those less fortunate because if the shoe was on the other foot, wouldn't you want to live in a more caring society and be helped by those luckier than yourself?



      从Craig Busch 和Karen Grey Brook合著的书中取出一片叶子。他们经营着新西兰锡安野生动植物园,一个饲养着大型猫科动物的著名圣地。他们在野生动植物园的卧室(前检疫设施)生活了四年,他们是具有难以相信的灵感和强烈献身精神的个体。他们是一个充许他们保护这一异常的物种的公共资助的组织。毫无疑问他们喜欢生活中简单的事情,但是这很好,因为他们如此沉浸在给予自然界的工作中,以至于他们也获得了收益。




      所以,从捐赠一些肤浅的财产给慈善机关和在,避难所的志愿者开始吧!帮助这些不太幸运的人,让其它的人要是穿了鞋子, 难道你不想生活在一个拥有更多关爱的社会和得到比你幸运的这些人的帮助吗?

      更多翻译详细信息请点击: http://www.trans1.cn
      关键词: 实现 成就感

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